Sleeping..or not..

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junior member
Jan 15, 2009
United States
I'm thinking that going to bed at 9pm and sleeping more or less until 8am the next morning is a rightous myth! Nights are becoming more continuously aching than daytimes. Do you after what, 7 weeks, find pain or achiness waking you up at 12 am, then at 2am and again at 3;30? Sometimes its time for a pill...but most times its just because I can't get the knees to settle down. Am I in one position too long, perhaps? Should I get up...and do what? Walk several times, or do some exercises? gotta be being in bed too long. Used to blame it on overdoing it in the daytime, but finding out as i monitor days activities, that's not it, either. What do you suggest?

While I'm complaining here, I swear, I think I'm getting stiffer, less flexable rather than the other way round. Do we go thru periods of no apparent improvement in this recovery process? I think I was more comfortable two weeks ago! Grumble, grumble! Suggestions?
It is normal with TKR. My suggestion?
Take 2 Calcium + D (600 mgs) pills along with 2 Magnesium (250 mgs) pills at bedtime. Make sure you have taken your pain pill too. If you awaken, ice and take Arthristis Strength Tylenol (2) and go back to sleep. Let me know how this works for you as it is a remedy I used and have used in the past for insomnia.
Worked great for me.
If I get 2 hours stright of sleep I do the happy dance in my mind!!!!
And yes I do get up and walk around!!! Then I try to get 1&half hours to 2
again. This is how my nights have been since Jan. My knee's just do not
like to lay down and rest. And when they have too they like to complain
alot!!! LOL
Hi Lissa,
I am 5 weeks out and I take a sleeping pill so I dont feel the pain in my sleep , Right !I still get up once or twice a night just because I need to move my leg. If I take a nap I feel stiffer then after a whole night in bed, So I am waiting for that day to come when there is no more pain,Sorry I cant help you but I am sure someone can answer you.
Hi Lissa,

Since I am 61--I can't say that I have slept a night without waking for many years!!---usually need to go to the bathroom or I feel some arthritis pain (usually take 2 Tylenol or an Advil if needed and go back to sleep.) especially the last 7-8 years. I think of it as no big deal----I am a believer in Calcium and magnesium at bedtime(like Crystal) to get to sleep. Generally I sleep around 7-8 hours.

Now--since my LTKR I am awakened like clockwork around 1-2 am because my knee wakes up with aches and pains and needs to be moved around a little. I sometimes use an ice bag--generally I don't take a pain pill because I'm mostly done with them since I haven't needed them so much. Sometimes I walk a little-on my way to the bathroom--then go back to bed for a little bit.. I always have been an early riser--LOVE,LOVE,LOVE my early am---usually at 4 am (of course I go to bed quite early). I actually have not been too bothered by this middle of the night knee stuff---after all--knee replacement takes a LOT of healing! I also sometimes take a nap early afternoon.

I suspect--if you would poll most folks they would tell you various accounts of being awakened at night with some aches or pain with knee replacements. So I think this is all common stuff. Regards and hope continuous progress with your knees. Nancy
I think you're going to bed too early if you're waking at midnite! If you go to bed later, the nights won't be so long!!! (:)0)

While I'm complaining here, I swear, I think I'm getting stiffer, less flexable rather than the other way round. Do we go thru periods of no apparent improvement in this recovery process? I think I was more comfortable two weeks ago! Grumble, grumble! Suggestions?

I posted a while back about no improvement, even setbacks in recovery. Apparently (and annoyingly) its all par for the course. I've got no advice on the sleep issue though. My doctor and physical therapists always told me "sleep when you're tired"... which, of course, doesn't translate well into normal, daily activities!

Hi Lissa,

Since I am 61--I can't say that I have slept a night without waking for many years!!


I will be 40 in a month's time and I haven't slept more than three to four hours at a time in years. The culprit- arthritis pain (in other places than just the knees). If I get four full hours, I can be (and am) fully functional. But normally (ha, "normally"), I get six or seven hours, broken up into two and three hour bits. Once in a very rare while, I'll sleep longer than four hours.

Of course, when that happens, I can scarcely walk at all when my feet hit the floor!
It's very common for knees to ache more at night. Some theorise that it's because we have nothing to distract ourselves but my take is that the change in position and lack of movement make the pain different and stronger. Therefore, it's best to arrange your meds schedule so you can take a dose about 20-30 mins before you retire. Also have a dose ready on your bedside table with a glass of water so when you wake and it's time, you can take them straight away. I did this for some weeks.

If you really must, get up and walk around, change your sleeping place, anything that feels 'right' to help you settle again. But finally, do not fret about not sleeping. Sleep when you can, otherwise just rest. Rest is as good as sleep.
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