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TKR Slainte's Big Adventure

Just a quick good morning from the other side. Had too many pain meds the first day. Percocet every 4 hrs did not quite do the trick, so they started giving me dilaudid in between the percocet. Talk about a brain fog! Now I am on dilaudid alone. Will be discharged on Sunday, I think. Hope all my bonesmart friends are doing well.
Hope all is going well. You are so brave doing this so soon after the 1st one. know my right needs doing holding off as long as possible. take care and look after yourself and you knee's x
:console2:Yeahhhhh! So glad you are doing well and out of the brain fog! Get those meds straight before going home. I stayed an extra day for that reason. Nothing beats good pain meds at this point! Looking forward to following your amazing recovery!
Congratulations! Soon you will be home and one week post-op. Hoping it is mostly uphill from here. Glad you got the pain under control as well as the brain fog.
Congratulations on your second TKR, @Slainte .
I'm glad to hear things are going well so far.

I know you're an old hand at this and you're going to do well, but I'll remind you of the BoneSmart mantras and the reading list again:
First are the BoneSmart mantras ....
- rest, elevate, ice and take your pain meds by the clock
- if it hurts, don't do it and don't allow anyone - especially a physiotherapist (PT) - to do it to you
- if your leg swells more or gets stiffer in the 24 hours after doing it, don't do it again
- if you won't die if it's not done, don't do it
- never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lie down, never stay awake when you can go to sleep!
- be active as much as you need to be but not more than is necessary, meaning so much that you end up being in pain, exhausted or desperate to sit down or lie down!

Next is a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) thread.

And here are some very crucial articles
The importance of managing pain after a TKR and the pain chart
Myth busting: no pain, no gain
Swollen and stiff knee: what causes it?
Activity progression for TKRs

Healing: how long does it take?
Chart representation of TKR recovery
Energy drain for TKRs
Elevation is the key
Ice to control pain and swelling

Home physio (PT) and activity progress: suggestions
Myth busting: the "window of opportunity" in TKR
Myth busting: on getting addicted to pain meds
Post op blues is a reality - be prepared for it
Sleep deprivation is pretty much inevitable - but what causes it?

And then some wise words from members who have shared their experiences ...
Where are you in recovery?? (TKR)
Five “P’s” of knee recovery
TKR: work “smarter” and not “harder”
Recovering a knee - from one who knows!
It's never too late to get more ROM!
It's worth the wait for ROM
Congratulations on your now matched set! Hope to hear about your rapid and successful recovery.

Sent from my iPad using BoneSmart Forum
@Slainte - you are a BRAVE lady!!! Is there such a thing as "too much" pain meds? :heehee: You got through your second TKR. Congratulations!!!! Now you are on the other side.. and you know what to expect as a seasoned veteran.. We're all here to support your recovery!!! Hope you get home tomorrow and everything goes well from here on out! :fingersx: :friends:
You're one brave and determined lady, Sainte, to have followed your first TKR so soon with a second one. I hope you get discharged tomorrow without incident, and with sufficient pain meds. Check in with us when you're able. We're all rooting for you, Sainte.
Welcome to the other side! Seriously, hope your recovery goes well. Take care and remember to follow the BS mantra.
Hello my Floridian friend. This is my first time on here in over a week. So glad to hear you made it to the other side. Looking forward to reading your updates as the days go by. Wishing you very well and hope all is ok.
Our story so far...
My pre-op admission urinalysis test came back positive. I was immediately put on some juicy antibiotics. A urine sample was collected in the OR, and it was negative. The ID doc still wanted a CT scan, and I did that on Friday night. That was no fun transferring myself from the stretcher to the CT table, but the Tech was a big strong man, and together we made it.

The scan showed a 2 mm kidney stone, which may be the cause of the original UTI. They were going to cut me loose Sunday morning, but my white blood count was at 18 this morning, and they wanted to be cautious and keep me. My temp keeps fluctuating. It was 100.8 this afternoon but tonight it is 99.4. My very sweet family practice doc held my hand this morning and told me I was fine and not to worry. I am really tired of this uncomfortable bed. And the hospital kitchen is being renovated so the main thing I have been eating is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

My new knee aches a bit. There is quite a bit of swelling and I will be glad to get home and properly ice and elevate. I am taking 4 mg of Dilaudid every four hours. I have asked to switch back to percocet when I go back home, as I have a cherrier outlook on that.

Okay, that is enough whining for now. I am getting caught up on all your threads.
@Slainte , I'm very happy that everything went well for you. When I got dilaudid at the hospital (it was injectable btw) I thought I was going to die , I had a very bad reaction to it, they never told me that I could have the pills , may me that would have been easier to take.
I wish you a speedy recovery, take care

My dilaudid is in pill form, Lili. Really small pills.

One fun thing about having a fully functioning 12 week old knee is that when nurse or the PT says "you need to bend that knee!" or "I need to push down on that knee and help you get it straight!" I tell them I did not push my other knee at all and look how well it is doing. They mumble a little bit but at least they back off!
So glad you are doing pretty well, just do everything you told us on our recovery thread, and I am sure you will recover to your satisfaction, again. Good decision and good job!
Hope you're able to get home soon! Are they planning to do anything about the kidney stone, or do they think you've been tortured enough already?
Jo, looking forward to hearing about your discharge from the hospital...there's no place like home. Good wishes and prayers for another speedy recovery. You are an inspiration to all us BoneSmarties.
Hi Jo,
Hope you're having a good day today. Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you, and wishing you comfort.
Julie :SUNsmile:
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