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Dec 16, 2008
Texas, USA
United States United States
Anything to help with the swelling other than cold?
I even used a warm heated pad once for a little while just hoping something would help.
First the heat will make it swell so be sure to ice asap.

Elevate the leg above the heart. Elevating helps but when you can get it above your heart it really helps.

Good luck Make sure you are taking your pain pills

RICE Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation for swelling. My doc said to avoid the recliner. Bed rest is best for getting the swelling down.

Good Luck

Beth, get your leg up above your heart as Pat said and take anti-inflammants.....either prescription pain meds (which usually have an anti-inflammant included in them) or something like Aleve or Advil. Take them consistently...not just when you hurt. Check the label and go on whatever schedule is the recommended dose.
I can't take Advil/Aleve, etc right now because of the Lovenoxx injections.
Okay.....are you on the Lovenoxx much longer?
I didn't catch that....Beth, do you have Celebrex you can take? It's an excellent anti-inflammant.
The on-call OS called in Celebrex. He said it does not work like Advil, etc., and does not thin your blood, so I can be on the Lovenox, plus the Celebrex at the same time.
Beth Hey I hope that works for you Im sorry swelling can make it painful as well......( Hang in there it will get better.............Make sure you are elevating ok........)
My OS gave me a scrip for Celebrex for my knee after I was recovering from hip replacement last year and was still on Coumadin. Apparently, it does not have the same blood thinning properties as does Motrin, Aleve, etc.
All good advice. But for how long periods are you icing and elevating? Some PTs and medics tell people to only do it for 20 mins at a time which is daft (imo!). I used to keep mine on for an hour or more at a time, even sleep with it on. As long as the fresh ice isn't put on without an intervening layer like a nice tea towel or something, it's okay.
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