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surgery Monday

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Apr 16, 2008
United States
I am scheduled to have a left THR on Monday. How does one get in and out of the bathtub? Am I going to be able to garden this summer?
Good luck on your surgery monday
my mil had her hips done and it took a while for her to be mobile and she still uses a cane 8 mo out i would say from watching her you probably will not garden this summer sorry to say
as far as the bathtub it takes a long time she uses a chair in the shower that she got from a medical supply store and does fine with it
hugs and good luck
Hi Jackie,
Good Luck on Monday, I go in May 7th and I don't think bathtubs are in the picture for awhile for us. I think they tell you all this stuff at the hospital if you haven't read it here.Everyone seems to be different as far as healing, walking with and without a cane or walker ect. so lets hope were one of the fast ones...Anything has to be better then not walking and all the pain. Prayers with you, write when you get home and can. Be thinking of you! Sandy
Hi Jackie,

It was three weeks before a shower and six week before a bathtub. My OS didn't want the surgical area wet so I took sponge baths. I am 23 weeks post op today. God bless you on your surgery day!

MsSplenda56/ aka Shirley
Thanks for all the prayers. I think I am about ready. I have the sock puller, shoe horn, long sponge, reacher, tub seat, toilet rails, walker. A friend made a platform for my recliner. Can anyone think of anything else I need?
Just a nice bid ol' BoneSmart hug!

[] surgery Monday

Sounds like you have everything you need. I had the anterior approach to THR and for the first week, I took sponge baths while standing at the bathroom sink. Then I used a tub seat and a hand held shower. My doctor told me to use "glad Press'n Seal" from the grocery store to cover the incision to keep it dry. You will find it in the wax paper isle and it works great. It will stick to your skin. I am now at 9 weeks and I still am not taking tub baths, just showers. Good luck to you!

By the time you read this you'll be all done & dusted! hope the surgery went well?

I'm coming up to 5 months post op and only recently felt okay to get in/out of the bath; the team at your hospital will advise you, if you aren't sure on anything don't be afraid to call them when you are back at home.

Re: surgery Tomorrow!!

I just found this site and I am thrilled!!! Seems like I have been researching hip replacements for months.
Any last words of advice??? I am nervous about the recovery but excited to feel good again. I am 45 and it is so nice to see so many of us around the same age having this done. I keep hearing the "you're too young" and it is freaking me out!!
Hi Sardi

You said you were nervous about your recovery, don't worry yourself too much you'll more than likely sail through and wonder why you worried in the first place. And as for advice, listen to you OS, the Physios and Occupational Therapists, they are there to help you; don't move too fast, listen to your body it usually warns you when you've done enough. Post op pain for some can be a bit of a problem but there are many others that find the post op pain is much less than the pain they had pre op, hopefully you'll be lucky like me I only took paracetomol! I had an epidural this time but still was still sedated enough to b easleep in theatre, I think this helped my post op pain and the other advantage was that I wasn't so sickly in recovery.

45 is not that young, you obvioulsy need the op or you OS wouldn't have agreed to it. I have several friends with THR's & BHR's around your age & some were considerably younger than you when they had their ops. I had my first hip at the age of 27, unfortunately had to have revisions since but my problem was due to lack of good bone - I have a bone graft now and things are looking good!

Wish you all the best, just think not long from now mobile & pain free.

Re: surgery Tomorrow!!

I just found this site and I am thrilled!!! Seems like I have been researching hip replacements for months.
Any last words of advice??? I am nervous about the recovery but excited to feel good again. I am 45 and it is so nice to see so many of us around the same age having this done. I keep hearing the "you're too young" and it is freaking me out!!

You're understandably anxious - it's a big experience, big event. But you'll sail through, trust me. Just lay back and let it happen. The staff in the ward and in the operating theatre all know what they are doing and they will look after you like a new born babe! The same goes for the nurses on the ward.

(But mind out for those therapists - they take no prisoners, y'know!
[] surgery Monday

We'll all be rooting for you, y'know. When one of our own goes to theatre we are all on vigil.

God bless. Post again as soon as you can.
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