When the time is right you will know, you have to keep in mind your situation, finances, family etc. ....but....is there ever a right time? Lets face it ....nobody relishes the thought of this surgery....noone ever has enough money, time to do the surgery, and rehab and lets face it there are other things we'd rather be doing......which leads me to my point.....surely there are things that you would like to be doing other than sitting in pain, and surely you'll still want to be able to do them in a years time.....get outside with your family, walk around the shops, gardening....whatever.....if you can't do it now, then you won't be able to do it in 12 months time either, so what is the point of waiting?
If there was no expense, inconvenience, or pain would you do it?.....then you should go for it....because all of these things can be sorted and then you can get on with your life and do all those things that you dream of doing....