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Jan 14, 2008
United States United States
Well, we are back from our hunting trip and it was a huge success in every way. For the most part, I totally forgot about my TKR. We walked about 5+ miles each day on uneven terrain with lots of sage brush (up to waist high), rocks, hard dry dirt and lots of soft sand-like dirt. The only time I really noticed my knee at all was when I had to shimmy under a barbwire fence - and even that wasn't too bad.

As for the hunt, we all got a jack rabbit. I'll post pictures/videos and such as soon as my son downloads them. Got to use my hubby's M4/AR-14 which was pretty fun!

The weather was gorgeous - 60-70 and sunny with some wind. Managed to avoid sunburns, too. Had tons of good 1-1 time with my boys (hard to get with teenagers) and not one argument or disagreement the whole weekend. When I got home, my daughter had cleaned the entire house and it was amazing! She even got me a gorgeous bouquet of tulips (here in Oregon, we raise the bulbs for daffodils, tulips, iris, etc. so the growers harvest the flowers and sell them in self-service roadside stands).

On the drive over the cascades and through the high desert, we saw several herds of antelope, elk, deer, and even some bison. Saw a golden eagle up close, too. And the scenery is amazing going through the mountains.

So I had about the best Mothers' Day ever and hope all the rest of the Moms did, too. And I hope all you Dads treated your wives to a wonderful day.
Sounds like you had a great time there, Skeet! All power to you.
So glad you had a great time! Back to living life the way you want and to it's fullest. And pain free. That was the point of TKR, huh? Or as NP would say, "Heh?".
Yes, it was amazing to see the difference this trip was from last year before the TKR. I had lots of energy and was able to go for several hours. Last year I only did one day and it was only about 2 hours. Pain really does sap your energy. It was night and day different this year. Thank God for TKRs!
Skeet, I'm so happy you had a wonderful time! And got a clean house to boot! What a deal!!! I know what you mean about the energy level. It's the most amazing thing to me that I have desire and energy to do a lot of the things I liked to do but just couldn't get "up" for mentally before the TKR. I think you are right that the pain saps you. Even when you have trained your mind not to notice the pain, it's there doing its evil work. What I do notice now is my OTHER knee. While it doesn't seem to hurt, it creaks and pops and feels sort of like my TKR knee a couple of years ago before the pain really started. I hope it won't need a replacement too soon, but I could certainly see that it may at some point. Anyway, your trip sounds fabulous!!! And your knees sound fabulous too!
Skeet, you captured your husbands M-4...What did you leave him with??
Can't wait to see the pictures.
He had my Ruger 10-22. I just wanted something with a red dot scope... well, really I wanted to use his gun. It's so fun! I felt like I was on combat patrol or something. Pictures will be forthcoming this evening. We'll send you the YouTube link to the videos.
Oh how much fun, Skeet!!!

You know, some of my best times were when I worked for the Marine Corps Finance Center and had responsibility for the Military Training Division. Each year the Captain who ran the training program would come up with ways to get our Marines some Basic Skills Training (mock combat exercises). It was tough because we are right in the middle of the country (no beaches to storm) and not anywhere near a Marine Corps base. One year he worked a deal with an Army Reserve helicopter squadron and a National Guard training camp to conduct exercises. They would fly the Marines into the camp in a helicopter and then spend a week there with all types of weapons, HumVees, tents, MRE's and the whole deal waging "war." I was lucky enough to get to fly down a couple of times with them to spend the day and check on how the training was going. The pilots let me ride in the jump seat up front with them as we flew low across the farm country and then during the landing under fire to drop the troops. What a rush!!! I also got to fire all of the weapons the Marines were using. The rifles were fun, but some of the larger weapons really sent me reeling from the recoil! It all gave me a real appreciation for what our military troops go through both in training and in a real battle. These guys were using "dummy" rounds for everything, of course, but it was still loud, smokey, and even scary sometimes during the combat. But I would not trade those times and memories for anything!!!
Skeet, you are my hero. I have never been hunting but just walking over the terrain you went over and having no pain is amazing. Way to go girl! Plus any good time you can spend with your kids is wonderful and should always be cherished. Your family sounds wonderful and your daughter staying home and cleaning the house and buying tulips was such a blessing for you I am sure. God bless! Rowdy
Oh Skeet, it is so awesome you were able to have so much fun because of your TKR. I know exectly how you must feel because of my experience this weekend too. I will write on another thread about that and post photos.

It is great you are getting back to a real life again and experiencing it pain free!! I look forward to seeing your photos and video.

(((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) Sue
And in case anyone is concerned about the noise from an M4, I did wear ear protection in my right ear. Didn't wear it in the left ear because I needed to be able to hear the others who were at least 20-30 yards from me. I feel so great today. Like I took a hill from the enemy and then took them all prisoner.
Sue, point me to the correct thread, please. I want to hear all about your weekend!
Oh boy, a crazy woman in Oregon ,taking a hill carrying an M-4. If Patti had been with you, they would have had to call out the National Guard....just sayin'.
I was thinking every mans dream: "wants to spend mothers day hunting"

Now Skeet the question is "do you spend thanksgiving watching football?"
(or sleeping in front of a football game)
Skeet, I am still thinking about all you did this weekend and feeling so great for you! You give me hope that I'll be that active again in a few months. Thanks for sharing all of it with us!
Sue, great photos! Beautiful beach!!! Is that your beach house? It's lovely!
Sue, great photos! Beautiful beach!!! Is that your beach house? It's lovely!

Thanks Jamie. No, we have a trailer just 2 hours north in the Muskoka area of Ontario.

This camp is in the north channel, Lake Huron. Looks a bit like the beaches in Cuba. This is at a YMCA camp for kids all summer, then the last week in August we have a family camp. Minus 5 star accommodation at the moment, but that is changing year by year. The new cabins are beautiful, no holes and no mice either. There are composting toilets there and now a new shower block. The old one was disgraceful, slimey wet wooden crates on the floor, most of the nozzels were broken off. You would turn one on and another would hit you in the backside when you least expected it.... They were all communal too, no privacy. They are setting up solar power too, to lessen the pull on the ancient Genny. They are also going to put in some wind power soon. They are also working on a new kitchen for next year. These cabins have been there since 1954 (my lifetime).

There was a guy there this weekend who originally came from Ontario but emmigrated to Orlando. He helped build the original camp back in the 50's.
EDK - I LIVE for football season. I go to our JV and Varsity football games every week, college games all day Saturday and pro ball on Sunday, Monday, Thursday. My dad got through college at Univ of Oklahoma on a FB scholarship, so I was raised on FB and being from Texas... it's in the blood, along with guns. My mom used to take me shooting every day after school. My husband and I are definitely well matched. At our house the seasons are pre-football, football/hunting, hunting, spring.
Sue, it was pretty hot so I ended up taking off the camo shirt and hunting in my T-shirt. I do have another photo I can post with camo. I'll put it on the photo thread. Check in a few.
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