junior member
I was given my RTHR surgery date this past Friday...I'm scheduled for Tuesday, May 26th....two weeks away. My pre-op appointment is the 21st, but I have to be cleared by my cardiologist before that...I have atrial fibrillation. (Also, just for info...I'm female, 61 yrs., 5'9" tall and weigh about 230). I have some questions and could certainly use your input:
1. What durable medical equipment will I need? My husband wants to rent
a hospital bed for another room in the house because he wants to over-
haul our bedroom while I'm out of I'm wondering if a
commode next to that bed is a good idea...also how about one of those
tables that come across the bed (like in the hospital)?
2. I've heard something about 90 degree I not supposed to
bend does one get into bed, or sit in a chair...or on the
3. Do I need to get a house dress or something loose like that to come
home in? How about sweatpants?
4. What about showering? We have a tub/shower - might be hard to
climb into.
5. I understand that the first night (in hospital) they'll give me a button
to push when I need pain meds, which scares me....sounds like that's a
REAL necessity....then the next day the doctor checks out how much
med you used and from that he determines what you get from that point
on....does that sound right?
6. I've read many remarks on BoneSmart that say stool softeners are
important, long do you think that might be necessary?
I appreciate everything I've read on all the different threads, thank you for being here for every one of us!
1. What durable medical equipment will I need? My husband wants to rent
a hospital bed for another room in the house because he wants to over-
haul our bedroom while I'm out of I'm wondering if a
commode next to that bed is a good idea...also how about one of those
tables that come across the bed (like in the hospital)?
2. I've heard something about 90 degree I not supposed to
bend does one get into bed, or sit in a chair...or on the
3. Do I need to get a house dress or something loose like that to come
home in? How about sweatpants?
4. What about showering? We have a tub/shower - might be hard to
climb into.
5. I understand that the first night (in hospital) they'll give me a button
to push when I need pain meds, which scares me....sounds like that's a
REAL necessity....then the next day the doctor checks out how much
med you used and from that he determines what you get from that point
on....does that sound right?
6. I've read many remarks on BoneSmart that say stool softeners are
important, long do you think that might be necessary?
I appreciate everything I've read on all the different threads, thank you for being here for every one of us!