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So scared

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new member
Sep 6, 2009
United States
I've had knee problems for the past year...this summer they just got so bad. I've had the series of 5 shots, cordisone, etc....nothing has helped. It's in both knees. I'm trying to get an appt. to be seen but the drs. are so busy. I'm on Celebrex, darvocet and nothing is helping. I'm in tears...a teacher and getting ready to go back to work tomorrow. Don't know if I'll be able to do my job...may run out of sick leave, etc.
I'm single, live alone and my kids live away.....I'm just an emotional mess.....
How long is the actual recovery?
:thmb:Hi Robbie:

Don't be afraid. Honestly, it's the best thing you can do for yourself. I had a RTKA last November 21, and was back at work at a desk job at 2 months, with few problems. I began to forget about it by 4 months, when my left knee started giving me a lot of problems. I've known from the start that I needed both done, but I wanted to hold back as long as possible.

And now I'm scheduled to do the left one on January 8, 2010, and honestly I can hardly wait.

The best thing you can do is go to a surgeon who is very familiar with this operation, and a doctor who understands that pain control is essential. I was on small amounts of vicodin until about 5 months out...and my primary care doc understood that I needed it. The surgeon was anxious to get me onto ex-strength Tylenol by 2 weeks out, and that is really unreasonable.

My situation may be different than yours, because my job does not require the amount of standing that teaching does. But I have found that the more moving around I do, the better I feel. So you probably have a good job for getting back in the groove long as you can sit down when you need to, that's important.

I've been away from the board for several months, but be assured you have lots of sympathetic ears here, who understand your concerns and can help you through the process.

Good luck!
THank you. I'm sitting here emotional today...I can't stop crying....I don't even know what I"m afraid of....thanks for listening. It helps.
THank you. I'm sitting here emotional today...I can't stop crying....I don't even know what I"m afraid of....thanks for listening. It helps.

Hi Robbie, I am a hip person, but we all know what you are going through - it is such a big thing for us to all go through and a very emotional time as well. I know that having my hip done has completely turned my life around in just 3 short months - I have no more pain and can now lead a wonderful normal life again.

I am a librarian and on my feet quite a bit as you probably are, and I just know that I can now do my job again with dedication. You need to get this done and you just on't regret it afterwards.

I am sure that the reason why we all get so emotional and upset at the thought of what we need to go through is because it is all outside our control. We cannot control the pain, but we so allow a surgeon to do something about it.

Good luck with it all and keep posting on here, it is an amazing website with so much support from people who have been there or are just about to go through it. Good luck, be brave and don't be afraid to cry.
Hi, Robbie. Welcome to BoneSmart. I'm so glad you found our forum. There are so many caring folks here who have been right where you are! You're not alone....we have members all over the world who are available to talk with you at almost any time of day or night....whenever you need support.

Steph and CG are so right. Your pain tells the whole story. It is time to look into having those knees replaced! Lots of folks here have similar circumstances - no family close, live alone, have a job to worry about. It can all work out.

Your first step is to find a very good surgeon who is VERY experienced at performing knee replacements. That means he does a LOT of them! The surgeon's skill is the number one consideration. So start checking around at orthopedic clinics and hospitals. Read the bios on their web sites. Select 2-3 doctors that sound like they have the experience you are looking for and then go talk with them. I know it might take a while to get in to see them, but waiting doesn't make that appointment get here any sooner!

Here is a link on the forum with some questions to get you started in your conversation with each doctor. If you have any xrays or MRI results, take them with you.

You'll feel better once you start taking some action. Let us hear from you again. We care about you!! We're here to give you whatever support you need. And I'll say again, cuz it's VERY are NOT're a part of the BoneSmart family!
Hi Robbie,

Welcome to Bonesmart. This is the place for true support and information. I'm with Jamie--The most important thing to do is find a WONDERFUL surgeon--- that specializes in knee replacement--and has a wonderful reputation. HE (or she) should do LOTS of replacements each year.

I am 4 weeks past LTKR and I am doing wonderful. My OS was excellant--had a steller reputation around the community and also with hospital staff. He's a ROCK star--in knee replacements. Thanks to this Bonesmart site---I concentrated on finding the best surgeon instead of concentrating on my nervousness. I feel that I have had a very positive experience--I am grateful for my OS-and now I am concentrating on recovery. I am so thankful that I do not have the pain I experienced before surgery. This is PRICELESS to me.

Warm regards and we are here to help you. Everyone here will act as your lifeline for information and support. So post often and ASK QUESTIONS. Nancy
Please just know that we are always here for you and once you have it done, you are going to look back and wonder why you did not do it sooner.

What grade do you teach? What subject. I am sure you will be able to take a medical leave if you need.

Several folks have gone back to work asap. One nurse bless her heart went back to work I believe before a month.

Talk to your OS when you get one.

Where are you located, there is a place on this site to look up doctors.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Robbie DONT you cry you are never alone we are ll here for you , you can bet on that.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get those kids to help you get things and help out a lil bit ...........Please try not to feel alone i know it gets depressing . I was assume your afraid becasue its unknown you can here about it but when it happens to you its different............It will be ok sounds like you had enough pain atleast the sugery pain will go away what you have now wont........hang in there you have a whole bunch of new friends now.........jump right in...............keep that chin up...........)
Robbie.....Welcome to Bonesmart!!! You see the wonderful support you get here? You couldn't have found a better place! Just know one thing.....and it's important......we've ALL been scared!!!! Just think how much BETTER you will be feeling!!!! NO MORE PAIN!!!! ((:0)
They all said it! It's something of an emotional roller-coaster when you find yourself faced with something like this.

I notice you live on your own. Are you worried about how you'll cope during your recovery? Why don't you consider going into rehab for a week or two? It will make so much difference.

When you say you're trying to get an appointment but doctors are so busy, I take it you're referring to the surgeons? yes? Well, shop around. There's a '(broken link removed:' thing on the main website where you enter your Zip code and get names. Plus read the thread Jamie linked you to. That's very important information for you - essential, in fact.

Also here you'll find a lot of threads advising about how to prepare, what aids to get in and plans to make for your recovery. Just hit Information Centre at the top of the page and then go to Recurring Knee Information.

Other than that, just keep coming back and asking questions to things you can't find on there. You'll be amazed how much better you feel when you can start taking charge and becoming educated about what this operation entails.

Oh yes - recovery is different for everyone but the average period is 10-12 weeks before you get back to work. Some people have gone back at 6 weeks but it's a tough thing to try to do. Again, some people have continued with pain and swelling for up to 12 weeks whilst others, myself indeed, were up and running about and off pain meds by 5 weeks! Truly, it varies that much. But by far the majority are in the latter group.

Hang in there. You'll amaze yourself eventually!
Well, bless your heart. Can you talk louder, I can't hear you because my knees are shaking and I'm crying too. I just posted that I was scheduled today for knee replacements starting next month. WAAHHHH!!!!

You are in chronic pain and you need it to stop. You sound like you have been good about seeking proper treatment so far, you are just going to have to take the next step and find a good surgeon to guide you the rest of the way.

These folks here have it all figured out and we are lucky that they share with us. They can show you ways to manage even if you don't have a caregiver at home. Many here have done it.
My little sister, who is a nurse, told me something very wise the other day. She said, " The further you walk down the road away from wellness, the longer the walk back is going to be."

So, while I am not in the group who can really calm your fears, you better believe I am in the camp of "you are not alone"!
Welcome to BoneSmart Robbie. I am so sorry you are in so much pain. The crying...nothing new. Most of us go through that. Please, look at the links Jo and Jamie gave you and find a! Don't waste anymore time. As far as going back to work and rehab etc. I started back just a couple hours a day for 2 weeks and now this Monday, I'm going back full time. Each person heals at different speeds. I too live alone. I had a friend stay with me for a week and after that my friends checked on me each day. Rehab like Jo mentioned is another option for some. It wasn't for me because my insurance would not cover it. But get all the information you can from here. Look at old post see what others have done. Reading older post is what I did and they were a great help...but get to a Dr. NOW!!!
To all of you:
I just sat down and read all your thoughtful, supportive, caring letters. And, yes, again I started to cry.....I've found a surgeon, have an appt. on October 9th and feel very confident about him. He has a wonderful reputation and I just keep telling myself this will be fine. I think I'm doing better and then, out of the blue, I start crying. I'm scared, so tired of having his pain control my life and just sick of it all. This has been going on for months and months. I had one surgery in May and the surgeon misdiagnoised my problem. I know that's some of my frustration. However, I'm now in a new drs. office, new start and I just pray it will be better.
I did have to laugh--I was watching Law and Order the other night and realized I was crying when Olivia caught the bad guy....I thought "get a grip".....I know my emotions are so raw....did anyone else feel this way?????
Thank you again for all the support. It means the world.
Robbie......of course you have raw emotions! Last night I happened to be watching Michael Douglas on David Letterman. He thought he was so brave.....until he was in the OR and spotted only 2 tools......a saw and a hammer! He immediately asked to be"put out!"...... So much for bravery, right???
Hey Robbie glad you got your appt........You will be just fine.......Hang in there !!!!!!!!!! We are all still behind you............)
I remember 3 days before my surgery I posted that all I could do was cry. I was scared unsure of what was going to happen etc. And the wonderful people here gave me such support that each post I read, I , just like you cried even more. It's an emotional thing to go through. Come Oct. 9 you will have your answers and will know what you will be facing. Until then keep your chin up and feel free to post anytime, we are always here for you.
How are you doing today? I haven't hit the crying stage, yet...I'm still in denial. I just had my knee 'scoped on Friday and have my f/up next week. i am fairly sure he is going to tell me that I need a TKR. I not only want to feel better, but I deserve to feel better! You do too!
Calm down folks, the surgery is a piece of cake, its the rehab after that is the tough part. I like all of you have suffered untill the point the pain controlled our lives. I'm 3 weeks out and doing fine, only complaint I honestly have is the soreness. Your going to do great, I was actually excited when they put me under because It was the start of a new begining.
Thumper--a new beginning, what a great way to think about it!
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