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May 13, 2008
United States
Just a little over 2 weeks post-op, been doing great, I'm finally at MY home, & I did something really stupid last night. I'm pretty sure I pulled a muscle in my thigh and/or groin area. What's freaking me out is that I'm feeling a slight click that I don't remember before. I can put weight on it, & can still do my PT exercises (bridges, leg lifts, etc.), but I'm limping. even with my cane. I've iced it, rested it, massaged it, taken my 8-hour Tylenol. My In-home PT comes for my last session today; out-patient PT starts Monday. I'll probably call the nurses in the surgeon's office (again! seems like they hear from me a couple of times a week!) today. I am SO MAD at myself!!!!!

Hey Joyce,
Don't feel bad about bugging Amy and Sherri - I haven't even had the operation yet and I bug them weekly. ;) They are probably thinking lets get this woman done so we can get her out of our lives. ;)
Hopefully the clicking is just an annoyed tendon or ligament. I am sure Jo will let ya know.

Best wishes,
What did you actually do ???
I know I overdid it at week 3 or 4 with walking too much . I came back and had throbbing pain in my groin and quad muscle. so then I did it again. Glad your pt will be coming today, he or she can check it out. That is what happened to me. She determined it was not anything in need of immediate treatment!
I am actually having a problem now at 7 weeks with the quad,and ITband. Again , probably just doing too much.

Let us know what you find out today.
Hi, Donna! Good to see you posting - been worried about you! I will call Amy & Sherri.

Judy, I was sitting on my sofa (mistake #1, although I really don't have many restrictions, my sofa's somewhat lower than my parents b/c it has overstuffed cushions). I was cleaning the grit (don't go there!) off my coffee table while one of my best friends was vacuuming my living room. I had taken something off the table so I could clean, & was putting the thing back on when it just hurt. Don't know if I moved too fast, or twisted, or both.

Can't remember if I took my 8-hour Tylenol @ breakfast w/ all my other drugs. It doesn't feel like I took any, but I'm of the "when in doubt, leave it out" school of thought.

Still waiting for my PT to show up.

Got a call back from Nurse Amy - she said to rest, keep my feet elevated when I can, ice it, & NOT to do my PT exercises, & I should be better by Monday. She also said I could take my 8-hr. Tylenol since it had been 4 hours since I MIGHT have taken it, & it was OK to do that once in a while, if necessary.

The PT just left. Since I couldn't do any exercises, it wasn't a problem, she took care of the discharge report (last in-home PT session).

If nothing else, I've been (temporarily!) cured of my cockiness at how easy my recovery has been.

Off to get another ice pack so I can put my feet up.

Oops!!! You just can't stop all the cleaning Joyce!!! Kick Kick in your butt for getting careless with your new hip.I think that is why they try and scare us about it popping out sometimes. I mean just so we are more vareful with it. I have done a few stupid things as time goes on and I am like OMG now what do I do? And I rise slowly thinking I am going to hear this pop in there or something...Nothing I was lucky and hopefully you were to just maybe strained something. Gonna call you the Ice Queen Lol Feel better soon.
You can get random spams in ligaments and muscles after an op, don't worry. It will settle in time. But if it was anything too major you would be seriously incapacitated. She gave you the right advice - rest and ice. And stay cool (pun unintentional!). It'll be fine.
Re: Cleaning after THR

I had my house professionally cleaned while I was in the hospital because I new I wouldn't be able to safely clean on my own. I highly recommend that! Will hire them again this month.
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