Terri, aka, Abunnybabe, Aka Mein Dumplink Recovers

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Bunny dumplink i'll take the psych coming in, I had a priest appear in my room in January. Now that was scarey
I also had the chaplain come in my room.......it was a couple of weeks after my knee surgery. I was in the hospital with a heart problem. He came in and prayed for me, all the while I was sleeping. My daughter told me about it. I think that he must have thought I was terminal!!:shk:
Hahaha, that reminds me of my experience with the chaplain when I was 21. The nurse had given me a suppository and told me to walk for 15 minutes, or until I badly needed to "go." So I'd been walking the hall, then went back to my room to do my thing. There was the chaplain wanting to chat. I was so shy and couldn't tell him why I was so antsy. :blush:
Ohhh, Pat...now THAT'S a funny story!!!
Well, I have to say that I have been sleeping very well. This is odd for me because I never used to sleep good at all, I used to take ambien all the time. I quit taking it about 2 weeks pre-op, now I just take a benadryl and sleep all night. Well, at least till it's time to tinkle, then I wake up to full blown pain, about 6am, because more than 4-6 hours have passed since last pain med. Don't you just hate that? Hubby usually hears me moaning and wakes up and gets me my meds, but then it's hard to fall back asleep. At least the pain is less than it was 2 weeks ago.
Oh Pat!!! Hahahhaha~~~ The priest must have really thought you were full of it! :wahey::rotfl:
Oooops, I hate when I reply to a post on the wrong page, makes no sense. Sorry.
LMAO about the suppository incident!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:
Hey Terri glad you are moving along...........) great hubby there............)im looking for the suppository story......lol
Thanks KIm, the suppository story almost make me spit on my laptop. The closest I can come to that is when PT was "assisting" my ROM in rehab, and I said oh, don't push that hard or there will be an accident, he asked me if I had to urinate, I said no. just man! Too many stool softeners there!
Thanks KIm, the suppository story almost make me spit on my laptop. The closest I can come to that is when PT was "assisting" my ROM in rehab, and I said oh, don't push that hard or there will be an accident, he asked me if I had to urinate, I said no. just man! Too many stool softeners there!

I am kind of glad I never became a physical therapist. Dangerous work!

Get back get back,she's going to blow,,,,, wait,,that was working with dynamite I guess,,sorry about that.
Thanks Mark, I can always count on you for a laugh. I miss that hospital dynamite. I may never go again.
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