I am due to have my staples removed tomorrow after 13 days. Which will be a huge relief at this point because I am sure that they are making the incision feel quite sore - would this be right? It feels as though it is getting quite tight, it is still a bit sore from the reaction to the adhesive from the dressing as well, plus I do have some swelling but not a huge amount. Will it help a bit once the staples are removed?
I have been using ice on it - didn't have anything to hand apart from a bag of frozen wedges :evil:, but have now progressed to frozen peas which are far more comfy :D. It feels good afterwards for quite a long time.
Also I am almost 2 weeks post op and am not sure how much exercise I should be doing - am I doing too much or too little? I am using a single cane in the house now, and 2 outside. I am walking about 600-700 yards a day and gradually increasing (this is outside), I do my bed exercises and standing exercises a minimum of 4 times a day and have been increasing the number of each exercise daily. I am doing about 20 of each individual exercise at the moment. Does this sound OK.
I still have no pain, just muscle ache - mainly in a band across the centre/front of my thigh which I assume is quite normal. Also a bit of aching where the implant is in my actual hip - again normal? I am still amazed at how much I can move before things start to tighten up - it is such a great feeling :wahey:.
Thanks everyone
I have been using ice on it - didn't have anything to hand apart from a bag of frozen wedges :evil:, but have now progressed to frozen peas which are far more comfy :D. It feels good afterwards for quite a long time.
Also I am almost 2 weeks post op and am not sure how much exercise I should be doing - am I doing too much or too little? I am using a single cane in the house now, and 2 outside. I am walking about 600-700 yards a day and gradually increasing (this is outside), I do my bed exercises and standing exercises a minimum of 4 times a day and have been increasing the number of each exercise daily. I am doing about 20 of each individual exercise at the moment. Does this sound OK.
I still have no pain, just muscle ache - mainly in a band across the centre/front of my thigh which I assume is quite normal. Also a bit of aching where the implant is in my actual hip - again normal? I am still amazed at how much I can move before things start to tighten up - it is such a great feeling :wahey:.
Thanks everyone