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TKR Staple not removed properly


new member
Dec 28, 2024
Cyprus Cyprus
Hi all,

I’m hoping someone can help me. I had my third TKR, on the same knee, in August of this year. After I had the staples removed my physiotherapist and I both noticed a little bit of silver, looked like part of a staple. I went back to my Consultant who said he couldn’t see anything but a few weeks later a lump appeared above where we had noticed the silver piece. He said it was a knot and cut very deep to remove it.

Everything is healing well apart from the site of the silver piece. I’m in agony every day and every day it seems to get harder to walk. Has anyone else had this happen to them or can somebody please give me some advice?
Welcome to BoneSmart. I'm sorry you've had this worrisome glitch @lc1952 !

When he says "knot," that's an internal suture working its way out. They are used on the subcutaneous tissues that have to be cut in surgery and are supposed to simply be absorbed.

It's not unusual for one or two to refuse to dissolve, and the body essentially ejects them, so they make their way out, first as a lump, sometimes needing a bit of assist. And it always scares our members!!!!

Did he recommend using an antibiotic ointment and covering it?

If there's redness, hardness, heat, or drainage from the spot, please put a call in to your ortho practice. Normally on weekends and after hours there will be a way to reach an on-call

If you provide the dates of each surgery and which knee for each procedure, we will create a custom signature for you so members see where you're at in recovery.
How long were your staples in before they were removed? And who actually did the removal for you? It is possible to have problems following staple removal, but it's pretty rare.

We also need the dates for your surgeries so we can create a signature for you. This helps us better understand your case. It would help if you told us a little about why you've had three surgeries on your knee.
Good afternoon from a very wet and cold Cyprus.

Thank you for your replies but I didn’t get an answer to the real problem. I will get back to you with dates etc for my knee replacements when I look back at my diaries but the 3 TKR’s have been over a period of approximately 2 years.

The knot has fully healed over so no problem there BUT my real question is what would be the result if a staple or part staple was left behind when they were taken out?

I hope someone can help with this query and thank you for your patience.
Only your medical team can answer this for you, since they know you and your history. All we can do is suggest things that might make you feel better. Baby that knee until heals and you can talk to a medical person.
my real question is what would be the result if a staple or part staple was left behind when they were taken out?
I'm sorry we don't have an answer for you. I am not aware of any member on the forum who had reported dealing with this problem, so you likely won't hear from anyone with experience.

As sister said, this is really something that you need to review with your medical team.
Have your Xrays showed anything? Have you been tested for infection. If it was me, I would definitely inquire about this.
Without knowing why YOU needed multiple replacements but knowing why some folks do, plus your worsening since the suture/metal removal, is what has all our minds going to the possibility of infection, and why we believe you need to follow up with your surgeon (and possibly your primary physician or, if you had a prior infection, your infectious disease doctor).
Thank you for your replies, much appreciated
IC1952, I can't believe i found someone else with a staple left behind. My 1st THR was in 2017. After staples were removved, I found a piece of staple tucked near incision after 2 months. Called O.S. , Who removed what was visible then.
Now, fast forward to 2024, I felt a huge lump, pain, redness at 1st incision. O.S. felt the lump, ordered MRI. Result said "metal shavings present" . Dr. Was ready to operate, but when surgery date came, suddenly the lump, pain dissipated. That was 3 months before 2nd THR. bottom line advice here, except that lost staple piece didn't flare up for 7 years. Just sharing more of my "too much information "! 2nd Hippy.
Wow, @2nd Hippy …. Thank you so much for posting this information. Left behind staples are a new topic for us, so it’s helpful to have input from someone who’s been through it.

IF there are no issues such as infection or metal fragments left behind, there should be no problem with removal of a hidden staple after surgery. Once the wound area where the cuts are made heals, all should be well. But….since it is possible that problems can arise after an extended period, any incidence of new pain, lumps, drainage, or tenderness should be checked out by a surgeon.
Ic1952, Linda, I was reluctant to share this, since it happened 7 years post surgery. My o.s., admitted that he's Never seen this before in his 25 year practice. He Called me unique !
2nd Hippy looks like you’re not unique after all! I left a message for my Consultant earlier today but up to now I haven’t heard back from him which is very unusual. Hopefully tomorrow
Consultant is out of country, back today, but tomorrow is a Public Holiday in Cyprus and he’s operating all day Tuesday so hopefully I will get to see him on Wednesday
I saw my physiotherapist on Tuesday, she is fairly happy. I then say my Consultant yesterday, he is very happy and reminded me that the same area had been cut into 3 times in 2 years! I asked him about using an exercise bike as walking was too sore and he stated that one of the little ones with just the 2 pedals, not a full exercise bike, would be great for me. So guess what we’re going shopping for today? I really hope this works.
I just noticed that you don't have any surgical dates in your signature. Please tell us when you had your surgeries, what they were and which knee.
I will get back to you with dates etc for my knee replacements when I look back at my diaries but the 3 TKR’s have been over a period of approximately 2 years.
We have created a signature and noted the August 2024 surgery as a second revision since you typed that is was the third TKR on the same knee. Is that accurate? If so, what day of the month was the August surgery?
Please identify the knee.

If the other two surgeries were over one year ago, you can just give us the year of your original TKR and the year for the first revision. For any surgery performed within the last year, we'd prefer the exact date please.
Thanks in advance!
My first TKR on my left knee was 12 July 2022
Viral pneumonia 4 May 2023
My first revision 31 August 2023
Pulmonary Embolism 10 September 2023
Viral pneumonia 1 August 2024
My second revision 11 October 2024
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Thank you for the dates for your signature!
Have a great weekend! :SUNsmile:

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