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TKR SkiBum's recovery

What a great photo. Stay safe and enjoy.
Happy Four Month Anniversary!
I hope you have a nice weekend. :)
@SkiBum funny you mention Ski Liberty. I have a tee time at Carroll Valley golf course in June. That’s my goal!
@SkiBum Amazing what a little drive and determination can do! Congrats on getting back doing what you love to do. I am very impressed and you have given me inspiration to get back on skis myself.

Continue to listen to your body and gradually work your way towards that goal of a full day on the slopes.

*BTW that picture should be on a poster in a rehab center for inspiration.
@beachy actually I co-own a cabin in Pine Grove Forest Sate Park. I now live in Delaware. But wow small world.
My parents lived in Severna Park so I'm real familiar with Annapolis!
I'm in Havre de Grace now. The other end if the Chesapeake. Small world indeed.
@SkiBum @Tino2You
@SkiBum I was wondering if you are using any type of compression sleeve on your knee while skiing?

My brother showed me a product called the Men's K-1 Summit Knee Brace (a medical brace built into athletic tights) which looks interesting but is very expensive.

Curious if any forum members here have tried it.
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@SkiBum I was wondering if you are using any type of compression sleeve on your knee while skiing?

My brother showed me a product called the Men's K-1 Summit Knee Brace (a medical brace built into athletic tights) which looks interesting but is very expensive.

Curious if any forum members here have tried it.
I know it's been a awhile since I was on here. I do use compression tights for skiing.. my current favorite is bracelayer. They are expensive but can usually be found on sale if your patient. I've been using compression gear since before surgery.
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What I did for my 6 month kneeaversary.... just came back from 6 days of skiing the fresh pow in Utah. Everything ungroomed because they couldn't keep up with the snowfall. Knee deep in places...I even took my first big fall.. I'm quite sore but am skiing better than I ever have.
Well, that's the way to celebrate... that's if you're brave and not afraid of speeding through the snow on skis.
Luckily you're all in one piece after the fall. I hope the soreness eases soon. Wishing you comfort, speedy relief and a good week!
I'm doing a quick update... it's been over 9 months and I still have pain. My knee is crunchy bending and straightening and stairs and ladders still hurt. I am way more functional than before surgery... I'm just surprised to still be hurting at this point. I still have hope of improvement with time. I'm doing everything I want to be doing so no real complaints. The pain is mostly behind the knee cap which is still all mine. Any thoughts out there?
We are about the same stage in recovery but you are younger and fitter than me.
I can now do a lot of stairs with only minimal pain. I find it is still important to make sure my knee doesn't twist inwards or forwards too much on climbing/ descending. Lots of work on the medial quads with my pilates teacher has also really helped. ( straight leg raising/ lowering with the foot turned out).
I also get crunching in the femoro- patellar joint and a little bit of pain in this area. But I just had a partial so this joint compartment is my original one.
Like you I am a lot more functional than pre- surgery. I can walk faster and straighter and do stairs normally which I couldn't before.
Might it be worth seeing a good physio/ PT to look at exactly where your pain is and what triggers it? I have found really targeted exercises do help.
Good luck! I don't do any of the more energetic stuff that you do though- just walking 10-15,000 steps/ day and lots of stairs in our old house and at London tube stations.
I had my 1 year appointment and x ray 2 weeks ago. My knee is still crunchy and a little achy. The OS said there's still some swelling. The concerning thing is my x-ray.... he pointed out some opaque area at the tibial interface. He said that it could be nothing if it remains stable over time. It can also indicate loosening if things get worse. Not a comforting thought.

2 months to ski season....I'm ramping up my strengthening after laying low most of the summer. All systems go hopefully.
Good luck- hope the opaque area on the X-ray turns out to be. nothing serious.
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My new knee hasn't been crunchy though my 12 year old one still is. Both are often achy when I get up in the morning but they work themselves out with movement. Best of luck with this.
I still have crunching in my unoperated patellofemoral compartment and slight aching there.
I will be skiing soon. The OS says this is a wait and see thing. So I'll go on with my life and hope things continue to improve. I'll be back on NSAIDs once the season starts. Hopefully won't need too much. Thanks for the encouragement...
I think your attitude is a healthy one, especially given its a "wait and see".
Hope for the best and keep on keeping on! Stay in touch and let us know when you hit the slopes.

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