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Some problems with my knew knee

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junior member
Feb 7, 2008
United States
Good morning everyone, I have a question. I had total knee replacement on may 20th. I can get my range of motion to 80 percent with lots of pain behind my knee, am I on track with my range of motion and the pain feels like what a torn muscle would be like? also I wake up soaking wet. Any Thoughts? thanks john c
Re: Anyone ever used Dynasplint during recovery before?

Hey, John, I had both knees totally replaced on May 13th and while my range of motion is good as is my ability to straighten my leg there are still nights and days when the pain is pretty bad, but not in my knee. I think it is what everyone on here refers to as the new joint getting used to being in your leg. You know we had a very difficult surgery and we are going to have a lot of different aches and pains before we get through this. From what everyone say it will be four to five months before it really gets better so we have a ways to go. I know for me just having the people on this forum to talk to and ask questions is a huge help. Hang in there, we are going to get better. ROWDY
Re: Anyone ever used Dynasplint during recovery before?

John for most of us, our knees were not only worn out but bowed in or out. Some of the pains we have or had are simply things settling back in place after re-alignment.
Also, even though my TKR was Jan 17, dead of winter, I remember constantly vacillating between night sweats, then freezing cold. It's the pain pills and early on, the blood thinners. Hang in there, I just had one of the best work outs with my legs I've had in years..
Re: Anyone ever used Dynasplint during recovery before?

Johnc, for 10-11 days it sounds like you are doing great! keep up the PT, you'll get there.
Re: Anyone ever used Dynasplint during recovery before?

Sounds exactly like I felt at that point in my recover, John. Also, had the night sweats for a few weeks after surgery. They get fewer and farther between after a while. Once I cut back on pain meds it helped. you are totally normal and doing great! Good to hear from you.

God bless!
Re: Anyone ever used Dynasplint during recovery before?

Look at Rowdy! She's right on with her advice. It's so much fun to watch the next team take over with advice and encouragement. You go, girl!!
John, your post was off-topic for the other thread so I moved into one of it's own, OK?
So you're at about 2 weeks? If my experience was anywhere near "normal"...I'd say you're right on track!

I had the night sweats/freezes too, and I think its related to the meds because they seemed to decrease as I was able to cut down on the pills. My sleep quality also improved as I cut down, so you might be able to look forward to that too.

Until I found this group, I didn't realize the true magnitude of what a TKR is, and I was thinking that I'd be back up and walking and driving and cleaning the house within two week--whatta joke! That's been the most difficult for me to deal with, the fact that it takes time and its baby steps in the steps with LOTS of PT! :)

John, you might want to go back and read some of the posts from the January/February time frame to see what others went through. In my opinion you are doing fine. When I was at your point after surgery, I was still trying to get my new knee to go all the way around on a stationary bike. Everyone heals differently, but you sound very, very normal. Be sure you take your pain meds on schedule so that you are able to do your exercises without a lot of pain. You need the pain relief at this point! Things will get better....honest!
I had forgotton about the night sweats! They were terrible for me for a week or two. Sheets seemed like they just came out of the washer. I am still struggling with my ROM at 3 months. I have 108/102 as of now. And it does hurt! You've got to tear up the scar tissue that your body is trying to produce. Take your pain meds and keep plugging along. It does get better, just not overnight. Look more at "where I am today compared to last week, etc.

I don't know about anyone else, but I really wanted a day off! I wanted to get out of bed even with my old knees and sit in a chair or the toilet and just get up without thinking or working at it. That seems like a long time ago now, but I still remember the feeling of frustration.

I blamed it on "hot flashes"... LOL.... but I guess menopause wouldn't have been your problem, huh?

Hang in there... it truly does get better.... sometimes you creep along slowly then will have a big breakthrough and jackrabbit ahead. It really helped me to keep a journal so I could look back and see the progress I had made. The journal got me through some frustrating times.

Good luck and keep working!
So you're at about 2 weeks? If my experience was anywhere near "normal"...I'd say you're right on track!

I had the night sweats/freezes too, and I think its related to the meds because they seemed to decrease as I was able to cut down on the pills. My sleep quality also improved as I cut down, so you might be able to look forward to that too.

Until I found this group, I didn't realize the true magnitude of what a TKR is, and I was thinking that I'd be back up and walking and driving and cleaning the house within two week--whatta joke! That's been the most difficult for me to deal with, the fact that it takes time and its baby steps in the steps with LOTS of PT! :)


Ah, but yes the baby steps are better than the no steps or very painful few steps we took before!
Ah, but yes the baby steps are better than the no steps or very painful few steps we took before!

that is SO true! The pain after surgery is different, and I know that it will decrease over time--and that is a big difference.

I'm learning how to celebrate the little things that signal return to "normal"...for example, yesterday I made potato salad, stood a lot, and did NOT have problems with my new knee swelling or hurting! That's a baby step! Last time I tried standing much, I hurt for two days after, and today I'm just fine.

I don't know where some of my posts disappear to! I will be typing along and all of a sudden it is gone. I hate the computer gremlin I have and wish it would stop. Anyway what I was saying was about how my legs hurt from about 10 pm to around 2 am and how when I get up and walk around a bit it stops hurting. I have to remind myself that we just went through a five hour surgery with all kinds of neat stuff going on. As my OS says, my surgery was pretty hairy, especially when everyone else is sound asleep and I am up alone hurting. I know it will get better, it does everyday and I just thank God that I live in a time when this kind of surgery is available. I try to stay as active as possible and I know I have a tendancy to push myself, but there is going to be pain for a while yet, that is just part of the total package. Having a really bad back doesn't make doing the PT any easier but it is something I have to do. So just thanks for being there to listen, I know you all know what I mean when I say how glad I am you all are here. Rowdy
I second everything you say, Rowdy! I'm grateful we live in a time when we can regain mobility and lessen pain. I'm amazed at how well you're doing--I can't imagine having both knees done at once!

Re your messages disappearing--are you typing on a laptop that has a mousepad at the bottom of the keyboard area?

Thanks alot for the info, I was feeling like I was behind and not getting anywhere, my doctor won't give me any more good pain pills. He gave me a refill of 30 loritad and i told them it's not taking my pain away but they still said no. ouch Is all Ive got to say. thanks to all who have replied to me. john c
Thanks alot for the info, I was feeling like I was behind and not getting anywhere, my doctor won't give me any more good pain pills. He gave me a refill of 30 loritad and i told them it's not taking my pain away but they still said no. ouch Is all Ive got to say. thanks to all who have replied to me. john c

Hi your doctor willing to discuss with you other pain control/medication options? Try other meds that may work better than what he has given you?

In my opinion, it seems a bit harsh and early to be telling you they won't prescribe stronger meds, so it might help you if you can have a frank discussion and find out why and discuss alternatives.

I know each situation and doctor is different, but I have found mine to be VERY open to talking about pain management and suggesting things and letting me try them to see what works best. He doesn't expect me to be completely off of prescription pain meds for another month or more (I'm at 4.5 weeks now), or longer if necessary.

I hope you can find some relief and work it out with your doc! PT is much more bearable with adequate pain meds.

WOw, John, my doctor gave me a huge refill at 4 months... and was going to give me Hydrocodone 10/325 but I asked for 5/500 so I could cut them in half and cut down more easily. He didn't even blink an eye. Some doctors just have a different view of pain medication and are afraid you'll get dependent... which I did, but thanks to Doug's sage advice, I was able to gradually wean myself off them. I pray you will find a solution and that you'll get the help you need SOON! Don't give up until you are satisfied. Sometimes we have to fight for our rights.
Johnc, what is loritad? And you are only 12 days right? May 20. What the heck reason did dr give for not giving you more drugs. At 12 days I was having people drive me to PT because of the amount of drugs I was on ( LEGITIMATELY!). Some folks are just getting put of rehab at 12 days if they had to go. I agree with weezy, talk with him and discus alternatives.
I'm 11 weeks tomorrow and my OS gave me the old time to cut back eye at my 9 week. Not that I was taking too many, but that I should be needing them less, and truly I was/am. But that is still months from 12 days. And he did give me 50x2 more ultram and 30 vicodin athat appt. so that is another 2 months worth. I did have bi lat, but one hurts also.
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