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Slightly worried about clicking / crunching

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new member
Sep 25, 2009
United Kingdom
I'm 16 days in following my RTHR and whilst I get better at walking every day and feel the leg getting stronger, I am getting some strange crunching and clicking - not loud noises, just the feeling that something is popping inside - and I'm not sure where in the leg it's coming from - sometimes it feels like the knee, sometimes further up.

It happens mainly when I'm stood up and moving around slightly, say in the kitchen making lunch or something. There's no pain in the joint itself, although the wound is still a bit tender and there is pain in my quads and tendons, especially at night when I lay down flat on the bed. I put that down to the fact my leg has been lengthened by over an inch.

I'm probably worrying for nought, but thought I would mention it to see if anyone has any advice to offer.
Hi and welcome i think being only 16 days you might feel alot of things pain clicking.....I have heard people on here talk about the same Im a knee but been on awhile so just things i see but others will be on soon to help U ....I hope you feel better soon..........16 days is really early............Hang in there it does get wishes to ya.........
welcome littlejimmy,
I agree with Kim yuo are so very very early in recovery there are sure to be lots of little noises and feelings. I'm afraid i'm not very good with technical stuff, but on this forum there is a thread about hip noises.
Your whole leg does have to adjust to it's new part so not unusual for knee feelings either.
Welcome again and happy healing
I loe my new hip
You can get some funny noises and sensations are THR. It can be air moving around because your hip's been opened and obtained air. Or it could just be the muscles and ligaments adjusting to the fact of the surgery. It will settle and disspate eventually.
Thanks for the responses. My main problem now is the burning and aching in the quads of my operated leg. I'm hoping this is just because the leg has been lengthened and the muscles have been stretched, but it's ruddy painful, especially when I lie flat on my back in bed.
Burning sounds like nerves to me. You are just experiencing the joys of recovery. It gets better, trust me
Nah - it's the muscles in spasm.

Try some deep massage on them. Make fists and press into the tenderest spots with the knuckles of your fingers, one hand on either side of the leg. Press as hard as you can bear and then a teensy bit more! After a few seconds, when the pain is starting to abate, make little, gentle circular moments. Then go to another spot and do it again. It's called acu-pressure and will help the spasm in the muscles to relax. Do it for about 2-3 mins every 2-3 hours.

Alternatively, go see a good chiropractor and get him/her to do it for you! It hurts like heck but it's gets the spasm kinks out of the muscles.
hi jimmy im 14 days post op and am also having the same clicking and popping with no pain, ive got a ceramic on ceramic uncemented hip so dont know if you have the same. i spoke with my physio today and he said as jo has its all pretty normal xxx
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