Hi Sardi
You said you were nervous about your recovery, don't worry yourself too much you'll more than likely sail through and wonder why you worried in the first place. And as for advice, listen to you OS, the Physios and Occupational Therapists, they are there to help you; don't move too fast, listen to your body it usually warns you when you've done enough. Post op pain for some can be a bit of a problem but there are many others that find the post op pain is much less than the pain they had pre op, hopefully you'll be lucky like me I only took paracetomol! I had an epidural this time but still was still sedated enough to b easleep in theatre, I think this helped my post op pain and the other advantage was that I wasn't so sickly in recovery.
45 is not that young, you obvioulsy need the op or you OS wouldn't have agreed to it. I have several friends with THR's & BHR's around your age & some were considerably younger than you when they had their ops. I had my first hip at the age of 27, unfortunately had to have revisions since but my problem was due to lack of good bone - I have a bone graft now and things are looking good!
Wish you all the best, just think not long from now mobile & pain free.