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TKR Sleeping on my side, 5 weeks post TKR

@ Andypandy hope you’re having a better day. I’m not really taking meds regularly now, but remember I’m further out than you. Occasionally I take acetaminophen(UK paracetamol). My stomach doesn’t like opioids or NSAID the meds either. Plus they made me have brain fog, couldn’t really read/ watch TV , do crafts. I am still not sleeping great, sometimes up in middle of night, read or just lie there with brain spinning! I’ve had a couple of days feeling more tired, hard time balancing activity/ rest, feel like if I don’t do exercises or move I’ll get worse. I don’t have much bend in op knee, other knee bothering me now too.up puttering this AM , sitting, now on couch with ice/ knee up. Just have to have patience, accept slowwww improvements. Sadly I think I might eventually need more work on knee for bend, ugh. Keep going, we’ll get there eventually.
@Oldped Similar to your update, bend, where is it. See surgeon on Monday, concerned but how the heck to get this swelling down to carry on with exercises to help us move forward. Last 2 days rested as overdid weekend exercises, back to square 1. Felt really down and annoyed. Taking paracetamol and occasionally codeine, which is not good for my stomach but can't take much else. Like you, I go to bed, maybe 1 hour or 2 if lucky, get ice packs in the night but every step is so painful. Worse when not been on it. I believe we all think much the same, knee, knee, knee. Outcome. When. But, we are not alone it seems and by conversing it does help. I hope you get some rest and I wish us all well. Thank you for being there x
@ Andypandy, forgot to answer, mainly sleeping on my back, pillows long way under both legs. Sometimes partially on op side, pillow behind back.Usually have cold machine on most of night, seems less achy when I do,who knows I might be using it still in a year?? If I try to sleep on nonop side, it just feels wierd, even with different pillow arrangements. So sometimes back a little sore in am, I have heated mattress pad on bed, seems to help, plus keeps me warm. Who ices when windchill outside is -35 F
I never let my leg hang off the end of the bed, though I know others like it. I also didn’t do x amount of reps, several times a day.

Your knee will bend better when your swelling goes down, and you heal more. In my opinion, too much emphasis is put doing x amount of exercises, usually way before we’re healed enough to do so.

I'm at 10 weeks and feel like I've not progressed much since 6 weeks. I actually tried to sleep last night in bed (versus on the recliner) and it was awful. Kept waking up every 10 minutes trying to be comfortable. Tried laying on my side with a pillow under my operated knee, but that hurt too much. Tried on my back, but since I didn't have my wedge pillow with me, that hurt too. Actually had to take a vicodan this morning cause I hurt so much. Back to the recliner for me.
I had my follow up appointment on the 15th. The doctor was pleased with my progress, but he was thinking I was 6 weeks along versus 9 weeks. He didn't realize I was 9 weeks along till I was leaving and I didn't ask him if he still thought I was doing ok.:praying:

I am walking with my walker again as I was not bending my leg to walk when I didn't use it. DH informed me of this, so back to the walker and my cane.

You are so right about 1 step forward and a dozen back. I KNOW everyone says it's a long, sideways, backwards, frontwards journey, but I just want to feel normal again. I am so tired of the pain and the aching and worrying if I'll get back to normal.

And yes, it does help a lot to talk to other members on this forum about how they are doing and how they are feeling. Makes me feel less alone. DH is very supportive, but only someone's who is in the position really understands all the thoughts, questions, etc.

P.S. I decided against the MUA at my appointment. Dr. said I have 3 weeks to change my mind but I can't even imagine going back to day 1 again.
@westiemom everything you mention is like a mirror image. Hate the night times, just seems worse at night. I sleep on top of our duvet with a big furry throw over me, pillow widthways for both legs to sit across. Just cannot face getting into bed. Back sleeping is horrendous. Try the side sleep but same as you it's just so uncomfortable. Exercises yep, then swelling so let's have a break, to then repeat, and so on. I am still using 2 crutches, nowhere near strong enough to not. If you feel safe on your walker, then use it. Probably very soon it will become easier. Why put ourselves through more grief when we have a solution. We have so much to contend with, our minds can't really cope. It is a long slog, everyday I wish I hadn't had it done but I did and I have to deal with this. The pain is relentless and that's the crux of it. Been to my osteopath this afternoon as back and neck horrendous. I agree we are fortunate to have each other by way of this fabulous site, and it really does help to rant, rave, ask, compare whatever we are feeling. Well done refusing the mua, I see my surgeon on Monday and just hope we don't have that discussion. With the swelling my bend is not good. So my lovely, use your walker, sleep wherever you get most comfort and let's all be positive with positive thoughts, albeit not all the time. Wish you and all of us plodders the best. X
Always here to listen to whatever. Really appreciate your company x
@ Andypandy, I agree, just feel like I’m plodding along, have come to the conclusion I probably will need something else done to knee, it’s so stiff and doesn’t bend. I have sent my records to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota to get another opinion. I’m so anxious and down, try to be positive . My knee isn’t too painful, but I can’t walk well, uncomfortable to ride/ drive car. Doesn’t help the weather here so cold. My hubs and son are very helpful but I want to be independent. Hubs is now coughing/ sore throat so I will be next!! Sorry to whine, I know you understand. Hope things get better for you

We went to dinner for my birthday tonite and I actually got dressed up and put some makeup on. Delicious dinner, but oh my word, my entire leg is killing me now. 45 minutes each way and a little over an hour at the restaurant and my leg is so hot and swollen. Used my cane instead of my walker which was probably another mistake. I'm going to have to take a rx pain med to try to sleep tonite. I did manage an hour nap again today right before afternoon coffee.

I know my DH feels awful for me, but I try hard to NOT complain to him too much so it's good I can come on here and moan and complain. :tantrum:

It's back on the recliner for me tonite. At least I won't feel guilty for moving around so much to try to get comfortable.
Maybe tomorrow will be better for all of us.:loveshwr: We all deserve a better day!
@westiemom, sounds like a nice dinner, happy birthday! You’re brave to go out to eat/ I have not even tried yet, feel like my knee would be very unhappy with me. Maybe I’ll get up my courage and go somewhere close. I hope you get some rest tonight,take it easy tomorrow. Stay warm , way below zero windchill here tonight again
@westiemom sending birthday hugs. Car journey alone takes a toll on the knee, by the time your meal and journey home had finished that was enough for your knee. Bit demoralising as we then have to deal with swelling etc. And think about when we can exercise. Hope you have a relaxing night, recliner sounds the best. As they say, tomorrow is another day, another day towards recovery. X
@Oldped sounds like you're being sensible not going out. You have to way up what's best for your situation. The bend is our enemy at the moment, trying to make it friendly is really hard. Swelling comes and goes, more comes is the truth and then you feel so despondent, but that is a natural reaction, so we aren't wrong for feeling that way. I do agree though, when will this change. Are you still exercising, maybe will help if you get some advice otherwise your head will never rest. It doesn't help as our days are so dejavu and to get motivated really takes a lot. Let's hope for strength for us all to continue forward. Let me know how you get on x
Maybe I’ll get up my courage and go somewhere close.
I found this to be a mood booster. Best tips, get dropped at the door and go during an "off" time, when its less busy...avoiding any place you know as notoriously slow. :bored:

We went to dinner for my birthday tonite and I actually got dressed up and put some makeup on
Mood booster too! After a few days in the recliner, very early on, I tried to get into the habit of applying minimal make up and doing something with my hair, it made me feel better rather than looking like I was rocking the
"half hungover chic" for the day. Honestly, it made me feel better! :yes:

It doesn't help as our days are so dejavu and to get motivated really takes a lot
This is so true! It's difficult to even get the motivation to "shake it up" a bit. I recall often thinking...maybe tomorrow? :wink:

Have a wonderful day ladies! I am entertained by your support of one another and your daily musings. Thanks for sharing your journey with all! :)
@Andypandy, yes, still exercising, mainly flexion stuff, try to walk around house every hour or two. This AM 3 F above so went outside, swept snow off deck, walked maybe 10 min on deck , watched birds at feeders . Now on couch, ice on knee, heating pad on back , cat on belly purring! I feel like I’m coming down with hubs cold unfortunately, he’s been sneezing and coughing all week. Did a Covid test on him yesterday, it was negative. We’ll get there eventually, who knows when .
I did end up sleeping better last night. When I say better, it means better than the trying the bed and waking up every 10 minutes. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever feel rested again.

I think I am still recovering from covid - my head is still stuffy, I can't smell anything, food mostly tastes like cardboard and I am so tired and exhausted. My voice is so froggy and whispery that I can't even talk on the phone.
I guess I'm just down in the dumps today. Back to using the walker again - major step backward. My knee feels like a lump of wood, it doesn't want to bed and hurts like fire. It's also so hot to the touch.

I'm just hoping tomorrow will be a better day. Sun is shining so that always makes me feel better. Hope it's a better day for all of us.

P.S. Dressing up in a dress and putting some makeup on exhausted me. I could have fallen asleep at the table. Normally the meal there doesn't take over an hour, but new waiters and no one "in charge" of the teenagers just was not a good situation. I did use a chair to prop my leg up on part of the evening, so thinking if that helped and I was still in so much pain afterwards, then it's going to be a loooonnnngggg slog to get even close to normal.
tried to get into the habit of applying minimal make up and doing something with my hair, it made me feel better rather than looking like I was rocking the
"half hungover chic" for the day
Agree with @Layla that even a bit of makeup and lipstick helped- even if I couldn't manage a shower every day.
Normally the meal there doesn't take over an hour, but new waiters and no one "in charge" of the teenagers just was not a good situation. I did use a chair to prop my leg up on part of the evening, so thinking if that helped and I was still in so much pain
Sorry the meal took so long and exhausted you. I just used to go for coffee and croissant in the morning- when my energy levels were higher. Then back home for a lie down in the afternoon with my leg up and my Cryocuff. I did find being out looking at other people made me feel better.
@westiemom today you need a rest day, hopefully a nap. I have not yet had the courage to go out to eat- you’re very brave! We will get there, just on the timetable of our knee. I felt fairly good yesterday, slept ok, but still feel slow today. Sunny here also but still cold, 0 now, -11 tonight but then maybe up to 30’s!! Keep going, we’ll get through this
@westiemom @Oldped Little story:
Once upon a time, on a beautiful sunny day 4 ladies, from different parts of the world, breezed into an appointment with their knee surgeon. Little later they breezed out, smiling, happy they were going to get new knees! 10 weeks later, sat at home, cuddling heat pads, leg in the air with ice swooshing around their knee, they couldn't believe just how well this op had gone. Ice finished, heat pads put away, showered, dressed, make up, glistening hair, they were off out to dinner, felt fabulous. Shopping trips arranged for the week, fit in a gym class, few lengths at the swimming pool and more.
The moral of this story, Don't believe everything you read!!!! BUT, this does happen to some and so we must soldier on!! X
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