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Surgery is over

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junior member
Oct 18, 2009
I made it! A little groggy, but doing OK. I saw my doctor in recovery - he said my knee was horrible, but is all fixed now.
My PA was just in to check me, said I am not having the intense pain yet because they injected the knee capsule before closing with Morphine, Toradol and something else, She said that pain would probaly begin tomorrow afternoon and Thursday, always good to have something to look forwad to experiencing!
Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers which got me this far. They helped as I was sitting waiting early this morning in that so attractive, but heated gown (anyone else have one of those?).
I will try to log in tomorrow before the bad pain starts. They are using Bendryl around the clock on me for my allergies which is working now so hope it works tomorrow.

Hugs to all of you!
So glad to hear you're on THIS side now, Cass. I'm always amazed at anyone who can post on the computer after surgery! I was a zombie and just slept. You are fantastic!!!

Don't be afraid to push the magic button and get your pain taken care of BEFORE it becomes very noticeable. Stay ahead of it and you'll feel much better.
Hi Cass, congrats on your surgery. Keep ahead of the pain with all of the yummy pain meds, and I hope you remain allergy free.

Rest up!
I thought I was the only one that posted after replacements Both times!!!!!!! Glad someone else
do it. I am so glad that it is over for you!!! Now you can start on the road to recovery!!!
Hey Cass glad your back and doing well........i will still keep you in my prayers..............atleast you have minimal so glad ............get some rest and post anytime.........)
Glad to hear it went well! Rest and take care of yourself!
Yeah, Cass, welcome to the other side. Glad you are doing so well. Prayers still with ya, too!
It's her Hubby - pain med from surgery has worn off and she's pretty uncomfortable... We just returned from first therapy session...and it's ice, meds, and nap for now... Thanks for all of your good thoughts and prayers...
Please tell Cass I am thinking about her and hope that her pain is under control and she feel great soon
Hi Cass and John, sounds like you are moving into the post-surgery pain management dance.
It will all be fine, you will just be very busy managing that one aspect of recovery for a while. Finding the magic combination that keeps you pain free can be illusive.
I hope you are comfortable soon, and many prayers for a smooth recovery.

Best wishes! Kimberly
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