THR Shrinkette Has Arrived!

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@shrinkette Looking forward to welcoming back after the op! Not long now. Take care. Chrissie x

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Ellen, you 'll do fine - I'm up there in age too compared to some of these young 'uns - maybe a little less strength, little slower bouncing back (as I've been noticing in many areas since passing age 60) but you'll do fine.

Arm strength helps getting out of bed and chairs but they'll teach you how to do it. The leg will feel a heavy and sluggish at first and I certainly needed help lifting it to get in bed - then figured out I could grab my pant leg about at the knee and help it lift. My bed at home is quite high so I put a small stool by it at first, sat down, scooted over as much as I could with leg out straight and rotated the legs onto the bed. I was surprised when after a few days I could just lift that leg. My doc did not prescribe PT (except what they do in the hospital) and I've gotten along fine at my own pace. Don't push too much!
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Well done! We will all be watching for your updates!
Thats what i like to see. Positive thinking! Great idea getting this post started. You'll be here posting before you know it
Hi, everyone. Nope, still scheduled for Friday. Just didnt want to have to figure out how to start a thread when I'm likely to be dopey. At least I hope to be! Thanks for the advance good wished.
@shrinkette Just wanted to pop on to say you are in my houghts and prayers. I'll be rooting for you all day on Friday. It looks like you are holding on pretty well. I found more calmness once it got really close (except a minor meltdown two days before). The day before surgery my DIL took me shopping for groceries to stock up and all, and then stayed the night with me, so I was pretty busy and didn't have much time to ruminate. Start listenng to that CD if you haven't already. Put it on with headphones just as you are going to sleep. I found i helpful even if I fell asleep while it was playing. Kind of gets into your mind by osmosis or something. Anywa it helped me, so it is worth a shot.

I'm still having that SI problem, it seems a little better today, but I've done almost nothing. I AM doing WAY too much ruminating about it though. I've decided to call OS office tomorrow and see if I can get in to see him this next week coming up. I've gotten very emotional about this and I'm not dealing with it well. I doubt I can get in sooner than the 21st, but it's worth a shot. Please say a little prayer for me that this resolves so I can get on with recovery!

Anyway, you are much in my thoughts and I'm sending good, healing thoughts your way. This time ext week, you'll be DONE!

@Butterfly Milli, I can hear your anxiety in every word you write, & I would feel exactly the same. How frustrating it is to have come this far, started to enjoy the fruits of this medical undertaking, and maybe now feel regressed & sidelined due to these other issues. I am so sorry that you're having to go through this! I'm glad you're gonna try to get to see your OS sooner. Maybe an x-ray or two will provide an explanation or, at least, the reassurance that your implant is still fine. That would give you SOME peace of mind. Hopefully, the SI joint thing can be resolved. I certainly understand the over-ruminating & emotional component... You're scared! Think of what you'd tell ME... At least you're being proactive & working on finding a cause & resolution. Try to relax a bit... Really, try... Oh, I know that's hard. At least it's a little better today, you said. Keep me posted.

Did you happen to read my thread today? Turns out I have a UTI... Dammit!! Waiting to hear what surgeon decides to do. Fingers crossed. Thinking of you, too. XX
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Oh no @shrinkette. Which thread did you mention that in? I certainly know how you feel. Sending hugs and positive thoughts. Please keep us updated.
I got so excited when I saw this thread, Shrinkette! I'm with Major Heidi....I was sure you got moved up. I can't wait till you start reporting in.....and telling us that all your worst fears turned out to be no big deal. :)

@sharonslp ha! Not moved up - - postponed due to a UTI!! Have new tentative date. I'm hoping that what you said about my worst fears is true.

Since I've got you on the phone, so to speak, I'm just realizing how weak my surgery leg must be even though I'm walking on it. Case in point: I tried getting into bed on right side of bed (with my back facing headboard) so as to swing left, surgery leg up first. No can do... Leg (or hip) is apparently too weak. I'm using a leg lifter, but even so... Another Bonesmartie was kind enough to demonstrate how SHE did it, complete with photos! And -- NEWSFLASH -- we may have devised a new & improved technique; it worked perfectly on good side; will test weak side before applying for a patent -- LOL. Stay tuned! Suffice to say it involves belts or ropes. <smirk>
OK, gearing up for showtime ... stay tuned. Trying to maintain yesterday's calmness. Typing this on my phone as opposed to beloved iPad & finding it VERY annoying, which doesn't improve my mood. Thought I'd practice in case I had to do it in hospital. Not great. Ciao for now.
Good luck with your surgery shrinkette my thoughts are with you.
Cheers Heinz
@shrinkette I googled my hospital, and it says they have WIFI in the main lobby. That implies to me
it may not work in the rooms. Boo.....
Seems like they never allow cell in the hospital? How does everyone get their updates in?
Almost there for you now... just another couple days
@MajorHeidi I had it in my room. Suggest you call hosp & ask if wifi in rooms. Otherwise, you'll have to use your own data plan. If you don't have one, you have time to get.
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