Sort of unrelated (back) problem.

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junior member
Dec 16, 2008
Australia Australia
Hi All

On Tuesday, rather stupidly I lifted a couple of 20 Kg drums of chlorine. By Wednesday morning my back was sore so I took a couple of anti-inflammatory pills. By Wednesday evening it was worse so I took a couple of regular pain killers and a couple more anti-inflammatory. I woke up at about 2am in severe 9/10 pain in my lower /middle back! The pain was as bad if not worse than the knee replacements.! I took a couple of Syndol and spent a very uncomfortable couple of hours

By Thursday morning the pain had subsided considerably but I noticed I now have a “dead spot” about the size of side plate on my left thigh/buttock. It feels very similar to the dead spot on my knees where the nerves were cut. Very weird!!!:pzld:

Long story short, I went to the local GP and he was not much help at all. He said he had no idea what the problem was and if it happened again to go to hospital. Not a very satisfactory answer

Has anyone had anything similar? Josephine, have you ever come across this before?

Any help/advice appreciated
Hey Rich geez sounds pretty painful take care of yourself.............Pulled muscle i dont know but i have no pulled my calf muscle in the TKR leg and wow it wont go away......Maybe yours is pulled , strained just takes alot of resting........Sorry i hope you feel better.............) Oh I used alot of heat in the back of the knee then switch to ice which ever feels better at the time...........
Since my surgery for a rtkr on March 27 2009 I have had back problems off and on. I have had problems in the past before the surgery but this is a different type pain.

It has been pretty bad at times. Last week and the week before that. I layed on the heating pad for almost 2 weeks and would ice sometimes. It has gone away. I only take advil and have not taken many of those.
Strange that your doctor had no clue! Keep taking anti inflammatories as needed and stop lifting for awhile! Hope you feel better FAST!!! (:)0)
Hi richfriz,
Sounds like a problem that happened to me years ago, it was a pinched nerve and herniated discs. My dead leg was right the way to my foot.

See a manipulative chiropractor and get them to make an X-ray of your spine. Then go from there.

RHKR 3/19/09
I do think a chiropractor is a good idea. Especially if rest and anti-inflammants don't take care of it. You probably pulled something in your back. Did you lift those heavy containers with your back (no! no!) or with your legs like you're supposed to??? Be careful!
Doc had no idea? For pity's sake! It's simple enough!

As Ellen said, it's the old 'pinched nerve' syndrome.

What happened is this:
You lifted something far too heavy and strained a muscle, probably tore a few fibres.
Muscle goes into spasm taking a few other nearby muscles with it.
They all get into a nice tight bunch and continue to spasm down your back and into your buttock where the sciatic nerve is.
Nerve gets strangled by the tight muscles and can't relay sensory input from around the area - result, a numb spot.

See a chiropractor. No need for xrays. Unnecessary xray exposure IMO. He can do acupressure and/or deep massage on your muscles and some adjustments on your spine. Couple or three treatments should do it.

In the meantime, keep taking the NSAIDs and paracetamol, and put a nice hot water bottle on that aching back to sooth things down.

And next time, use the appropriate equipment for lifting those drums! If you don't look after your back, no-one else is going to do it for you!
Thank you all for the information :thmb:

I will take better care of my back in future.... This getting older thing where nothing works as well as it did 20 years ago is getting a bit tiresome:sigh:

I need a new body.... This one is wearing out !!!!
Know exactly how you feel, Rich. Shopping is now not so much a trip down town as a marathon ordeal!
I will take better care of my back in future.... This getting older thing where nothing works as well as it did 20 years ago is getting a bit tiresome:sigh:

I need a new body.... This one is wearing out !!!!

How is your back now ?
Remember for the future, as the french ballet teacher says, 'bend zee knees' ! :wink:
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