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TKR Sounds

Wishing you, Buddy, your husband, your children, your grandchildren, inlaws and outlaws (you mentioned outlaws above == hope they are on their best behavior!) a great Thanksgiving.

Turns out that I wasn't needed for jury duty this week, and I've been rescheduled to June. :/ Going to big family gathering of friend's family -- I've been adopted as an honorary sister.
Here's my sweet 5 yr old granddaughter ready for the Nutcracker this afternoon! We had a blast! No problems with the new knee!


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@Timetolive Thanks! She's "my girl"! This was our second year to go. She loved it so much when we came out, she wanted to go back in and see it again! Lol! Not sure if she was more excited about the new dress or the ballet! Yes, she thought ."Buddy" was a silly name for a knee, but she has been very sweet all weekend to "take care" of me! Love this girl soooo much!
How precious she is. I took my daughters when they were 4,9 and 10. I think I watched their faces more than the ballet! She looks like she is definitely Grandma's little girl. I love the dress too.
What a lovely wee girl! My niece is expecting her third baby. She has two boys and I'm kind of hoping this one is a girl. If it isn't, that's fine too. Her boys are lovely.
Awwww.... Thank you all for the sweet comments on my granddaughter, Emmie. We had a wonderful time at the Nutcracker and will continue our tradition next year. DH and I were both exhausted after the weekend! Thursday we will go back to Atlanta to babysit the Grands ( ages 2 and 5) while their parents go to NYC to celebrate their anniversary. DH and I are certain we will collapse as soon as they go to bed! :yahoo:I just hope Buddy makes it!!!!!
I'm sure Buddy will be happy to play with the other two youngsters! Sleep as much as you can now so he doesn't get too tired. Remember Buddy is the baby of the bunch!
Our grandkids, ages 11 and 9, keep us really busy. We had them for three weeks last summer in Florida! We had so much fun but are always exhausted once they leave. Have fun and remember, Buddy is the youngest and therefor needs the most attention!
I guess the grands have been keeping you very busy. I just wanted to say hi to you and Buddy!
Helen, how is Buddy doing? Grandarlings winding down? Got the ice ready? Hope you are having a good time!
Helen, Emmie is adorable and such a wonderful age! Enjoy your long weekend with her!
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