TKR Sounds

It could have been a tendon popping against a bone---or many things. What did the PT have to say about the noise? Since he/she was right there I am sure they have some idea of what was happening. Sometimes, I get a popping noise when my IT band is tight as well. There are so many things---it is better to ask the person who knows you for this answer.

It is scary when our body makes noises of any kind. Have you had issues with adhesions??
He had just walked away to check on another patient when it happened! Although, his response was similar to yours. No problems with adhesions except for a pea size "knot" of scar tissue behind my knee. It seems to have "disappeared" after this episode! Yesterday, I rode my home bike backward and froward with no problem!
Week 6 and I'm ready for "normal"! Lol! I am not the most patient patient.
I did have some adhesions that would pop and hurt greatly, but only for a brief period of time.
I am not the most patient patient.
[] Sounds

Patience, Grasshopper, Patience!!!
Thanks,guys! I think it just scared the bejeebees out of me!

Yes, Master. Patience is a virtue I strive for.

I am so very thankful for all of you on this site! I have had many hours of peace from reading the info, posts and replys. I will have 2nd TKR in a few months and will be ready for it thanks to Bonesmart!
...I am so very thankful for all of you on this site! I have had many hours of peace from reading the info, posts and replys. I will have 2nd TKR in a few months and will be ready for it thanks to Bonesmart!

I 100% agree! With my first TKR Bonesmart addressed many concerns that would otherwise have had me freaking out (literally). I was trying to hold out a year or more on my other knee, but it deteriorated rather quickly. Thank goodness for Josephine and all the good folks at Bonesmart!
8 wks post op tomorrow and today my body just crashed on me... Totally exhausted after going to church for the first time since the surgery. I've been doing ok with PT and a few short errands, but today I honestly thought I would not make it home! We ate a quick lunch and I slept several hours. Ugh!mwhere did this come from???
Here is the post op reading, be sure to read the article on energy drain.
Normal to be exhausted with activity, just rest, sleep, and recover, your energy will come back.

First are the BoneSmart mantras ....
- rest, elevate, ice and take your pain meds by the clock as prescribed
- if it hurts, don't do it and don't allow anyone - especially a physiotherapist - to do it to you
- if your leg swells more or gets stiffer in the 24 hours after doing it, don't do it again
- if you won't die if it's not done, don't do it
- never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lie down, never stay awake when you can go to sleep!
- be active as much as you need to be but not more than is necessary, meaning so much that you end up being in pain, exhausted or desperate to sit down or lay down!

Next is a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) thread.

And here are some very crucial articles
The importance of managing pain after a TKR and the pain chart
Myth busting: no pain, no gain
Swollen and stiff knee: what causes it?
Activity progression for TKRs

Healing: how long does it take?
Chart representation of TKR recovery
Energy drain for TKRs
Elevation is the key
Ice to control pain and swelling

Home physio (PT) and activity progress: suggestions
Myth busting: the "window of opportunity" in TKR
Myth busting: on getting addicted to pain meds
Post op blues is a reality - be prepared for it
Sleep deprivation is pretty much inevitable - but what causes it?

And then some wise words from members who have shared their experiences ...
Where are you in recovery?? (TKR)
Five “P’s” of knee recovery
TKR: work “smarter” and not “harder”
Recovering a knee - from one who knows!
It's never too late to get more ROM!
It's worth the wait for ROM
There is a good article in the library that explains the energy drain from TKR. What you experienced is very common. I am now 13 weeks out, back to work, pretty active and have gained much of my energy back but if I add that one extra activity to the mix it's too much and I have to go to bed early or take a nap! Happend to me today after wandering around a large Lowes store!
I'm still crashing for a nap periodically. Coming up on five months, and it's not as bad as it was, but every now and then. To be honest, before the surgery, I sometimes got tired in the afternoon (I just resisted the nap -- now that I have my recliner handy, I take advantage of it), so maybe this is just me.
This recovery is amazing.... The energy drain just sneaks up on you!!
Ok, normal and nothing to even be concerned about. I iced, elevated and napped. Feeling better tonight.
Think I'll take the day off tomorrow for Labor Day ( says the crazy retired lady! )
8 wks post op tomorrow and today my body just crashed on me... Totally exhausted after going to church for the first time since the surgery. I've been doing ok with PT and a few short errands, but today I honestly thought I would not make it home! We ate a quick lunch and I slept several hours. Ugh!mwhere did this come from???
I ran a few errands at four weeks or so and the half-hour errands wiped me out for three hours!!

I made a mistake and returned to the classroom at eight weeks, after my BTKR, and, at the end of the school day, I was exhausted!!

This energy drain is very real and your body is still sending large amounts of energy toward the healing process.

Stamina is one of the last things to return.
It is very easy to be inducted into the ODIC. (Over Did It Club.) Most of the time, we do it inadvertantly, but our body sends us the message, all the same.
Don't feel too bad. We all overdo it at some point. But the important thing is you realize what happened, you're taking a step back and resting, and then you can get going again on recovery. That's the way it's never a straight line to the goal!
Thanks! The encouragement here helps! I rested on Sun afternoon and took a nap ( with knee elevated) this afternoon. I feel human again!
Very good!!! Just be prepared for these little setbacks as you go along. And now you know that a bit of rest, ice and elevation can get things right again.
I reached a new milestone today! My DH has finally let me drive!! Hurrahhhh! So, I drove myself to PT then a quick stop at the ( very large) grocery store. Wonderful to have a tiny bit of independence!

It was PT progress report day. Flexion was 110 (started at 88 just 3 weeks ago! ) but Extension was only 5 ( down from 8). Baby steps... But I will be trying the "hang the knee off the edge of the bed " exercise" !
That's huge! Being able to drive made me feel several giant steps back toward being me.

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