TKR Strange new pain

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Sep 25, 2012
I am just over a week post-op. I have been very lucky to not have had much in the way of pain. I figured it was because off so much swelling (purple leg from the top of leg onto my feet). Had the staples taken out yesterday. This morning pain woke me up at 5am. Took 2 Norco, pain subsided, fell back to sleep. Woke up at 9 am and have prickly pain about 8-9 inches above the knee. Anyone else experience this? Thanks :sad: :sad:
Hi SoCal, so cool you have had little pain. Are you taking anything regularly for it? Or only as needed. The way your post reads, I almost think you're saying you didn't take any pain medication yesterday? And pain woke you up at 5 a.m.?

First of all it's normal to have a lot of pain, although I personally know someone who had almost none (!!) Usually for the first few weeks we're on a routine of narcotic every 4 hours at a dose that knocks our pain down to, say, below 3 on the 1-10 pain scale.

Secondly, I'm guessing that the prickling sensation above your knee is due to some trauma to tissues from the tourniquet. That tourniquet is inflated to, I think, 300 mm/Hg.

Before long you'll get more suggestions, information and experience from others. Welcome!
Hi Maryo52 - thanks for your post. I have been taking Norco every 6 hours for pain. As I said, I have been blessed to have not had much pain. Many times taking the pain meds @ 6'hrs even though I did not have much pain, maybe a "2". I had not taken pain meds before going to sleep around midnight. The pain that woke me up was not so much in the knee area as it was these sharp prickly sensations closer to the front/top of my leg, kind of like electric shocks.

They sent me home from the hospital with home health care nurse coming 3 times (they have come twice, second yesterday to remove staples) and PT coming for 6 visits. PT came Monday and basically had me doing the basic exercises I did in the hospital. She tried to get me to do a couple exercises requiring more lifting of leg straight up from bed. This was painful and I told her I would not do ones that hurt.

I have been learning so much from these forums. Thankful I found this website as I was going in for surgery. I have come here for answers to many questions.

Thank you :)
Mary's probably right, it could well be tourniquet pain Tourniquet pain in upper thigh though it's strange because that usually manifests immediately after surgery and abates during the first week or so. I suggest you try icing it if it's a real problem.
Josephine - my IT band from the thigh to the knee feels like it has a rubber and around it and my leg is also numb along that same area. I was sent home with a CPM machine and I wonder if this stressing the IT band. Very frustrating to me. Such a weird sensation. I have also noticed that when I walk (I am using a walker) my knee wants to give out on me just when I think i am doing well. Does this sound "normal"? Will certain exercises help provide stability? I am probably being anxious about it all.

Thank you for any and all suggestions/guidance.
Hi and welcome,
It is actually normal to have your knee do that. That is why you should use your walker until you have some strength built up in your leg. My leg did the "flamingo" (hyperexteneded) several times in the first few weeks. It was really unnerving, but as your quad starts firing things should become more stable down there.
As far as exercises, at this stage, you should be doing gentle heel slides, and straight leg raises.Donn't be upset if you cannot do them completely. Your leg has just been through a significant trauma, so things are not working the way they should. This resolves with time.
My IT band also felt horrible. I had my husband GENTLY massage the area with arnica cream. (Arnica also helps with the bruising).
Again, time, rest, gentle stretches, pain medicine, ice, elevation, and PATIENCE.
I'm five weeks out and I think I'm doing well but I'm experiencing something similar to what you describe on my inner thigh. I try to ignore it but it's there. Also a little further down my thigh I get a sharp stabbing pain as though someone was jabbing me with a large needle. I was told it will eventually go away. Take care.
I was told early on to expect some "electric shock" type sensations as severed neural pathways reconnect and regenerate. It's normal.
Train wreck - most of the exercises I am able to do without pain. Lifting my leg up and off the bed is painful. I am able to hook the right foot under the left ankle when getting into and out of bed. Not quite able to lift it up without pain. I try to stay elevated and iced, but it seems so stiff when I get up to walk afterwards. Trying to be sure I am moving it enough while still trying to reduce swelling. When resting and elevating it between icings it seems to make it numb. It just feels like I should be moving it more to not be so stiff.

Thank you for your post/ response. I would be lost without the information from his site.
Dulcimer Diva - thanks for confirmation about the electric shock type sensations. It is good to hear this is normal. Not feeling very normal these days.
I'm five weeks out and I think I'm doing well but I'm experiencing something similar to what you describe on my inner thigh. I try to ignore it but it's there. Also a little further down my thigh I get a sharp stabbing pain as though someone was jabbing me with a large needle. I was told it will eventually go away. Take care.

Great to know these feelings are not just happening to me.
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