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swelling and pain 3/1/2 months post op

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Feb 19, 2009
United States
Hi Everyone ,
Thank you for all the info on my last post regarding limping.
Since that post my leg swelling has continued , so has the pain.. The limp issue is now secondary. I called my surgeon , and was told I probably over did it w/bike riding and new gym exercises.Does that make sense that it would swell up 11 days after the exercises?
In the last week my leg has swelled I would say I'm back to about the 2 month mark of where I was with swelling and pain wise, I have that burning sensation and it feels warmer. This is mostly on the outer part of my thigh and the front part. Do you think this could be a allergic reaction to the metal particles from the prosthetic?
Is this just part of the course in healing?
Has anyone else had these issues?
thanks so much.
Sorry you are having these problems. I do not know anything about allergies to materials only that it is a rare ,if ever, problem. I remember myself at about 3 1/2 months. I was hiking followed by swimming a mile almost every day and doing pretty darn good, but we are all different. As you are very concerned, I would make an apt and see the surgeon. I hope he is one who is easy to get an apt with.
I imagine if you increased activity a lot you could have some inflammation problems.
I am in the same boat with my back. It was pretty pain free and then started going backwards. These joints are tricky
Good Luck and keep posting
Hi Glitter-- I am MOM also and on both hips, so I understand the concern. I also have a friend who had what they now think was an allergic reaction to the MOM joint, requiring revision. However, for him, and I inferred for most people with this rare problem, the symptoms don't start until later than 3 months and until you get a sufficient build up of particles. In my friend's case, it occurred at about the 1 year mark. My comment is only anecdotal since I have no training in the area, but that is what I've read as well. So, I would say that the likelihood is that you overdid it. Rest and it will get better.
It can't hurt to ice,,,,,,just let up a little on your daily activities!!! :)
Glitter, listen to your surgeon and deal with it accordingly. All that you have described are symptoms of inflammation of the muscles and other soft tissues. If you continued with any exercises, it's entirely probable that you continued to swell and get more inflamed, even a week or two later.

So, you know the routine by now - ice and/or heat, rest and take pain killers, anti-inflammatories would be ideal. And stop letting your imagination run loose!

Get well soon.
Me too Glitter. I am at 12 weeks myself. I get a new exercise to do or push a little harder or walk a little longer and ow(sometimes very sharp ows) and swelling! Someone on another thread suggested icing right after exercise to keep the swelling under control - I tried that it does help. Sure gets frustrating doesn't it - the time it takes? But, I look at it this way......if it can take up to a year to feel 100%, then we are 25% there. And, at 25%, we're not doing so bad - at least I CAN exercise now when I couldn't pre-op. Hang in there. 6 months and 50% will be along sooner than you know it.:wink:
Kathy thank you for that. You made a good point. I wasnt able to excercise before either and I do now. That is a milestone in itself. I never thought of it that way.....High Five all of us

Hi Nana55, I hope you are feeling ok. Yes if you overdo it than take some time and relax. I look forward to your posts you are are a sweet lady !!
Thank you, for all the info.
I have a appointment tomorrow w/ my OS. I'll have xrays first.
I will let you all know how it goes..fingers crossed:)
I bought an industrial ice pack from my PT- it's heavy and big. I toss it in a billowcase and it's a no mess no fuss solution. All the others leaked and or would sweat. I am still taking about 2-3 pain meds a day though. Just 5 mg lortabs but surely can still do that at 4 weeks po. Yep- made it to 4 weeks today!
Hooray, Julie. Four weeks is a huge milestone. It will get even better...promise!
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