Sleeping position after surgery ?

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junior member
Aug 8, 2009
United States
My THR is tomorrow. Reading as much as I can i see where one cannot cross the operated leg over the 'center line' of the body for quite some time. My problem is I am a restless, 'crazy' sleeper.
I sleep alone in a king size bed and wake during the night, sometimes sideways (horizontal) on the bed. Sometimes even with my head at the foot of the bed, feet at the top.
I'm all over the place.
Any suggestions on how to overcome this. Will I need to hire someone to come in and strap me down prior to going to sleep ??? :pzld::hehe:
I do have a small 'single' bed in my spare room. The few times I have slept in there it seems my body knows it is a small bed and I seem to kind of stay in one place.
Should I re-coop in the little bed ... even though the bathroom is further away ?
I'm just afraid I'll be flopping around while asleep and dislocate my new 'bionic' hip ...
Any suggestions ? Thanks in advance.
ah now you hit on one of the downsides post op.I am also a restless sleeper even worse the side i sleep on normally i cannot sleep on now.Heres a few tips get lots of pillows.Get a long double sized pillow for between your legs.Truth is you will probably not sleep to well in the beginning(im 2 weeks out still cant sleep!!) but you will nap alot during the day anyway.Dont worry too much about crossing your legs somehow you will be conscious of it even when tossing and turning!!.Also frirst few days your operated leg will be heavy so hard to move its a good time to train yourself how to sleep
I agree sleeping in the beginning is a lil hard. Try to find a spot that feels good to you. If you cant, try to nap when ever you can..............
You could always try a recliner ..... be a bit like sleeping in a straight jacket!
If you find yourself trying to turn, box yourself in with pillows....that should wake you up enough to realize you can't go there quite yet. This is just one of the things you have to deal with in recovery....sleep can be a bit of a problem.
Thanks for the tips everyone, but it gets a little confusing. I've read where recliners weren't good during rehab, and that one must make sure that whenever they sit down, their hips must be higher than their knees ...:pzld:
Boy ... gets confusing for an old guy like me !! :sigh:
I worried so much about the same thing. Also about crossing my legs when sitting. Anyway it is not comfortable to do the forbidden moves so your body tells you if you attempt even a little deviation.,
I was asking if someone could duct tape me at nite because I was so worried. Never was a problem!! When you wake up your leg will weigh about 10,000 pounds so it is difficult if not impossible to move anyway!!!
You will be fine.
I know most have problems sleeping. I take a sleep aid and slept pretty good.
Marine SIR! Have you thought about concertinia wire? OUCH.
Seriously, I had to resort to the recliner to get any rest at all. Tim had to build it up with a board under the seat so my position would be within limits, but it sure worked out well after that. Your getting a lot of good suggestions. Surely one will be effective.
You'll be in our prayers tomorrow, with hope for an immediate positive outcome and the best result ever.
Blessings to you~~
Marine SIR! Have you thought about concertinia wire? OUCH.

Not a bad idea Nancy. That would definitely keep my butt in one place .....
Got to say ....
You all are the nicest, sweetest , most caring people I have ever met.....
I mean that.
We have the same due date (8/11) and age (63)...It seems we also suffer from the same anxieties....Big step forward for us. I'll be watching your (our) progress......Good Luck
We have the same due date (8/11) and age (63)...It seems we also suffer from the same anxieties....Big step forward for us. I'll be watching your (our) progress......Good Luck

Hey George. Heck of a coincidence. I'm scheduled 1130 Eastern Time... Yeah, today is a day of trying so hard to keep my mind off of things and stay busy, but it is what it is.
At 63, we have many years left and it's about time we started enjoying them again. as I look back on the last 18 months I see the time I wasted being immobile, that I will never get back, and I could kick myself in the butt !!!
If i had a good right leg that is.
Good luck pal ... Semper Fi .... we'll get thru this.
Hi OldMarine!
How did the op go? I really hope everything is ok and we'll soon see you back on the forum - I have trouble sleeping on my back, as have always slept on side before. Hows the duct tape working for you? LOL I keep rolling onto my side and waking up in agony!! (Im at day 17 tho) Take care and God bless xx
tracy the answer is pillows and lots of them put a long double pillow between your legs prop pillows on your operated side to deter moving onto can lay on your unoperated side if you put the pillow between your legs!!!
The eternal inconvenience of thr and will get through this....take the drugs, kick your partner out of the bed so you've got heaps of space and get the pillows out and make a little nest. Sleep in the middle of the bed...otherwise the pillows will fall out in the middle of the night.

The only time I took meds that made me sleepy (narcotics) was at night, but not for the hip, for the pain in the back from sleeping on my back for too long....

After a while you'll be able to put a firm pillow between your knees and roll onto the unoperated side, and get some sleep for a while there......but just take care ...

I was lucky because my Os basically released me from restrictions from word go....he said that given he increased my leg length by so much, there was NO way that I'd dislocate, so I was pretty relaxed about the whole dislocation issue. Posterior patients may need to take more care.
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