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Study: check this out. Is it true for you?

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Feb 13, 2008
United States United States
Today I was reading the Arthritis magazine I picked up at my OS's office and found an article that stated:
"Index finger length points to arthritis risk"

"A recent study found that people whose index finger is shorter than their ring finger are more likely to suffer osteoarthritis. Specifically, the researchers determined that having a long ring finger relative to your index finger makes you up to twice as likely to develop OA of the knee or hip, apart from other risk factors. This is especially true for women, whose ring and index fingers tend to be of equal length. The scientists aren't sure what accounts for the connection, but speculate that the same genes that influence finger length also affect the growth of connective tissue and bone elswhere, as well as hormone concentrations."

My left index finger is significantly shorter than my ring finger (left KR) and my right index finger is slightly shorter than my ring finger.....hmmmmmm

How 'bout you?
Mine is shorter too. Guess we have a kind of "club" thing going here! My husband's is shorter too and he does have arthritis, but not in his knee or hip joints. It's in his spine. And he's 11 years older than I am. My question would be, who out there knows someone that DOES NOT have this situation? I wonder if the greater population has a shorter index finger....just a thought.
I don't fit the profile. My index fingers are about the same/slightly longer then the ring finger. My arthritis is due to trauma so maybe that's the difference? I think a lot of people on here will tell you they injured their joint at one point so maybe the article is talking about people who have arthritis from regular day to day living.
Both my index fingers are shorter than my ring fingers...
[email protected] could be. Heaven knows my poor old right knee has had MANY, many traumas over the years. For some reason I was always falling down on it - much more so when younger, but I can remember trips to the doc to find out whether I had broken something in there.
left hand index is longer
right hand index equal or a hair longer. Sorry, don't fit profile. But interesting there ids such a difference between R & L.
Boy miss June Bug, your just jumpin' right on that band wagon aren't ya!?
Note that I have shown great restraint with this one!!!!!! Not monkeying around.
Yes Doug, now we call you mr. 'havin. You do know though that Gat is probably trying real hard to take you down.
Both of mine are shorter and I'm due a right TKR next year...
I better go check my 6 year olds fingers and either tell him to go let it rip in soccer or to be careful...(just kidding- sort of)

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