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Stiffness and Swelling?

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Aug 12, 2008
United States United States
YO! Gang,

Can you all think back and tell me when your stiffness and swelling subsided. I am 7 weeks from RTKR and 6 weeks from LTRK and I have swelling and stiffness continuous.

God Bless,
What's that old cliché? How long is a piece of string? Some folk still have problems after 6 months. Only time will tell.
Six months out I still have stiffness--but it is getting better all the time.

Most of my swelling was largely gone after about 2 months.

Results will vary :)
Still swollen here! Oh well - Some day I will again where my jeans. Can't get them over my calf due to the swelling - Oh well - I am stuck in sweats for a while. The OS told me it may take quite a time. The swellling had lessened but was still pretty bad -As long as I can bend I will be happy. And I have a strawberry colored leg most of the time/ They also said that will go away in time as well.

Hang in there!
Marianne (3 months out rtkr)
Hi Rick,
I am 15 weeks postop and I still have some stiffness as well. Mine is mostly on the outer side of the knee. The more I walk the looser it gets. In fact I find myself not wanting to set down for too long at the time because my knee will get stiff very quickly.
I have not had any real problems with swelling, but I have noticed that
just below my knee/top part of my calf on the inner side does tend to swell some after alot of walking or even from just sitting at work all day.
Hang in there, the stiffness does get better. My OS told me last week that
it may well take up to a year before I am able to just get up and go and
not have any stiffness. His words were to hang in there, and do my exercises and that the day will come when the stiffness will be no more!!!
Hi Rick, I am 9 months out, still have stiffness, swelling and only 107 ROM. My OS hopes all will be well between 12-18 months. We are all so different eh?
I am 8 weeks out and still have stiffness and swelling. Using ice and Naproxen. Saw my surgeon today and told him about my concerns. He said it takes time, but he did say he could alleviate some of the swelling by draining it a bit. He drained it and then gave me a shot of cortisone to reduce the inflamation. You might want to ask your surgeon if he could do that for you. Just had it done today, so I don't know yet if it will help.
I'm 8 weeks post-op and still have swelling. I'm still taking the anti-inflammatory, Mobic, although every couple of weeks I stop for a few days... and find out very quickly I still need it. When I overdo, I have aching and my knee feels very stiff... I think that's from added swelling. Depending on my level of activity, I ice 1 to 4 times a day. My ROM is great. I saw my OS last week and he said the swelling should go away in a few months. I can't wait for that!
I feel like the odd man out here but maybe it'll give you hope.

I'm 6+ weeks out of TKR and have hardly any swelling, quit all pain meds yesterday, stiffness has pretty much gone, have full extension and at least 135 degrees flexion. And I haven't had any physical therapy (why I don't know what my current flexion is).

I did have that horrible stiffness for awhile, where it feels like a strip of leather is inside my knee but now only get a bit stiff when I get up from sitting a long time.

I did have the "Quad Sparing" technique (Zimmer) so that may be why I'm recovering faster.

Everyone heals differently,

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