still some muscle pain after 4 months

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new member
May 1, 2008
I feel very lucky, having read some of the other threads, to have made such a good recovery from tlhr. However, I am still getting occasional nipping pain, presumably along nerve endings, and deep seated ?muscle pain on pressing my leg halfway up my thigh. I know, I know - as I would say to my kids, "well don't press it then", but I sort of felt the tissues, etc. would have healed by now. I returned to work, in an infant school, after 5 weeks, but don't really exercise as such, though I would like to work on flexation/rotation. Any advice on either subject, gratefully received!
Well, 4 months is still quite early, Barbie. It's usual to reckon that it will take months before you stop getting these odd aches and pains, maybe as much as 8-10 months. You wait, one day you'll wake up and realise you haven't thought about the new hip in ages and then you'll realise it was almost a year since the op!
5 months post op and I hurt everyday. Yes, I am going to a gym/pool for exercise about 3 to 4 times a week and wake up every morning going...WHAT AM I DOING??? But, it took 5 years to get in the situation I was in and it will take a lot longer than 5 months to feel like a new me. As Josephine said, it will take a lot longer for some of us and that would be me. Just give it LOTS of time....I am doing that....I know I will wake up one morning and go, "Oh my gosh, I feel normal again." Hang in there....Patty
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