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Tasting things through your IV

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BigDog Mom

Mar 6, 2008
United States
Hey All,
I thought I would check to see if there were fellow weird ones out there? I first noticed it in June when I was in the hospital for a DVT. If they pushed anything, including saline, through my IV line too quickly, I could taste it. The docs commented that it was rare and also genetic.
Well today I went for my stress test for clearance for my surgery and when they pushed through the medication, I could taste it!!

Jo did you have any patients like this?
Any others out there??

Just curious, though I am going to start to say something to the nurses about pushing things too quickly - it is not a pleasant sensation.


I had a feeding tube going into my stomach several years back. It was only used for about a week but was kept in for the 6 weeks that I was in the hospital. A couple of times a week, the nurse would come in and shoot cranberry juice through the tube to keep the tube clean and working in case I needed it again. The nurses would ask if I could taste the juice because others had commented that they could. I could not taste it but always thought that was kind of funny! They always gave me the juice that was left over and that, I could taste. :D Karen
Often! To distract his patients as he put them under, one anaesthetist would tell his patients to watch for the taste of onions in their mouth! Most of them would manage to say they could before they were finally overcome! And it was true! When he anaesthetised me, I could taste onions. I don't think it's all that uncommon - people just don't remember it to talk about it.
On a related note, I'm not sure if it was the meds or what, but for about a month after my first THR in mid July nothing tasted right when I ate. I have forever and always, and now again, loved peanut butter sandwiches but during that time they tasted like a lawn chemical sandwich. Other foods and drinks too, like OJ...bleccch.
It's amazing how much medications can affect your sense of taste. Many drugs do.
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