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Staples out and some pictures

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Apr 4, 2009
United States - NW Arkansas
United States United States
I'm exactly two weeks out from my RTHR. Saw the OS today to get my staples out and do a status report.

He was very pleased with how the incision has healed and how I am feeling.

He gave me clearance to start elliptical and stationary biking. I just have to use pain as a guidance and don't break any of the angle rules. Oddly enough he doesn't want me swimming for another 3-4 weeks. Don't know why. Maybe something to do with being able to easily get into bad angles?

I can go ahead and switch to a cane. Definitely happy about that.

Still have to sleep on my back or non-op leg with pillow between legs for another 2-3 weeks. I used to always sleep on my operated leg so this is really causing me sleep issues.

I can finally drink again. I need a beer and some buffalo wings or pizza.

Doesn't want me to drive for two more weeks, which is fine. I work from home so just mainly need to go to PT.

Great meeting from my standpoint.

Also, I have a few pictures to share. I was able to get a picture (with my phone) of the x-rays taken by my GP a couple of months ago when I didn't know what was going on with my hip. Also, for reference I have the one from 1988, about 8 months after the surgery to repair my hip.

Lastly, I put together a small collage of my scar as it's progressed so far. The total scar is 11 inches with 9 of that being the most recent (he cut through the existing scar). Thought it might be interesting to compare notes.
Cool photos Scott! Bet you're glad those staples have gone! And that's great news about being able to use a cane. I can remember feeling it was a huge accomplishment to "just" be using the cane! :)
Enjoy that beer and pizza - have some for me!

Thanks, Peta! Maybe I'll join a wine night sometime, now :)

Oh, and I forgot to mention there is a faint line in the second x-ray that shows where my leg length discrepancy was. I'm all straight now.
I thought that was what the line was for amazing is the feeling of being straight after so long??

You're definitely on the list for the next wine night! :) I just have to make it a night when I can stay up ALL night - with nothing on the next day! Will keep you posted! :)
Scott! Peta's the BEST when she ties a couple on! :)
Are you crossing your legs in that Xrays? Very cool shot! Keep feeling good,guys! :)
Scott....great photos. Would you mind if I copied that post over to the photo thread? I think it would be helpful for others to see who are awaiting surgery or have just had it done.
Great photos Scott! Glad your appointment went well today. It was some a great feeling to go out and have a beer for me too! I had just that beer and buffalo wings! mmmm

Are you crossing your legs in that Xrays?

No, definitely not. I may have had my feet together though. Does it look odd?

Scott....great photos. Would you mind if I copied that post over to the photo thread? I think it would be helpful for others to see who are awaiting surgery or have just had it done.

Of course not! I posted them for reference more than anything. I think it's useful for people to compare against each other.

Great photos Scott! Glad your appointment went well today. It was some a great feeling to go out and have a beer for me too! I had just that beer and buffalo wings! mmmm


Thanks, Mel! I am so jealous. I usually have wings once a week and I'm having withdrawal!
Okay...........I was going to let this one go for fear of looking silly AGAIN! but I have to ask.......since when are buffalo able to fly????????????????
Scott! Guess its my overactive imagination! Those pix are great! Glad your surgery was so successful! :)
No you're not crazy, Peta,,,,,,Buffalo wings are spicy chicken wings! They have nothing to do with Buffalo! They're a raving any sporting event....accompanied by beer !!! :)
Okay...........I was going to let this one go for fear of looking silly AGAIN! but I have to ask.......since when are buffalo able to fly????????????????

Oh, I just CANNOT restrain myself . . . buffalo can fly (or bet they sure wish they could) at Rocky Mountain Oyster harvest time!!!!

:) :) :)
Judles, Buffalo wings DO have a relationship to Buffalo, New York. That's where they a bar there. They are deep fried, then dipped in a really hot sauce and served with celery sticks and blue cheese dressing to cut the heat. VERY messy, but VERY good if you like hot stuff.
Melissa and Jamie - Yum! You are making me get a bad craving! :) I love wings. I don't like super hot, you know the kind of hot where you really can't taste anything. I like the hot just before that level.
Scott!!! You were the one that started this I think! Thanks, Jamie.....I was referring to animal Buffalo....NOT the city, LOL!!! :). ,
I'm sitting here eating a very healthy (read boring.......!!) salad trying to pretend it's actually spicy, greasy, yummy chicken wings!

It's not working..................!
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