I have just read many of the messages posted on this site and find it quite a relief that it was not just me who could not get sleep at night. My TKR surgery took place on the 12th May, 08 ( 1 month ago)and since then my recovery has been very good. I have the total flex requirement, walking with the aid of 1 stick and expect to be walking un-assisted from the 20th June after my next visit to the Surgeon. I usually head off to bed about 9.30pm and sleep for about 5 hours. During that time however I am waking say every 1.5 hrs with stiffness, pain etc. I find a pillow under the knee, 2 panadol on the 1st occassion usually helps heaps. At the 5 hour mark however, the pain and stiffness is too much. At this point I get out of bed, head to the loungeroom, get on my recliner chair, pull a doona over me (winter in Sydney, Australia at the moment), elevate the knee with 2 pillows, perform a few isometric exercising of the knee and quads and try to relax and doze for an hour or two. By this time it is about 3-4am so I head back to bed again and 9 times out of ten sleep for at least another 2 hours. After reading similar situations here it would seem that most of you who have this same problem usually recover after 2 months or so. I am so pleased I found this site and hope that maybe a little something I have relayed may help at least one person. God Bless. Ern