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Still on the rehab floor

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Mar 21, 2008
United States United States
Hi Folks
Well I am still on the acute rehab floor. I should be able to go home next Tuesday if my knees start to bend some more. I am ok on most things like dressing, washing up and getting out of bed (more or less) but trying to get the swelling down so the knees bend (esp. on the right) is a challenge.

One of the problems is that I never knew that on the right the way I was walking had caused some contractures so getting that leg straight is harder. In the morning I can barely get the foot flat on the floor. If I have to get up in the middle of the night (which with all the extra fluid is not avoidable) the nurse is always saying get the foot down and all I want to go is to get to the bathroom and back to bed. So I am stretching as much as possible.

I do have therapy for 3 hours a day (OT, ADL, and PT_ and spend 8 hours a day on the cpm machines. We started at 60 and are now at 98. With all that time it is hard to get in all the exercises but we try.

They took the foot rests of the wheelchair so I have to sit with my knees bent. The problem is I have not sat with knees bent for more than 10 minutes in 30 plus years. I stay away from movies or any place without leg room. Also learning to walk with knees bent takes alot of concentration. Ever time I move, someone is always saying bend the knees!. The therapist walks behind be and taps the back of the knee when I don't

Today during PT we took a walk outside in the memorial garden. This included a gravel path as that is what my driveway is. Nice to be out.

On Friday, I should be cleared to get out of bed and go to the bathroom myself which will be nice. I will also be able to go for walks alone. There are very careful about safety.

I will have to use a walker for at least a month as still only 50% weight bearing on the right.

The people at the hospital are great and all the nurses, doctors and therapists are great. So I should be in good shape when I get home. Still trying to figure how they are getting the insurance to approve the extra time, 10 days plus 4 for the surgery.

The roomie went home yesterday and so far no replacement which is great.

Well time for exercise.

Great to hear from you again Simon. Sounds like you are working hard. Not sure where you are but it was a spectacular day here in CT, so I bet your walk was wonderful. Take care!

I am in Rutland VT. I live in the NEK though

Simon -
Hang in there - and keep working your knees. I am sure you will get the ROM you need. I spent a summer many moons ago camping in Rutland Vermont - It was beautiful!

Keep your spirits high!

Glad To See You Feeling Better Simon. I Was Thinking About You Today Wondering How Your Rehab Was Going. Glad You Have A Date When You Can Go Home, Know You Are Looking Forward To Be In Your Own Place Again. Rowdy

Hearing from you is VERY inspirational, thanks for that!! Know that we are thinking about you always, and keep your chin up, we need you!!!

Nice to hear from you.I know Rutland well. We had a friend who lived there for years. I hope you are feeling better every day. Keep up the exercises and know that you are working on muscles that truly need the work! It is all for a better quality of life.
Keep up the good work!
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