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junior member
Apr 12, 2008
United Kingdom
I had my operation on 31st MArch 2008, and since then I have been trying to wear the horrible stockings that we are asked to wear. ( The colour of them is bad enough. GREEN), that aside I feel like giving up. I have two pairs. Both have ladders in them and both have gone all loose on the top. So I spend more time trying to keep them up. For the past couple of days, I just wear them in bed, as it is bad enough having a sore knee, but having a bad temper with them, makes me worse. I feel that I do enough moving about for them not to be a total worry in the day time. So just try and wear them when my legs are still. I have been told to wear them for 6 weks, and I am now at 4 weeks!
Somewhere here is a thread about stockings and alot of people shar thier experiences with them. Give it a read.
I think the gist of the stockings thread is: Most people discarded them by the end of week 2 and if you are moving and walking you don't need them.
My doc said to wear them all day and take them off at night. He told me at 2 weeks that I didn't need to wear them unless I wanted to. FYI.
EDK - Good one. Made me laugh out loud. You are a funny guy. :)
I was never told to wear them, thank goodness, I have enough trouble taking my layers of clothing off as it is. I have about 3 hot flashes in 15 minutes sometimes, or at least two an hour!! I would have a terrible time getting those things off in a hurry!!
Not to mention they are ugly, itchy, and they made me feel like I was about 100 years old!
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