Our story so far...
My pre-op admission urinalysis test came back positive. I was immediately put on some juicy antibiotics. A urine sample was collected in the OR, and it was negative. The ID doc still wanted a CT scan, and I did that on Friday night. That was no fun transferring myself from the stretcher to the CT table, but the Tech was a big strong man, and together we made it.
The scan showed a 2 mm kidney stone, which may be the cause of the original UTI. They were going to cut me loose Sunday morning, but my white blood count was at 18 this morning, and they wanted to be cautious and keep me. My temp keeps fluctuating. It was 100.8 this afternoon but tonight it is 99.4. My very sweet family practice doc held my hand this morning and told me I was fine and not to worry. I am really tired of this uncomfortable bed. And the hospital kitchen is being renovated so the main thing I have been eating is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
My new knee aches a bit. There is quite a bit of swelling and I will be glad to get home and properly ice and elevate. I am taking 4 mg of Dilaudid every four hours. I have asked to switch back to percocet when I go back home, as I have a cherrier outlook on that.
Okay, that is enough whining for now. I am getting caught up on all your threads.