I just had my right knee replaced yesterday (1/9/23) and hope to get the other knee done by this summer. So far so good I think. I can't quite get my leg straight and still tough to bend but that's expected. PT came to the house today and the exercises seemed gentle enough and she didn't force my leg anywhere. Even taking the pain med, the knee is not making me happy. I know I have staples and he used a tourniquet but I haven't seen my leg at all yet as he wants the wrap to stay on until Friday. I had trouble sleeping and had to get up and take more pain meds and decided to camp out in the recliner where I got a few more hours of sleep.
I like to get up and walk a bit every hour or so because it seems to feel good. I can't tell for sure if the nerve block has worn off but it's definitely hurting more than right after surgery. My strong med is prescribed every 6 hours but I feel like I might need it every 5.
It also hurts it more to have it elevated about my heart - like my toes go sleep and the knee aches more. I have to alternate doing that. I have the ice machine going as well when I'm seated/lying down. They staff didn't seem all that into the ice machines - no idea why.
I like to get up and walk a bit every hour or so because it seems to feel good. I can't tell for sure if the nerve block has worn off but it's definitely hurting more than right after surgery. My strong med is prescribed every 6 hours but I feel like I might need it every 5.
It also hurts it more to have it elevated about my heart - like my toes go sleep and the knee aches more. I have to alternate doing that. I have the ice machine going as well when I'm seated/lying down. They staff didn't seem all that into the ice machines - no idea why.