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Sleeping arrangements 1st few days?

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Jul 28, 2009
United States United States
Just wondering ... were you able to sleep in your bed when you came home from the hospital, or was a recliner easier/better? I've had several surgeries where I was not able to sleep in a bed at first, will this be another one?
I did poor hubby slept on the floor lol.i didnt want him to leave but I kept moving around so thats what he did after a few days he was able to get back in.......lots and lots of pillows............Good luck to you......)
I slept in my bed so did hubby, he did not want to be too far from me in case I needed something
Between the surgery and the re-hab..i was out 2 weeks! My hubby couldn't wait to be beside me in our bed!:wink::hehe:
Good to know. We do have a nice comfy recliner in the bedroom, but I am not a good chair sleeper. Maybe this time I won't have to be!!!!!
Paaaaaaaat!! Whom did you think did all that research?????:blush::blush::hehe::hehe::hehe:
Hey, I'm assuming I'll have to wait a few days for that! :sigh:
Hey, I'm assuming I'll have to wait a few days for that! :sigh:

According to my hospital/rehab release papers, you are supposed to ask your Dr.

Yeah right. I'll just do that. :hehe:
You ask, then come tell us. It doesn't help that my OS is really easy on the eyes, either! :blush:
Although, I have asked before! My dh asked after our 3rd c-section, dr. said at least wait till we got home, the doors in the hospital don't lock! :hehe:
Hey beachbum, as I recall with each knee, a typical night was like this for me: couple of hours in bed, couple of hours in the recliner, couple hours on the couch and then end up back in bed just before my husband got up. Sometimes I would reverse it and oh, can't forget an hour here and there on Bonesmart in the middle of the night. Hopefully your experience won't be like mine.
After reading what others had said, I bought a recliner settee especially for the event! Actually needed it prior to surgery as well as couldn't sleep in bed in any position due to the osteophytes knocking on each other!
[] Sleeping arrangements 1st few days?
But after surgery it was real a life saver.

Of course, was also convenient when brother and sil came to stay as I only have the two beds so they were forced to sleep in separate rooms.
:hehe: Never thought I would be accused of coming between a husband and his wife!
I had been sleeping in a recliner for the last two years before surgery so it was natural for me to start out sleeping in the recliner but all of the reasons I was doing it were gone after the surgery so I slowly migrated back to normal and sleep in bed now.
Hey beachbum, as I recall with each knee, a typical night was like this for me: couple of hours in bed, couple of hours in the recliner, couple hours on the couch and then end up back in bed just before my husband got up. Sometimes I would reverse it and oh, can't forget an hour here and there on Bonesmart in the middle of the night. Hopefully your experience won't be like mine.

And, Karen....don't forget about the "night stalking" most of us had where we just walked circles around the house in the middle of the night! Sometimes that bit of exercise was the only thing that would calm down a "restless" leg or achy knee.
I was able to sleep some in my bed on my side with a pillow between my knees. I slept fairly well the first night home after three days in the hospital because I was exhausted. The next few nights sleep was much more broken up into short hour or two segments interspersed with watching TV or listening to my IPOD. I only cat napped in the recliner during the day because I only did the stairs to my bedroom once a day.
Good luck,
I slept in a recliner lined with a twin sized feather bed for comfort with a custom made sheet for it, for about 8 weeks post op. One reason, it was summer and the air conditioner was down stairs where the recliner was located! Once fall approached I was back upstairs sleeping the guest room as I was still having sleep issues and was awake at night. Got over it tho'!
For two weeks, I was in the hospital (and so as not to scare the lurkers or newbies, that was because my physical rehab was IN the hospital, not a separate facility). Then two weeks following that, I stayed at my parents fully-handicapped accessible house. They, literally days before my surgery, had gotten those "EZ-lift" recliners where you push a button and it raises up the chair so you can practically stand without getting up. My mom (with her own health issues) slept in one, I slept in the other. I tried sleeping in the bed in their spare room, but I couldn't. It was just too uncomfortable.

At home, I had no choice. I had to sleep in bed. But, for four years prior, I'd been sleeping flat on my back with my legs elevated because of edema. So, aside from the discomfort of actually getting into bed and getting settled, I did my typical two to three hour sleep in my bed.
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