Tapering medication

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Apr 25, 2009
Wisconsin United States
I am wondering how to determine when to taper off the pills. I keep thinking of Jo's chart and about staying on top of the pain. So I keep taking my pills on schedule ( Tylenol AR and Ibuprofen) right on schedule even though there are times when I feel I could wait longer or do without. Yet there are times when I know I need them.

Also, I am at 8 weeks and wonder if that is too soon to try something like this. I don't want to have to play catch up with any pain.
Lakelover, I would suggest if you have no pain on your current schedule, try lengthening the time between doses or the dosage amount slightly and see what happens for a day. If you are still pain free, try a little longer between dosage or a smaller amount. As long as you don't stop abruptly, you shouldn't have any trouble taking care of any pain that might come about by just going back to your original dose.

But you are still very early in recovery, so don't be surprised that you need to stay on this schedule for a while longer. And, as you CAN lessen pills, you may have to go back to it now and then if you get pain from increased activity.
Thanks, I will play it by ear then. You can tell I am a very structured person who needs all my ducks in a row, can't you? Comes from 38 years of being a teacher and having to be very organized and having to be in control of a class of kids at all times. Just the way I am, but hoping to relax eventually.
If the otc pills are helping, why give them up? You're STILL early days! Give yourself more time! :)
[Bonesmart.org] Tapering medication
Yeah, Lake.......practice chillin' ..... much easier on your nerves.
Lake, you don't need to taper off Tylenol and ibuprofen! You can just stop taking them when circumstances are right. I think you're muddling them up with narcotics which these are most definitely not.

And yes, 8 weeks is FAR too soon to be even giving that a thought. I'm now almost 9 weeks and haven't even considered it. Last night I had a rough(ish) night again so took a top-up of Tramadol at 3am (which is a narcotic!) and will again for several weeks. Like you, I am mostly taking Tylenol (or as we in the UK call it, paracetamol) for routine need.
I continue to take Aleve in the AM and PM daily. Helps with the rest of my body and my knees. I had BTKR surgery 6/18/08 my year anniversary is coming up next month.
I want to be where that puppy is............... Its ok lake you will be fine we are always here for you..join me at 3 am wont you ...lil joke !!!!!! I am always here then
Lake, you don't need to taper off Tylenol and ibuprofen! You can just stop taking them when circumstances are right. I think you're muddling them up with narcotics which these are most definitely not.

Jo, I am on your side that it is probably way too soon to completely stop pain meds for Lake.

But, I was suggesting the tapering off as a means to see if any pain was still present. Lake was worried about having pain if she stopped or cut down. So it wasn't really like the NEED to taper off narcotics to me.....just a way for her to reduce them without worrying about pain setting in and having to catch up with it.

Am I off track with this idea???
Jo--I didn't know Tramadol was a narcotic. However, in researching it, it appears that you are correct. Nevertheless, I am in this tapering off period at 6 weeks and it's good to hear that others are still on meds in the 1-3 month range. I sometimes feel like I should be off the prescription stuff, but it still really helps with pain and it allows me to be very active.
Ah - okay! Now it seems like I am getting paranoid about the addiction thing!

There is a fine line between taking them regularly and taking them when needed. In the early days I was taking them regularly but as time wore on, I'd find there were occasions when I missed a dose, especially at night. Waking up to take them and find I was really truly ok so turned over and went back to sleep again. When I reached that point, then I'd find I could also leave my first dose of the day till later and later. In the end I was just kind of playing it by ear. I now find there are days when I take nothing but still leave my dose on the bedside table beside a drink so I can take it if the need arises. At the moment it's about 50/50.

For instance, having been to the gym midday yesterday, I took the paracetamol an hour before and was fine for the rest of the day. Needed to take some Tram at 3am because I woke with a nagging ache. Nothing more all day but did a fare bit of shopping so by 10pm, needed something then and again at 4am. Did a little gardening today and have just taken another dose!

In other words, play around with it when your pain begins to diminish but whatever you do, don't let the pain get too bad before you medicate.
What you're doing is what I was trying to suggest. Guess I didn't do a very good job of communicating it!! We are on the same wavelength, Jo. Thanks!!! Just wanted to be sure I wasn't giving any bum scoops to people!! I'd get that wet noodle lashing from My Favorite Nurse if THAT happened!! Ouchie!!!
You couldn't, Jamie! You're much too sensible for that!
Hi lake how are you doing today? Just thought I would check in. Dont you live on a lake..as well, I remember the one picture of you outside But no lake !!!..lol....Kim
After reading these posts, I don't now if I have a high threshold for pain or a great surgeon. I gave up oxycodone 2 days after surgery and now only use 1 percoset at night and tylenol arthritis in the day. I am 58 and one week post surgery. I know I took a risk going cold turkey off the oxycodone but it was way too strong and my brain couldn't takeit. I think you have to find a balance --is it discomfort or pain? I found that my knee had discomfort but not so much pain. does that make sense? i am experimenting with darvocet for PT tomorrow --i'll see
Due to the multinational nature of this TKR, I have been all over the place on meds. Hydrocodone, oxycodone, darvocet, and now codeine phosphate. this little country runs out of stuff and I have to take whatever they still have in stock.

I asked my OS's office several days ago about getting off the pain meds, and they told me not to do it until I saw how I felt at six weeks. I don't much like the stuff, but it does help the pain. I know for sure when it fades, especially at night. I wake up with this bone deep ache that feels like it goes to the very marrow. Then I am up at around 3 am, usually on the computer waiting for the next pill to take effect. Some of you have noticed me up early posting here.
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