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TKR Staple not removed properly

Happy One Month Anniversary!
Wishing you continued progress and healing in the months ahead.
Stay in touch! :)
Thank you Layla, still in a lot of pain and barely able to walk but I’m back at my physiotherapist every week so fingers crossed it starts to mend. I’m still convinced the staple is causing me this pain but the Consultant just doesn’t listen to me when I mention this to him!
Perhaps you could request that your surgeon order an MRI just to be sure there are no metal fragments remaining from the buried staple. If nothing else, the imaging would ease your mind that things will eventually get better. I don't know what the rules are in Cyprus, but it's worth a try.
That is a great idea, Jamie, shared above. Hopefully that will work for you. Especially given you're in a lot of pain. I am so sorry. :console2:

If the Consultant or surgeon won't act on this, what bout your Primary Care Physician?
I do hope you find relief soon.
Thank you Jamie and Layla. I had an X-ray done about 10 days ago and it didn’t show up any metal. I’m still attending physio every week and she is very pleased so going forward I’m trying to keep a positive mind, doing my exercises at home and trying to do little walks daily. My walking is getting better so keeping positive.
Positive steps forward is good news! Sometimes these things can take much longer than you think to resolve. I’m glad the x-ray was done and showed everything was gone from your body. That had to make you feel more confident. Hang there!
A positive attitude is always a good thing. Maybe it's resolved itself? You can hope. Your moving in the right direction, never the less. That has to make you feel better.
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