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Staples out today...and travelling query

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new member
Sep 25, 2009
United Kingdom
I went to hospital this morning for a review and to have the 32 staples out. They stung a little as they came out, but now the area feels much better for not having them there.

While I was there the physio saw how I was getting on with mobility and asked if I had any questions. I asked when I could go back to work, and specifically when I could fly again, since my line of work takes me overseas on a regular basis. She said that whilst I could probably resume a desk job in 6 to 8 weeks, I shouldn't go on a 'plane for 3 months because of the DVT risks! :shk: I don't know how my employer is going to take this news. I don't want to take undue risks, of course.
Welcome Littlejimmy!!
Health comes first....can't you do some kind of conferencing? I would be cautious about flying......especially overseas> You STILL need time to recup! Good luck! And hope your boss understands!! :sct::thmb:
Well, she's being ultra-cautious, I think! Provided you take precautions like wearing compression hose, doing the ankle pumps often and getting up to walk around some during the flight, you wouldn't stand any more danger of DVT than any other traveller. However, I would be concerned about the impact travel as work has on you from the stamina point of view. For sure I wouldn't recommend you doing a working journey before the 8 week mark.
Thanks for the advice, everyone. I'm thinking that she was being ultra-cautious about the time myself. I mean, the advice on aspirin was to take it for 6 weeks, so I guess that means after then the risks of clotting reduce. 6 weeks seems to the magic number for everything.

Another spanner in the works, my follow up appointment with the surgeon and it's 10th December. I expected it to be sooner, and it will be nearly 3 months / 12 weeks after the op. Even if I am safe in theory to travel, should I wait till I've had my first follow up before saying I can travel, etc? Or could I travel then come back for the appointment?

Why is life never easy? :rant:
I would wait for the 3 month check up. At 3 months is when you are going to see a turning point.

Blood clot risk still is there after you stop taking the aspirin. If you are going to travel, esp in planes you need the TED socks.
I agree and even when you do start flying get up walk around a lil but p you've gone this far...i hope they understand you have been thru alot.........Sounds like an exciting job........) glad you are doing so well............)
8 weeks, 12 weeks - not so much difference really, is there? I'd settle for telling your boss you can't do it until your OS says you can! Perfect get-out!
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