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TKR Sleeping on my side, 5 weeks post TKR

Love your story, but what a fairy tale! Only thing missing was the knight on the white horse.

It's easier to endure the pain when you can share it with someone who is in the same hurting place. We can empathize, laugh with, cry with and we know the other ladies actually understand exactly what we're feeling. Makes a pretty strong bond to go thru something like this together.

Soldiering on here with my faithful ice machine and wedge pillow. Swollen up again. How many times do I joing the ODIC before I finally learn??:headbang:
@Andypandy , how’s your day going? I recall that you were going to see your surgeon on the 23rd? How did that go? I hear it’s stormy in the UK, hope your roof stays on, and you’re warm and dry.
@Oldped Thank you for thinking of me, so lucky we have this forum to feel together. PT today, only had a chat to see how I was doing and happy with all the other exercises, bend needs lots of time, only 53 but swelling down a little so hopefully it will come. Couple new moves to try and help it so fingers crossed. I am going with the theory on here, it will come when ready. How about yours, did you hear back from clinic. This is constantly on our minds isn't it, didn't realise just how massive this recovery is to deal with. See my surgeon on Monday 27th January, let you know. Well weekend here already, where's the time going, days go into days it's a really weird saga. Had winds this morning but then nothing, we are on the South Coast and protected by the South Downs quite well, it seems. Been some nasty events happened elsewhere. Are you out and about this weekend. I still haven't ventured anywhere, just don't feel strong enough, it's hard to decide when, but I believe our bodies will let us know. Hope you're keeping warm, be careful if you have snow, stay positive, even if it's a few moments of our day it's a start. Great having your company, wish you and all of us the best we could wish for x
@westiemom hi my lovely lady, how are you. Had my PT today, all OK but just got to concentrate on bend, on 53 but improving. Swelling going down but so easily comes back, long process. She showed me how to massage the scar, I am so flipping squeamish , hate anything like that but will persevere with bio oil. How are you progressing, hope you're till using the walker, if you need to. Takes time and confidence and you are the only one who benefits from your decision as to when. No point in making more issues. If you are still in the recliner I believe that Knight in Shining Armour will arrive to escort you to your bed, again when you are ready. Enjoy. Hope you are warm, cosy and feeling better, another day, another step forward. Thinking of you and wish you and all of us a miracle, they do happen x
ahh thanks Layla but can't access x
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@Andypandy nothing great here, bend is rubbish maybe 70 hasn’t gotten better over weeks.Thankful I don’t hurt much. Doing exercises every day, walk around house , don’t use cane anymore. Haven’t been out, too cold and snowing again. I’m going to call on Monday to see if records have been sent. Good luck Monday, take care, hope you can sleep tonite.
@Oldped @Andypandy

Today was not one of my better days. My clumsy dog jumped off the couch onto my left foot forcing it totally down to the ground. Talk about pain! So unexpected and so sudden! I have been using my walker all day cause I'm just so tired of the pain of walking without help. I think I'm just tired of the pain period. And this stupid Covid is hanging on so that's not helping either. And today, my pacemaker area is hurting too. Everything all at once.

That's a lot of moaning and complaining; I know. Just today is one of those days that everything just seems too much to deal with.

So sorry to be such a whiny baby today. Hope you both are having a better day. Andypandy, let us know how your Monday appointment goes. I'm sure it will be on your mind all weekend. I'm too squeamish to even touch my scar, what alone massage it. Ick!

Oldped, I honestly think my bend is still around 70 unless I force it by using my hand to hold it back further. It doesn't seem like I've gotten any further ahead for a couple weeks or so either.

Our weather is turning better. Going to be in the low 40's, but no sunshine. It might get up to 50 next weekend with rain possible. DH built fires in the fireplace all day so was cozy and covered in my afghans while I iced.

Hope you both have a nice weekend and feel better, at least mentally. Staying positive is very hard for us right now. So glad I have both of you to talk with. :loveshwr: It makes me feel less lonely.
Sending you huge hugs and a big dose of strength all the way from the UK.
@Oldped @Andypandy

Today was not one of my better days. My clumsy dog jumped off the couch onto my left foot forcing it totally down to the ground. Talk about pain! So unexpected and so sudden! I have been using my walker all day cause I'm just so tired of the pain of walking without help. I think I'm just tired of the pain period. And this stupid Covid is hanging on so that's not helping either. And today, my pacemaker area is hurting too. Everything all at once.

That's a lot of moaning and complaining; I know. Just today is one of those days that everything just seems too much to deal with.

So sorry to be such a whiny baby today. Hope you both are having a better day. Andypandy, let us know how your Monday appointment goes. I'm sure it will be on your mind all weekend. I'm too squeamish to even touch my scar, what alone massage it. Ick!

Oldped, I honestly think my bend is still around 70 unless I force it by using my hand to hold it back further. It doesn't seem like I've gotten any further ahead for a couple weeks or so either.

Our weather is turning better. Going to be in the low 40's, but no sunshine. It might get up to 50 next weekend with rain possible. DH built fires in the fireplace all day so was cozy and covered in my afghans while I iced.

Hope you both have a nice weekend and feel better, at least mentally. Staying positive is very hard for us right now. So glad I have both of you to talk with. :loveshwr: It makes me feel less lonely.
Aaah. Sending a huge hug and a big dose of strength to help you through the day all the way from the UK.

It can feel really desperate and lonely, can’t it. I think also feeling like you have to be at a certain point the next time you have an appt at the Docs or PT really doesn’t help to apply a mentality of letting things happen as they happen. I’ve not had any official PT or Dr appts and I’m already rehearsing what I’ll say if they push my knee or suggest an MUA and it hasn’t even happened yet!! As you say having everyone here is definitely a great comfort and it’s easier “moaning and being a whiny baby” here with strangers than to those we live with.

One of my daughters has/had depression and she did amazing work on herself over many years. She told me about “up spirals”. So if you look at your day there will be times when something good happens. Yours @westiemom could be in your description of your DH making up fires and having the Afghan over you or anything no matter how transient, as long as it lifts you, they’re the up spirals. You then focus on all the up spirals and hold onto those. And it can work because what you’re doing in effect is feeding yourself good feelings rather than negative ones.
I do think it’s very easy to get very overwhelmed with our knees and they can be all consuming I wonder if something that helps us think about something else completely would help. Any of you into crafts?
Are you out and about this weekend. I still haven't ventured anywhere, just don't feel strong enough, it's hard to decide when, but I believe our bodies will let us know.
I felt like just going to the GP to have my staples removed yesterday, was a big event and my body didn’t like it one bit. It does make you feel a bit vulnerable seeing all those people again when you’ve been wrapped up in your little cocoon. Hoping things improve for you soon @Andypandy ❤️
@beralc How are you doing. Every task leaves a reminder of our recovery. I had Physio yesterday and it certainly takes a toll, that's without exercises. All OK except my bend is slow due to swelling , 53 but improvement from last week. I am doing the bend exercises daily but I am not going to beat my self up. See surgeon on Monday 27th Jan. Working on my hamstrings also, really play a big part in our recovery. Are you coping OK. Seems it's suited you not using the ice, been a few days now. It's so refreshing to talk to others about our days, good or bad, makes you feel almost normal. Sun shining today, I'm in West Sussex , really miss going for our beach walks but I just don't have it in me to even want to. Still feel quite weak, but little better. I have to take iron supplement but couldn't whilst taking codeine. They have destroyed my already disastrous stomach, so praying I don't have to take anymore. Hubby hoovered, washed floors etc this morning. He is shattered and that plays a big part on recovery as I just want to get back to doing it. Very grateful though. Hope you have a good weekend, take it steady as your outing will have taken it's toll. Wish you and all of us well x
@beralc meant to say re crafts. I was only thinking last night that at the moment can't get around to crafts. Just can't sit comfortably long enough to do much. I have some stencils coming as have pictured in my mind what I want to do. No way can sit at the table. So yes, plenty in my head to do, but body tells me otherwise. Silly really but this morning after washing my hair, shower and then drying it, absolutely shattered. Really gets me upset but hubby pointed out, we were at physio yesterday afternoon, not just the visit but what it takes to get there and back. So taking it restful today, but it's when your naughty mind checks in to upset you, it gets you down. What crafts are you into. Happy weekend x
@beralc How are you doing. Every task leaves a reminder of our recovery. I had Physio yesterday and it certainly takes a toll, that's without exercises. All OK except my bend is slow due to swelling , 53 but improvement from last week. I am doing the bend exercises daily but I am not going to beat my self up. See surgeon on Monday 27th Jan. Working on my hamstrings also, really play a big part in our recovery. Are you coping OK. Seems it's suited you not using the ice, been a few days now. It's so refreshing to talk to others about our days, good or bad, makes you feel almost normal. Sun shining today, I'm in West Sussex , really miss going for our beach walks but I just don't have it in me to even want to. Still feel quite weak, but little better. I have to take iron supplement but couldn't whilst taking codeine. They have destroyed my already disastrous stomach, so praying I don't have to take anymore. Hubby hoovered, washed floors etc this morning. He is shattered and that plays a big part on recovery as I just want to get back to doing it. Very grateful though. Hope you have a good weekend, take it steady as your outing will have taken it's toll. Wish you and all of us well x
Hey @Andypandy . Not too bad. I think taking the step away from icing had made such an impact on the level of pain I was in I feel like anything else is an improvement. I know what you mean husband’s doing all his jobs and mine. He does all the cooking anyway so it’s lovely having his home cooked food. I haven’t gone in the kitchen too much cos as we all have different ways of doing things I’ll see his way and will be itching to do it my way :heehee: But yeah seeing him getting tired out and then realising after I’ve got myself all settled and realise something is way out of reach so I have to bother him again makes you feel bad, but he’s been great and keeps telling me “it’s ok you’d do it for me” and I would.

Yeah am really feeling it today and yesterday. As your hubby said you’re getting up wash dress and getting in the car and all that entails and feeling every bump then you’re walking to the building then at your appt (mine was stitch removal so only took 10 minutes) and doing everything in reverse. My husband needed an asthma review about half hour after my appt but she was running late so I was sitting in a hard chair for over an hour so felt awful by the time I got home. So on a go slow today.

Yes I do lots of crafts can’t always do as much as I’d like cos of my chronic problems but I do stained glass, decoupage, modelling with eco resin, acrylic pouring, stencilling, you name it I’ve tried it.

When I had gastroenteritis followed by Covid last year I just watched loads of art/craft videos and even though I couldn’t do any it did still take me out of focusing so much on how I was feeling.
It is hard this journey but it’s definitely made easier knowing we’re supported here. Hope the rest of your weekend goes well.
Sending you huge hugs and a big dose of strength all the way from the UK.
@Oldped @Andypandy

Today was not one of my better days. My clumsy dog jumped off the couch onto my left foot forcing it totally down to the ground. Talk about pain! So unexpected and so sudden! I have been using my walker all day cause I'm just so tired of the pain of walking without help. I think I'm just tired of the pain period. And this stupid Covid is hanging on so that's not helping either. And today, my pacemaker area is hurting too. Everything all at once.

That's a lot of moaning and complaining; I know. Just today is one of those days that everything just seems too much to deal with.

So sorry to be such a whiny baby today. Hope you both are having a better day. Andypandy, let us know how your Monday appointment goes. I'm sure it will be on your mind all weekend. I'm too squeamish to even touch my scar, what alone massage it. Ick!

Oldped, I honestly think my bend is still around 70 unless I force it by using my hand to hold it back further. It doesn't seem like I've gotten any further ahead for a couple weeks or so either.

Our weather is turning better. Going to be in the low 40's, but no sunshine. It might get up to 50 next weekend with rain possible. DH built fires in the fireplace all day so was cozy and covered in my afghans while I iced.

Hope you both have a nice weekend and feel better, at least mentally. Staying positive is very hard for us right now. So glad I have both of you to talk with. :loveshwr: It makes me feel less lonely.
Aaah. Sending a huge hug and a big dose of strength to help you through the day all the way from the UK.

It can feel really desperate and lonely, can’t it. I think also feeling like you have to be at a certain point the next time you have an appt at the Docs or PT really doesn’t help to apply a mentality of letting things happen as they happen. I’ve not had any official PT or Dr appts and I’m already rehearsing what I’ll say if they push my knee or suggest an MUA and it hasn’t even happened yet!! As you say having everyone here is definitely a great comfort and it’s easier “moaning and being a whiny baby” here with strangers than to those we live with.

One of my daughters has/had depression and she did amazing work on herself over many years. She told me about “up spirals”. So if you look at your day there will be times when something good happens. Yours @westiemom could be in your description of your DH making up fires and having the Afghan over you or anything no matter how transient, as long as it lifts you, they’re the up spirals. You then focus on all the up spirals and hold onto those. And it can work because what you’re doing in effect is feeding yourself good feelings rather than negative ones.
I do think it’s very easy to get very overwhelmed with our knees and they can be all consuming I wonder if something that helps us think about something else completely would help. Any of you into crafts?
@beralc really like the idea of up spirals, going to work on that one today. I like scrapbooking not like Andypandy said, I have a hard time sitting for very long. I have done it a bit and have spent some time just thinking/planning some projects. I also like to paint rocks. Hope you have a restful weekend.
Sending you huge hugs and a big dose of strength all the way from the UK.
@Oldped @Andypandy

Today was not one of my better days. My clumsy dog jumped off the couch onto my left foot forcing it totally down to the ground. Talk about pain! So unexpected and so sudden! I have been using my walker all day cause I'm just so tired of the pain of walking without help. I think I'm just tired of the pain period. And this stupid Covid is hanging on so that's not helping either. And today, my pacemaker area is hurting too. Everything all at once.

That's a lot of moaning and complaining; I know. Just today is one of those days that everything just seems too much to deal with.

So sorry to be such a whiny baby today. Hope you both are having a better day. Andypandy, let us know how your Monday appointment goes. I'm sure it will be on your mind all weekend. I'm too squeamish to even touch my scar, what alone massage it. Ick!

Oldped, I honestly think my bend is still around 70 unless I force it by using my hand to hold it back further. It doesn't seem like I've gotten any further ahead for a couple weeks or so either.

Our weather is turning better. Going to be in the low 40's, but no sunshine. It might get up to 50 next weekend with rain possible. DH built fires in the fireplace all day so was cozy and covered in my afghans while I iced.

Hope you both have a nice weekend and feel better, at least mentally. Staying positive is very hard for us right now. So glad I have both of you to talk with. :loveshwr: It makes me feel less lonely.
Aaah. Sending a huge hug and a big dose of strength to help you through the day all the way from the UK.

It can feel really desperate and lonely, can’t it. I think also feeling like you have to be at a certain point the next time you have an appt at the Docs or PT really doesn’t help to apply a mentality of letting things happen as they happen. I’ve not had any official PT or Dr appts and I’m already rehearsing what I’ll say if they push my knee or suggest an MUA and it hasn’t even happened yet!! As you say having everyone here is definitely a great comfort and it’s easier “moaning and being a whiny baby” here with strangers than to those we live with.

One of my daughters has/had depression and she did amazing work on herself over many years. She told me about “up spirals”. So if you look at your day there will be times when something good happens. Yours @westiemom could be in your description of your DH making up fires and having the Afghan over you or anything no matter how transient, as long as it lifts you, they’re the up spirals. You then focus on all the up spirals and hold onto those. And it can work because what you’re doing in effect is feeding yourself good feelings rather than negative ones.
I do think it’s very easy to get very overwhelmed with our knees and they can be all consuming I wonder if something that helps us think about something else completely would help. Any of you into crafts?
@beralc really like the idea of up spirals, going to work on that one today. I like scrapbooking not like Andypandy said, I have a hard time sitting for very long. I have done it a bit and have spent some time just thinking/planning some projects. I also like to paint rocks. Hope you have a restful weekend.
My daughter will be very happy knowing I’ve shared the up spirals with you just great hold of all the spirals you can.

I just said to @Andypandy last year when I was laid up for a couple of weeks I watched loads of other artists/crafters videos and even though I couldn’t do anything it really did take me to the creative zone in my head. I even came across a video about eco resins something I’d never done before and made some really successful apples this year for Christmas gifts, so it was time well spent after all. I think anything that can take us out of focusing on our knees has got to be good.
A restful weekend to you too.
@beralc oh yes, you're all settled then "oh could you just", they have been slogging away forever. My hubby is also doing a few morning jobs, he's a Plumber Heating Engineer, but doesn't like to leave me too long. Makes me a packed lunch just in case!!! Bless him. To sit too long is agony isn't it, feel for you. I am still getting tail bone pain, even though sitting is limited, really uncomfortable. I sleep on my side for a couple of hours at night, gives the back a little rest. Don't get much more than 3 hours, not good. Your crafting sounds fabulous, love looking at new ideas, we just need our bodies to join us. X
Ah love the packed lunch,sweet ❤️. When I went to surgery I said to my husband now “I won’t eat too much rubbish” cos I don’t want to put on a load of weight “ came home after surgery to find a pile of my favourite things❤️

Yeah can be a real challenge finding comfortable positions. I seem to be ok sleeping thankfully but that may have something to do with some work I did a few years ago myself, as my sleep pattern had been just dreadful for years. It does make such a difference so I really hope you can get some improvement.
@Oldped @Andypandy @ beralc

Thanks for the up spiral thing. And yes, sitting all cozy with the fireplace going makes me feel good. Today was a paperwork day, sitting in the den doing monthly stuff and getting ready to file taxes. Had my leg down the whole time and now I'm sitting on the recliner with the ice machine going. Knee aches, but it's not really pain, per se. So that's an improvement. Managed to get two loads of laundry done and also unpacked some mail order items that came today.

Does anyone else have trouble remembering what day of the week it is? Seems like all my days run together, especially when I have no appointments to leave for. Next week I am determined to get out of the house when it's warmer and DH and I will find a store with wide aisles so I can take my walker and walk in straight lines instead of circles in the house. I will make him take me to lunch, no matter how tired and sore I am. I always expect a reward after doing things I don't want to do. Has to do with having over 21 dogs in our life. Rewards equals good behavior:dogsniff:

I feel much more "up" today after reading how everyone's day is going. We might not be gaining much ground from yesterday, but we're all still here. I'm hoping that as the day has passed, pain has gotten less and sunshine is helping everyone's moods.

I have no creativity at all and am clumsy as can be, so no crafts for me. I read books; that's my superpower. Right now I'm reading a police procedural mystery series set in the UK. Any mystery set in the UK I will read. We've been to the UK several times when younger and we had a trip scheduled to Scotland that we had to cancel since my knee is not going to be good enough for all the walking.

Just now I had to ask DH to get my phone from my walker as I had forgotten to get it out when I sat down and got the ice machine going and the afghan and heating pad all set. He does it without complaining but I feel bad for him. So many things he has to do that I used to and still can't do. Each day I try to do more, but usually pay for it the next day.

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