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Feb 28, 2009
Hi Folks,
Firstly I have a minor cold and I have got a bit of fluid from synuses which is at the back of my throat. I also have a yuck taste/smell in my mouth. I went to the dentist last week (before this started) and he didn't see or observe any need for fillings etc....has anyone else had a taste in their mouth from synus draining ....im concerned that maybe theres an underlying dental issue that hasn't shown itself. I certainly am swallowing quite a lot from the synus thing and perhaps thats the taste that I'm getting but equally Im unsure.

Do you think I need to go to the doctor/dentist?
The odds are it's from your sinuses Rachel - you can even get aching teeth when you have a sinus infection. The roots of your upper molars are VERY close to your sinus cavities.
I'd probably take an anti-histamine to ease the sinus pain/drainage and see if that makes any difference. If not - then head for your doctor.
Did your dentist take x-rays last week to check under any old fillings?

Perfect answer, Peta!
No, I wondered about the x rays when this taste started...just yesterday...I'll get some antihistamines tomorrow and see if that makes a difference......and if not I'll be back to the dentist GRRRR.
Hope it's fixed with the antihistamines Rachel.

Chris :)
Sorry to hear you're having sinus problems. Hope the antihistamine clears it up. If not, the xrays are probably a good idea as part of a really thorough check up.

Stay calm.....you'll be on the other side of the surgery soon!
Rachel,,,,,,How are you feeling today? Have the anti-
Histamine helped at all? Hope you're doing a lot better! :)
i feel ok, just running a low grade fever.37.5 degrees and the like ..I had to work today so Im only getting to the chemist now (5pm)...so Ill let you know. I've got a doctors appointment tomorrow to get a medical assessment and then Ill aim to get some dental xrays...
The taste is a bit metallic ish...and then its just yuck. I think it is sinus, as when I swallow I get a taste of it in the swallow...if that makes sense....
becoming more convinced that its sinus. Nose is driving me nuts now and the taste has decreased a bit....am i trying to convince myself....? Fever is still there but not spiking as often after the panadol wears off. Off to the doctor in an hour and I'll see what she thinks.
Could be allergies, too! Keep us posted!!
Went tp the gp, she feels sure that the taste is sinus related....she could see mucus on the back of my throat....I didn't need her to tell me it was there! LOL ...I feel fairly ordinary, like i want to blob or sleep or both. I rang dentist and left a message...
Frustration, my sinuses are driving me nuts, the whole of my face from my upper teeth up, is congested ...my eyes ache, headache.....etc
Any suggestions for instand Cold cure....you could get a nobel prize for this....
I know this sounds gross, Rachel, but have you tried snorting warm salt water up one nostril and letting it run out the other? I haven't done it, but I know several people who have and swear by it!
In a nettie cup! And boy does it sound gross!!! :)
Apart from the anti-histamines, try using Fess nasal spray. It's a non-medicated, saline solution spray (from any large pharmacy) and it works! You can use it as often as you like during the day to clear out the mucus.
But make sure you take the anti-histamines cos they will/should ease a lot of the symptoms you've described. Feel better...........! :)

I'm with Peta....antihistamines.....

Or....an old remedy.....put about 3 inches of water in a large pot and bring to a boil. Drop 2-3 tablespoons of Vicks VapoRub into the water and let it boil. Put a towel over your head so that the steam goes to your face (not too close....don't want a burn) and just breathe in the medicated steam for as long as you can stand it.....up to about 5 minutes. That sometimes works for me.
I'm with Peta....antihistamines.....

Or....an old remedy.....put about 3 inches of water in a large pot and bring to a boil. Drop 2-3 tablespoons of Vicks VapoRub into the water and let it boil. Put a towel over your head so that the steam goes to your face (not too close....don't want a burn) and just breathe in the medicated steam for as long as you can stand it.....up to about 5 minutes. That sometimes works for me.

Jamie..........! Boy that brought back some memories! That's what my mum used to get us to do when we were kids! And it DID work, didn't it?
I'd forgotten all about that until now! :)
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