Skin rash

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Apr 4, 2009
United States - NW Arkansas
United States United States
Aaaargh. I've got what appears to be a skin rash on my back. There are enough little pink bumps that it's not pimples or something like that. I know I had at least two of these spots when I was in the hospital because I remember thinking it was a bandage or tape where they put in the block before surgery. On Saturday morning I asked a nurse to see if anything was on there because it was irritating me a little bit. She looked briefly and didn't see anything worth worrying about.

Sunday night my back itched a little but it wasn't bad. My wife checked it last night and it just looked like a couple of pimples. I scratched earlier today and felt more of them so I looked at my back in a mirror the best I could and I can see maybe 20 or so bumps.

Around my incision has itched a few times since I've been home but it's always been after I've been walking around, so I figured the walking has caused additional blood flow or something, making it itch. There was no bumps or nothing red, so I scratched carefully not to touch the incision. Later this afternoon I noticed some pink spots where I scratched. I figured it was just irritated where I scratched it earlier, but it looks kind of scaly, similiar to a skin rash my wife has had before. The incision area is bruised and swollen pretty badly in a spot around the curve, but that seems like it could be normal. The actual incision isn't swollen or red - it's actually a nice skin color - and there has been no puss or leakage.

So, of course I start freaking out. I called the OS's nurse and left a message. The office called back soon and told me to come in tomorrow, so I'm going to get checked out but thought I would run it by you folks on here.

I've done some research this afternoon and it seems that something real similar has happened to a number of people and is often linked to an allergic reaction to meds, oxycodone and other narcs being common.

I've also run a light fever each night that goes away during the day and I've sweated a lot as it's broke, so it could be related.

I was going to put some Benadryl on my back tonight but now I'm not sure.

I'm sure it could also be an infection of some sort but it seems more surface related. I know very little about infections, but I do know that if an infection gets to a prosthetic it is bad, or certainly can be.

I'm worried sick now but hopefully I'm catching whatever it is early enough that it won't be a big problem.

Any words of wisdom appreciated.

Hi Scott, I had a rash on my back too, and it was caused from sleeping on my back! I developed it probably about day 3 or 4, then at day 12 when I was allowed to sleep on my stomach, it went away within a few days. Itched like crazy, too! So it sounds just like what you have.
Hi Scott, I had a rash on my back too, and it was caused from sleeping on my back! I developed it probably about day 3 or 4, then at day 12 when I was allowed to sleep on my stomach, it went away within a few days. Itched like crazy, too! So it sounds just like what you have.

That is good to know! I never sleep on my back and have been since the surgery. Did you treat it with anything?
So sorry Scott!

Like you need to deal with one more thing during your recovery, right? It's not right tho!
The rash itself sound innocuous enough, what concerns me is that it spread after you scratched in a different area. I am always leery of hospitals and all the things you can pick up there. Not saying this is the case but It's good you are going to the doctors tomorrow. Try not to scratch if you can! Good Luck!
Scott, I developed an itchy, bumpy rash just as I left the hospital on post-op day 3. It was on my, ahem, backside where it had been in contact with a thin, clammy "bed protector" panel for the entire 3 days. I used some great medicated lotion recommended by my husband's dermatologist for itchy skin called Gold Bond lotion. It has a very cooling soothing effect and is non-prescription. The rash cleared up in a few days. I assumed it was something akin to diaper rash, not serious, but annoying and uncomfortable. Probably any good skin lotion would work also.
Good luck.
Thanks for the responses. I knew some good stuff would come along!

My wife just got home and checked my back, since obviously I can't see it well. She said it doesn't look bad at all. Just little bumps that look like pimples. Skin is not red.

She checked my incision area and she says the pink areas look like dry skin. It doesn't look at all like what's on my back. It's exactly where I scratched it earlier.

I'm going to take a shower soon, change my dressing and put on clean clothes and not scratch anymore :) Hopefully the doctor will be able to tell by looking if it is anything to worry about.

I'm a natural worrier and don't need this!
I am thinking as a natural worrier, you are in good company and came to the right place. I think we should form a club for the Nervous Nellies, lol. Who wants to be President?
I am thinking as a natural worrier, you are in good company and came to the right place. I think we should form a club for the Nervous Nellies, lol. Who wants to be President?

I vote Peta ;-p

Don't worry until the doctor takes a look -I'm sure it's nothing! :)

Thank you :) I do feel better after reading the responses and my wife taking a look.
Well, not to make light of the matter, but seems to me that sensitive guys just have sensitive skin! So just let that little smile hold you till you see your doc tomorrow! ;-)
I think we're ALL" presidents," Hurting!
Scott, you may also want to try cortizone cream or Any over the counter anti histimine! Good luck! :)
I think we're ALL" presidents," Hurting!
Scott, you may also want to try cortizone cream or Any over the counter anti histimine! Good luck! :)

My wife bought some Benadryl cream this afternoon. Think it would be okay to use that tonight even though I'm seeing the doc tomorrow?
This brings another question to mind that I've thought several times since I've been home. I was prescribed pain killers, anti-inflammatory, and blood thinner. Why would anti-biotic not be part of the take-home package of prescriptions? Seems like any surgery would cause the need for those at home afterward. (I know I had anti-biotic in my IV in the hospital - but nothing at home)
I think so, Scott! It could only help at this point, plus its soothing! Hope you definitely have a comfy night! :)
This brings another question to mind that I've thought several times since I've been home. I was prescribed pain killers, anti-inflammatory, and blood thinner. Why would anti-biotic not be part of the take-home package of prescriptions? Seems like any surgery would cause the need for those at home afterward. (I know I had anti-biotic in my IV in the hospital - but nothing at home)

Most likely because of rampant antibiotic overuse, which has rendered too many ineffective. Had there been any suspicion of infection & hence, need for antibiotics, it's quite likely you would never have been released from the hospital. Infection is a risk--diminishing at that--NOT a given. No point in pumping your body full of stuff you don't need so it won't work in the unlikely event you MIGHT! :)
Hey Scott, if you haven't taken that shower yet, beware! That is when my rash drove me absolutely crazy with itching - when that hot water hit it!! I used hydrocortisone cream for the itch.
Hey Scott, if you haven't taken that shower yet, beware! That is when my rash drove me absolutely crazy with itching - when that hot water hit it!! I used hydrocortisone cream for the itch.

Thanks for the tip. Might just do a sponge bath tonight.
Scott, I'm betting the doctor will say it is nothing serious, but you are very wise to get it checked out. Let us know, okay?
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