Swelling on Thigh - 7 days after surgery

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Apr 13, 2008
United States
I have a swelling on my thigh - today is the first I've seen of it on my thigh, but it is immense. I have been keeping my leg (from knee to foot) raised on a few pillows. the swelling is also on knees.

Is there anything I need to be paying special attention to - to be careful of?
Is this something I should be alarmed by? How long the swelling stay?

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Since I can't envisage what it might be, I suggest you see your doctor as soon as you can. You don't mention if it is painful or discoloured which might have helped.

Thigh doesn't usually indicate a thrombosis (clot) though it can do. And if it is discoloured that might indicate the development of a haematoma. Either way it needs medical attention pretty soon.
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