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junior member
Apr 18, 2009
New York, USA
I finally have my date, Sept. 24th. for a TRHR due to AVN. I just turned 60. I'm not afraid of the pain that I will have, but I do have other concerns. My doctor said not to sit in a recliner chair. Thats all I have for chairs in my living room. Then he said my couch is to low, so what do I do? Also I have a high bed. Do you have to sleep with a pillow between your legs after surgery? I'm concerned if I will be able to sleep with my husband in the bed, or should I rent a hospital bed for maybe a month? When you come home, how long before you can take care of yourself? This is a great sight, and I have been on it several times reading other threads. Thank you in advance for your help.
Hello Brenda - glad you have come along to join us, that is great news about your surgery date - it will soon be here and then you will be able to enjoy your pain free life again.

I must say that I used a recliner and so did a lot of other people on here - so comfy to be able to lay back with your legs raised, plus good for a quick doze at any point during the day. Your seat really does need to be on a level with the back of your knees or slightly higher so that you can sit down comfortably and safely in the first few weeks.

Your bed will probably be fine, mine is quite high as well and I found that great for getting when getting in and out. I banished my hubby to the spare room for the first 6 weeks - mind you there wasn't room for him, me and all the pillows I used to keep me comfortable at night. Plus he was scared that he would hurt my hip, as he is a deep sleeper and moves around quite a bit in bed.

You will need to sleep on your back for the first 6 weeks (depending on your type of incision), it is useful to have a pillow between your knees so that you keep your legs at shoulder width in the first few weeks. I was given permission to sleep on either side at 6 weeks post op, but to keep a pillow between my knees until I see my surgeon at 12 weeks.

My hubby went back to work a week after I came home from hospital, and at that stage I was pretty much doing most things for myself - but NO housework - good excuse to have a rest from it will need help with anything that involves bending past 90 degrees, for example; just washing your feet or cutting toenails etc. Make sure you get a grabber for those things you can't bend to reach (plus they are good for helping get your underwear on in the morning, or trousers if you wear them. Also a raised toilet seat is a must for quite a while.

I am sure others will be along soon to fill you in on bits I have missed - make sure you keep us posted and good luck with it all
I finally have my date, Sept. 24th. for a TRHR due to AVN. I just turned 60. I'm not afraid of the pain that I will have, but I do have other concerns. My doctor said not to sit in a recliner chair. Thats all I have for chairs in my living room. Then he said my couch is to low, so what do I do? Also I have a high bed. Do you have to sleep with a pillow between your legs after surgery? I'm concerned if I will be able to sleep with my husband in the bed, or should I rent a hospital bed for maybe a month? When you come home, how long before you can take care of yourself? This is a great sight, and I have been on it several times reading other threads. Thank you in advance for your help.
hi brenda ill try to help with your questions im 3 weeks past so these are still freah in my memory!! I have heard conflicting opinions on a recliner some say its a life saver some say its too low if you have any doubts throw a pillow or two on it to sit.The low couch is a no!!.A high bed is good and the pillows are a MUST!!! Unless your used to sleeping on your back your first few weeks may be fitful how much does your husband love you?:hehe:.Might want to consider another room in the house for first few nights.Ok last but not least your get stronger every day i personally was self sufficent with limitations!! a week after my return home.My wife stayed home first week,You probably will have a PT visiting you first week home to work out the kinks.In sumation be patient with yourself ask for help when you need it do your exercises stick to your restrictions and you will be fine !!!
Hi Brenda Welcome.Im a knee but others will help you im sure...Glad you have a good attitude about your hip that will get you far.......Good Luck to ya and keep us posted....:)
Well, all there is left is for me to say is welcome to BoneSmart, Brenda!
Thank you for all of the encouragement. I am pretty nervous over the sitting and sleeping post-op. By the sounds of it people usually don't get to sleep that much other than naps anyways. You all have a great day or night , depending on where you are.
Hi BrendaM,
Welcome to our band; we make great music here, and Jo and Jamie are great band leaders.
I am 61 and just had both hips replaced separately. After surgeries, I stationed myself in the living room, as I don't like being stuck off in the bedroom away from everything.
I had a small bed with a good mattress and pads so my back and butt wouldn't get too sore. It was at knee height with no footboard so I could scoot myself off the end. This was handy, especially at night when I needed to get up to use the potty which was often, and didn't have to wake up the household. The potty was returned to the bedroom during the day; didn't want to gross everyone out:shk:
And being able to keep the "new" leg straight without stress saved a lot of pain as that was the most awkward part while getting off the side of my hospital bed.
Spend the next weeks getting the aids you will need at home; an elevated potty, a walker, crutches, a cane, a picker upper, a shower back scrubber with an extended handle so you can wash your legs below the knee, as well as your feet. Another goody for the shower is a sachet that will hold the soap that has a loop to fit over your wrist (so you won't drop it!!) And have some meals fixed ahead in the freezer.
Think what hobbies you can do while you are lying there, such as reading, puzzles, stitchery and have them on hand. If you are going to be by yourself anytime, have the phone where you can reach it handy, and make sure there are no wires, cables, mats, etc. where you may trip over them. Before I had my surgeries, I made sure my aids were set at the right height and also practised walking with them.
Arrange for some reliable help to be with you as this is one surgery you can't get through by yourself, and poor hubbies do need a break as we tend to get a little frustrated and aggravated while we recupe.
Good luck with your upcoming surgery and let us know how you are doing now that you have found us.

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
Excellent advice, Glenys!! Right on!

Brenda, I'm so glad you have a surgery date and that you are thinking ahead to recovery. Can you talk to your surgeon or his nurse and find out what the concerns are with a recliner? It may be because you will have a 90-degree rule for a while and it may be impossible to get up from your recliner without going past the 90 degrees. Sometimes you can fix this problem by putting the recliner up on a wood base built to elevate it or by using pillows to sit on.

The high bed can be a bit difficult to deal with at least for the first week or so. If you are able to get a hospital bed, I would do that and put it right in the living room so it can be your "recovery nest." I believe you are better off letting hubby sleep in the bed alone, since you may move around a lot and may need to get up in the night. Trouble sleeping initially can be a problem. Do be sure that you set yourself up on the same floor with a don't want to be going up and down stairs for that if it can be avoided.

You'll be amazed at how fast you are able to begin doing things for yourself. The hospital staff will be sure that you can manage basics like walking, stairs, and using the bathroom before you will be released. You probably will have a period of time to sleep with a pillow between your legs....another good reason for you to have your own spot for recovery.
Welcome Brenda! Everyone has already given you excellent tried and true advice! We all learn to modify and personalize it to fit our own individual needs......lots of improvising, but you really won't mind because you will be free of your AVN pain! Can't wait to hear how you progress! Best of good luck!:thmb:
hi brenda and welcome im also having rthr on sep 23rd so we can compare notes and progress when we are both back home good luck ill be thinking of you on the 24th xxx
We ain't done yet, Brenda. There's lots more advice and encouragement where that came from! Just ask when you need it.
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