Sleep oh how I long to sleep

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Jun 12, 2007
I had my surgery almost 7 weeks ago, total knee replaclement. While my knee is coming along well, its my night time sleeping that seems to be a nightmare. I can't seem to get comfortable no matter how hard I try, whether its putting pillows between my legs or anything else I try position wise. Its like as soon as I try to fall asleep my leg begins to throb , I can't
find a comfortable position. I am not sleeping in my bed cause that doesnt seem comfortable at all. I have been on the couch since my surgery. I am in and out of bed so many times I can't count till finally it seems around 3am i just fall somehow find sleep. Last nite I even tried tylenol pm's but that didn't work. Will I ever sleep again?
Oh, dear - you poor girl (?). But take heart - things will get better. I take it you have tried ice-packs? I know my sister had her knees done 18 months and 12 months ago and she had an awful time. But she had a quantity of gel packs she kept in the freezer and they were her salvation.

You should also chat with your doctor and get him to let you try out various analgesics like Diclofenac and codeine phosphate. It's worth experimenting with his help until you find something that actually works. You could also try a TENS machine. Some people find that helps but be very careful you use it according to the manufacturers guidelines as it is possible to overuse it and get a small burn.

(The information provided here is an opinion of the moderator and should not be construed as a medical opinion. The site monitor has 40 plus years experience as an orthopedic nurse.)
I don't know how accessible marijuana is where y'all live, but it's legal in California. I made my own cookies with 0.5 g of kief in each cookie. I ate half a cookie every night for 4-6 months prior to 1st surgery (including in the hospital during both of my hip replacements, with the enthusiastic blessings of my doctor, nurse, and anesthesiologist) about 90 minutes before i wanted to go to sleep. When i felt the effects coming on, i brushed my teeth, fixed my pillow, got positioned, plugged in my Delta Sleep tapes on my iPod (more info available on that, if anyone wants to know), closed my eyes...and absolutely didn't move a muscle for at least 6 hrs. The quality of sleep was profound, restful, and absolutely no hangover. I never once took anything else as a sleep aid.
I continued using them for about 2-3 months after hosp discharge. Best sleep drug I know of!
so far nothing has changed, last nite it was 4am. Its not that im in pain ..i try and get comfortable..i just cant coffee except for coffee in morning..Today i said hell with it and napped. I figured might as well sleep while I can.
As for smoking..I didn't like it when I was younger not gonna do it now, although reason I didnt like it was cause it made me fall asleep, thought whats the having said that..who knows! Never day never
I think Peggymmv said she made cookies - sound a whole lot healthier than smoking! Sadly, the 'leaf' is still illegal in the UK!
In addition to half a marijuana cookie (dose of 0.25 kief/half-cookie) 1-2 hrs before bedtime, i also plugged into a Delta Sleep dvd (Jeffrey Thompson or Thomas, I forget which; just google 'delta sleep dvd' and it'll pop right up). i used the cheap headset that came with my iPod; didn't use some expensive noise cancelling set cuz i wanted to be aware of ambient noises, didn't want to startle out of my socks or painfully jerk awake when nurses came to check on me during the night. When they came in, they touched my arm, and i opened my eyes, smiled politely (I'm not usually terribly polite when awakened in middle of the night), held out my arm for the blood pressure cuff, drifted in lovely limbo till they finished their ritual, then faded right back into sleep. I used it for naps during the day, too, in the noisy hospital.
The delta sleep is apparently the most profound, relaxed of sleep waves, and that's definitely how i felt. It's not exactly 'music' that's on the tape, but sometimes it is. It's a combination of lots of things created within a sound studio, i guess. I just know that i've never, ever slept better and felt so well and so NOT hungover in the morning. I occasionally still use them, like if i waken at 4 am and can't get back to sleep. I just put it on a continuous loop so it doesn't switch to something like the Rolling Stones, which is one of several i listened to during the surgery (also Gregorian chants, Phantom of the Opera, Elvis...I'm eclectic) at the end of the dvd.
Try it! Delta Sleep, i mean...not Rolling Stones...
Tari, It took me about 8 weeks until I was sleeping in my own bed. It did help me if I went to bed with an ice pack. It was not pleasant trying to fine a confortable position. It will get better! Diane
Its comforting to know that what you think isnt normal after surgery seems to be very normal for alot of people. I have moved from the couch which was the most comfortable to the guest bedroom so my husband at least can sleep. He will owe me big time for this. My dog and I go and watch tv till i fall asleep. I do feel its getting better or perhaps Im just getting more used to it. Its not painful just sometimes achey and stiff for which I have been using a heating pad which seems to help. Its 8 weeks for me today and i go back to the doctor in a week and half. I do think things get better, its just not as fast as i thought. I figure siix weeks and I would be a new person. Oh
such an optimist I am. Thank you all for your posts, I do appreciate it.
sleep update! we went away for few days and i slept every nite for the first time in over 8 weeks..I guess it just takes time. My brother is five weeks or so behind me on his surgery, so I tell him..eventually you will sleep. I still sleep with heating pad and pillows but at least i sleep like an almost normal person. Now if i could get rid of the stiffness..i might be good to go and stuff
Hallelujah! I am so pleased for you. You sound so much more optimistic now. Wonderful!
Tari, Glad tp know that you are sleeping better. The stiffness will also gradually disappear. Hang in there!
Well, Let's see. I had mytotal knee replacement surgery just over 6 weeks ago and I haven't had a good night's sleep since before my surgery :(
I was originally on perkesets (sp) but my family doctor refused to renew my prescription stating that they were a narcotic and were extremely addictive.
She gave me Tylenol 3's which do absolutely nothing.
I can't get comfortable. I've tried ice packs, advil ontop of tylenol 3's
pillows, elevation & even tried to trick my body into thinking I was in an upright position, but au contrraire, it didn't work :(
I used to love sleeping, now, I dread the thought of nighttime :(
Try some other painkillers. Diclofenac (you may know it as Arthrotec) is pretty good and you can take it in concert with something like paracetamol or co-codamol. Speak with your doctor and try out a range of things. Sometimes you need to experiment to find the most effective regime. You shouldn't need to take narcotics or morphine derivatives like dihydrocodeine as there is so much else to try out first but it might come to that in the end. You could try different high level analgesics each for a period of time to assuage your doctor's anxieties about getting the 'habit'!
It is update time! Today I went to the doctor. He says im doing bend is good , I am almost straight. I think i needed to hear that, because I have no comparison to know. Even the nurse said wow you are doing good.
I did tell him about my sleep or lack of. Apparently its quite common. So while i sleep so so ..i take solice to know some of u feel my pain as i do urs about sleeping. I am driving , doing more stuff..except when i dont feel like it so my husband goes oh poor u and does it =). So while i have this brand new bed my husband is enjoying..i still sleep in other room because with my body pillow and my leg all over the place, i seem more comfy having more room in the bed. My goal is to try my new bed and finally find my sleep number. I would like to thank you all for ur input..It does help more then you know and I do so appreciate it. Thank you again..will write soon
I had total knee replacement on 6 june 2007, within the first week I was walkking, the second I was doing just fine, the third I was walking .5 mile, now I;m crying a lot and cannot sleep, the swelling seems to come faster and faster after i'm on my feet for even ten minutes, no sleep, often up four hours a night throbing pain, no infection noted and only small clicking when moved sideways, any one going thru the same and does any one have a solution, i'm sixty and in good health other wise. chuckc
Seems to me you progressed rather too much, rather too quickly, Chuck. I would cool it and start a regime of lots of rest with elevated legs, ice packs and pain killers. Pull back on the exercise some but don't stop it altogether!

Little and often is always a good maxim in a lot of medical situations!
Oh boy Chuck, you poor thing. I cant believe your doc or physical therapist didnt say ease up. Even now when i do to much, I pay for it. My body pillow seems to help me get more comfortable at night between my legs and I also use a heating pad. I know some swear by ice, but that only made mine hurt more. Even the fan blowing on it bothered me. I also always take my pain pill one hour or so sometimes less before bed. In time, I am sure slowly will get better, just don't do to much. I wish you luck, plz let us know how you are doing.
Hey - do what works! Whatever it takes. That's my motto!
I know how you must feel, I went through 8 months with out sleeping normal in a bed with my hip replacement.
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