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Stomach/appetite issues 6+weeks out??

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junior member
Jun 26, 2009
United States
My LTKR was May 18th. The knee is getting slowly better and I am down to using the heavy painkillers only at bedtime, as needed. I know that many of us lose our appetites in the early stages of this surgery.

Is it still common for me to have little appetite and daily nausea at this point? I still eat...actually feel a little better when I do eat, but am getting weary about the queasy stomach. I know many of you need stool softners...that is the LAST thing I need, if you know what I mean.

Is this still a side effect of the surgery? I had a spinal rather than general anesthesia, and I can't blame this on vicodin. I'm starting to feel like a whiner, but it would be reassuring to hear that this is not too unusual.
I know its not a great topic but I remember asking on here, I was so sick to my stomach and you know I did need to use the restroom and couldnt. Get stoll softeners or something that can be a terrible feeling, very sick to my stomach...You are so not a whiner you are so early...Dont worry about that...We all complain. plase do vent you will feel better. You are so not alone....Take it easy...
My appetite didn't come back till very recently (I'm almost at the four month mark). I didn't need stool softeners either- no matter how much I told the nurses and doctors during my two-week hospital stay (rehab was in the hospital where I was), they insisted on making me take them. It took an "incident" before they took my word for it and also started giving me a medication I take to combat said problem (I had my gall bladder removed 20 years ago).

Anyway, the queasy thing might be related to your pain meds. I had Percocet in the past for dental procedures, but its been at least ten years. When the surgeon gave it to me after my manipulation, it make me queasy. He switched my pain meds and the queasy-ness went away.
Finally, a post I can relate to, or I should say my husband. He is at 9 weeks, and has lost 13 pounds so far. His appetite is still not back to normal, but getting there. Also, what he does eat, he says tastes funny. I don't know if the pain killers are causing that sensation, but please be assured, it is perfectly normal, but not a way I would want to lose weight!
I have been giving him a lot of peanut and jelly (good protein in peanut butter), and foods that would upset his stomach, like eggs (poached or soft boiled). He is not a chicken person, so a little beef once in a while.
Hope that helps.
Seems like everyone experiences the appetite problem. I could not eat or stand the smell of beef for over a month. I lost a little weight, but it is back!!! My appetite is also back.

I did not take the stool softeners at the hosp. I refused. I took them out of the pill cup and gave them to the nurse and told her no way. I did not need them.

Make sure you never take a pain pill on an empty stomach. You most likely will be nausea if you do not eat something just before taking them.
Oh yes! It's a combination of everything! And each person's experience, like so much of this, is unique. You just have to wait it out, I'm afraid. As your need for pain killers starts to wane, so your appetite should improve. Hope it won't be too long.
Make sure you never take a pain pill on an empty stomach. You most likely will be nausea if you do not eat something just before taking them.

VERY good point, Loggon. Even something as small as a cracker helps. I used to keep a small bowl of crackers beside my bed with my pills so I could eat a few even when I took my pain pills in the middle of the night.

It will get better, though. It just takes time. You're still very early in the recovery process. It's easy to get frustrated with the length of time "normal" takes, but it's just part of the deal for most folks.

Loss of appetite happens for a lot of people also. That will change as you decrease the pain meds and your activity level increases. It's not a permanent problem. Neither is the "food tastes funny" problem permanent. Surgery and recovery is a HUGE shock to a person's system and these little things are just your body's reaction to that experience. It will pass.
I wish I'd lost weight....I've put on about 5 kgs....grrrr I'm heavier than I've ever been outside of pregnancy....I've never hit 70 kgs before and i"m really not eating more than usual...if anything I guess its because muscle weighs more than fat, because I don't feel like I'm significantly heavier or look heavier.....I'd like to lose 10 kgs, but I'd have to really start thinking about it....actually I'd like to go on a much healthier eating plan generally, more veges, fruit etc, less processed food, more whole foods etc....but in a way I feel a bit stuck as to where I should start......
Thanks everyone. As usual, it's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one. This surgery is certainly not for "sissies!"

I do look forward to actually enjoying a meal again. Right now, I eat to keep my strength up, but haven't really enjoyed much, except some occasional ice cream!
Ice cream is the best medicine ever!

I know this problem. The pain killers for me will do this. I have to drink tons of water. I refuse to take the stool softners due to my gall bladder being taken out earlier this year. I use omneprozole (which I can't spell right) over the counter. I take 40 mg. since it is weaker than the regular prescriptions of 20 for those photon inhibitors. You have to decide that one for yourself. I just know the digestive problems I already have been diagnosed with. Right now I am turning into a protein carnivore. I still can't take raw vegies yet. I think it takes time for the diet to come back to normal. I am 5 weeks out now, and do feel at times I just don't want to eat. HOWEVER, I do seem to have enough FAT stored up that hopefully I will not be missing this part yet. (know what I mean? 40 lbs. less would not hurt here.) The body is so traumatized by all of this it just takes some time. Hang in there. I know there have been days when I have only felt like rice, or oatmeal (plain) or anything very simple. Anything else and I get queasy. Hugs, old goat
Old have had quite a year with the gall bladder and the knee! I had my gall bladder removed 14 years ago and wonder if not having it leads to difficulty. They tell you that you won't miss it, but I do think that my digestion has been "off" some without it.

I know what you mean about having enough fat stored up! I have lost a few pounds with this process, but definitely wouldn't hurt to drop a few more. Just a pretty miserable way to do that!
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