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Squeaky metal on metal hip replacement

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Jul 27, 2009
United States
Two years ago I had a total hip replacment with a metal on metal joint. Recently the hip has started to squeak, sometimes quite loudly, during stair climbing, bending and sometimes during walking. I can feel the vibration and am concerned about the friction. Can the increased wear from friction reduce the life of the device? Can it release increased levels of chromium and cobalt ions (the surface constituents)? Is there an issue with heat generation during long walks.
Hi Schlei! I'm MOM and I'd be curious to know as well! Why don't you call your OS and ask! Have you changed your routine in any way?:sct:
Hi, schlei, and welcome to BoneSmart.

Since it's waited 2 years to start, I would definitely get it checked out. I've no idea what the implications for metal ions are but the late development of such a squeak is an indication of wear. It needs looking at.
hi schlei i also have the same feelings but seperation,clik,aswell. my hip is only 6 months old and have not been back to the doc yet. i would love to know if this is common
I think both of you should go and see your docs . The feeling of separation I had for quite a while until the muscles got strong enough. Now do to other problems they have atrophied again and once again I have the separation feeling. More strength training.
Schlei, hi and welcome to BoneSmart! So glad you decided to join us. I agree with the folks who've posted and said you need to go get things checked out. Are you a fairly active person?

Do let us know what your OS has to say. It will be of interest to others on the forum who have metal on metal joints.
i have just seen a clip on this site from a dr.raj k.sinhar RE; noise from a replaced hip maybe you sould have a look and see if it helps in any way. W w

Click here to view Dr. Sinha's Video

[] Squeaky metal on metal hip replacement
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