Hi BrendaM,
Welcome to our band; we make great music here, and Jo and Jamie are great band leaders.
I am 61 and just had both hips replaced separately. After surgeries, I stationed myself in the living room, as I don't like being stuck off in the bedroom away from everything.
I had a small bed with a good mattress and pads so my back and butt wouldn't get too sore. It was at knee height with no footboard so I could scoot myself off the end. This was handy, especially at night when I needed to get up to use the potty which was often, and didn't have to wake up the household. The potty was returned to the bedroom during the day; didn't want to gross everyone out:shk:
And being able to keep the "new" leg straight without stress saved a lot of pain as that was the most awkward part while getting off the side of my hospital bed.
Spend the next weeks getting the aids you will need at home; an elevated potty, a walker, crutches, a cane, a picker upper, a shower back scrubber with an extended handle so you can wash your legs below the knee, as well as your feet. Another goody for the shower is a sachet that will hold the soap that has a loop to fit over your wrist (so you won't drop it!!) And have some meals fixed ahead in the freezer.
Think what hobbies you can do while you are lying there, such as reading, puzzles, stitchery and have them on hand. If you are going to be by yourself anytime, have the phone where you can reach it handy, and make sure there are no wires, cables, mats, etc. where you may trip over them. Before I had my surgeries, I made sure my aids were set at the right height and also practised walking with them.
Arrange for some reliable help to be with you as this is one surgery you can't get through by yourself, and poor hubbies do need a break as we tend to get a little frustrated and aggravated while we recupe.
Good luck with your upcoming surgery and let us know how you are doing now that you have found us.
LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09