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Bella, it can take quite a while in some people. There really is no "norm" to give you. Everyone heals differently and some swell more than others. But, if you DO have swelling, there are things you can do to help yourself....lots of icing and elevating as well as taking your pain medication on a regular schedule (they have an anti-inflammant in them) or take over-the-counter anti-inflammants like Tyelnol or Aleve also on a regular schedule. Throughout the day do some exercising (talk to your therapist about what is best at your stage)....sitting or lying down ALL the time is not good. Keep doing this and eventually the swelling should reduce and eventually go away.
Bella, I was at the OS today and he told me that it could take a year for all the swelling to go away even if I can't see it (which I can) there will still be swelling inside.

That's very true, Mayberry. It's something I went through and I still get a little swelling now and then in there when I really work out - even AFTER a year!!! But it certainly beats limping and mega pain like BEFORE surgery!
I'm 12 months and 6 months out on each TKR...I still get swelling--more on the newer knee,,and less and less all the time, but still need to ice sometimes.
Well, actually, Bella, it will disappear in stages. The worst should be gone in anything between a few weeks to a few months. Even then you may find that it comes and goes, like one day you'll wake and find it significantly reduced but later in the day it will come back. Another time it will be gone for a whole day and then back the next day. It's kind of unpredictable.

A lot of the swelling, particularly in the early weeks, is due to the use of the tourniquet during sugery and therefore is to be expected. Some people find that in this period the swelling is extreme and prevents them getting good flexion but it passes eventually. People also sometimes think they 'should' be off pain meds about now and try to tough it out regardless. But remember that pain can cause swelling as much as swelling causes pain. One of those nice little vicious circles life visits upon us from time to time. But it's a simple rule - to reduce the swelling, keep taking the pills!

But the residual swelling, in one degree or another, will hang around for anything up to a year. Just stick with the mantra ... elevate, ice, rest and pain control.
Bella, I'm at the nine week mark and although I had a few problems along the way I have noticed the last few days that most of the swelling is gone.
Jo's right on the mark, as usual, one day I will almost forget about my knee and only ice at night more due to habit then necessity. Then the next day or so I notice the stiffness and swelling and must rest, ice and elevate several times during the day.
It's really wonderful though to realise one day that you have passed another milestone - a big one too.
Try not to get discouraged and be patient, you'll get there!

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