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Taking a bath

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May 4, 2009
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I am just wondering how soon others managed to get into a bath rather than take a shower. I keep thinking I might give it a try, but am concerned that I may have a problem getting in and out - what do you all think? I would so love a long, hot, bubbly soak.....
I had an anterior approach, so didn't have to worry so much about the dislocation aspect. The limiting factor for me was waiting until I got the staples out and the wound was water-tight.

If you have decent upper body strength, go for it as soon as you have the doc's permission to submerge the surgical site. One of life's simple pleasures, that's for sure!
Hey Stwoh we miss ya you know Im a knee so i wouldnt want to say take care i hope you can enjoy a bath that would be nice,................) hope your still doing well.......hope your taking it easy at work........and the babies ok.......
Yes, Steph....I would definitely get your surgeon's okay before attempting a bath. Do you have grab bars???
Thanks everyone.

Workbill, I am now three months post op so all is nicely healed, I was just wondering about the position that I would need to get into to get in and out of the bath. Will check with my Dr though.

Kim, Helloooo!! :D Doing OK ta, baby is still gorgeous and work is good. I see you are still having problems, I really hope they go soon.

Jamie thanks, no I have no grab bars - might be worth getting some though, but will speak with my Dr - I would just so love to have a long soak :sigh:
Hi Steph,

After my LTHR I managed to have a bath at about 13 weeks. It took me about 5-10 minutes to work out how to get down into the water but once I was there it was great. Then it took a while to get out again but it was worth it. See what your surgeon says - he might be able to advise the best way to to it - good luck.

I don't have a walk in shower so can't even have a shower at the moment and won't be able to until I can get my knee to bend enough to get my leg over the side of the bath - I've got a shower over the bath.

I'm not a bath person, but i was swimming at about 4 weeks post op. As far as getting off the floor though , I can't remember. I'm getting it confused with my knee surgery. At 3 months I was allowed anything , but running so it should be ok.
Steph, they do make grab bars that clamp on to the side of a tub. I've not had any personal experience with them, but my Dad put one on my Mom's bathtub and she used it to get in and out. At the very least it would help balance you as you got in and out.

Here's a link to one company that sells a wide variety of them so you can get an idea what I'm talking about.
Hi Steph,

After my LTHR I managed to have a bath at about 13 weeks. It took me about 5-10 minutes to work out how to get down into the water but once I was there it was great. Then it took a while to get out again but it was worth it. See what your surgeon says - he might be able to advise the best way to to it - good luck.

I don't have a walk in shower so can't even have a shower at the moment and won't be able to until I can get my knee to bend enough to get my leg over the side of the bath - I've got a shower over the bath.


I was in the same situation, no walk in shower so it was sponge baths until the 6 week mark, then a gentle attempt to climb over the side of the bath for a wonderful shower - bliss!

Might just have a dry run, as it were, at getting in the bath to see how I get on.
Steph, they do make grab bars that clamp on to the side of a tub. I've not had any personal experience with them, but my Dad put one on my Mom's bathtub and she used it to get in and out. At the very least it would help balance you as you got in and out.

Here's a link to one company that sells a wide variety of them so you can get an idea what I'm talking about.

Thanks Jamie, I am going to try and see if I can get in and out without any water in it - if it works then I will give it a real go. Otherwise I will invest in some of those.

I suppose it is just a confidence thing, once I have succeeded then I will be fine.
Yeah, if we don't hear from you for a couple of weeks we'll just assume you're stuck in the bath :o)

I would love to get into the tub, but we have a garden tub and I don't think I could get into it even now.

I tried a couple of times but the tub is so high I can't get
into it. My husband always comes in to see if I can make it. It is a dry run also.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.
:D:D:D:hehe::hehe: Haven't tried yet, lol. Hubby's gone to work so I am alone and don't want to have to call the fire brigade to get me out if I get stuck - although it could be a diversion I suppose.............
THAT kind of diversion you DON'T need! How funny to be stuck in the tub!.......AFTER the fact!!! ((:0)
That would be embarrasing for the fire brigade to have to rescue you in the bath:shk: The thought made me laugh though:hehe:
Well, just to update you all I had my dry run this morning after my shower. After a reasonable amount of manuovering I managed to sit in it, then was also able to get out. I was just worried about how much I would have to bend my hip against the 90 degree bit, but it was fine.

So guess what I am going to do tonight before bed???? So looking forward to it - and if I do get stuck then hubby is home to hoist me out lol.
:rotfl:Oh Steph!! Don't say "HOIST" can only use that word with CARGO!!!!!
Steph glad it is going to work for you.
I remember going to the beach while still under the 90 degree rule. After a while I just couldn't stand it and decided to lay flat on a towel. It was heavenly until I tried to get up!!!
Yes, Jeff did literally have to hoist me up. He tried showing me how to get up and not break the rule, but he had strong muscles!!!
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