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Shopping as PT???

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Dec 11, 2007
United States United States
Ever go grocery shopping as therapy? Yesterday Jackie asked if I was up for a quick trip to the store. Being kinda bored I went. (It's not that I mind going), she usually doesn't ask me to go cause there is an outside chance we might have a couple more impulse items in the cart if I'm with her.
IT WAS GREAT! The grocery cart works as a walker with some of your weight being transfered to it. Walking is less labored. So with that in mind I have to give Kroger's 2 thumbs up.
Well Gary
I'm glad that worked for you. I was wondering if the cart would get out from under me somehow or I would end up under it!!
The grocery store is one of my least favorite places, so I'll pass for now.
Hate to say it from the hubby...He loved going shopping when I could not because he felt like he was getting what we needed and no more. Oh my gosh, when I went back to shopping with four kids, he about, I always have someone take the groceries out for me and I catch myself holding on to the basket. A very secure feeling... Yes, definetly good therapy, especially the walking with a hidden cane which is actually the cart....
AND here it would be HEB, WalMart or Albertsons... The best workout by far would be WalMart....Patty
Haven't yet Gary,

But I'm thinking of the having the first major outing tomorrow since op... I drove to KFC last night but did drive-through. I'm toying with going to Wally World (Wal-Mart) tomorrow, by myself, since the Wife has to work, but I'm not ready to push a cart around. They have those motorized buggy scooters, (I used them a few times pre-op), and they're a lot of fun! Although, I admit I feel a bit silly using one, being only 38. Usually I only see seniors using them. I'm using the Wife's laptop, (God bless her for leaving it for me, as she uses it for work writing reports), and I may get one for myself. I was thinking of it earlier, and worried someone would steal my walker, (which I'd need to GET to the scooter), so I put some of that Dyno tape on it with my name, #, and where I work. You think someone would be less inclined to steal it if I put "Desoto Co. Sheriff's Dept" on it? LOL
Looking forward to the outing... Not really PT for me yet, but the walk from the parking spot to the store itself and back would be MUCH more of a walk than I've done to date...

Well Gary
I'm glad that worked for you. I was wondering if the cart would get out from under me somehow or I would end up under it!!
The grocery store is one of my least favorite places, so I'll pass for now.

Hate to say it, but that is therapy... especially Wally Mart.....I really get bad when I go in there...a couple of extra this .....a couple of extra
Haven't yet Gary,

But I'm thinking of the having the first major outing tomorrow since op... I drove to KFC last night but did drive-through. I'm toying with going to Wally World (Wal-Mart) tomorrow, by myself, since the Wife has to work, but I'm not ready to push a cart around. They have those motorized buggy scooters, (I used them a few times pre-op), and they're a lot of fun! Although, I admit I feel a bit silly using one, being only 38. Usually I only see seniors using them. I'm using the Wife's laptop, (God bless her for leaving it for me, as she uses it for work writing reports), and I may get one for myself. I was thinking of it earlier, and worried someone would steal my walker, (which I'd need to GET to the scooter), so I put some of that Dyno tape on it with my name, #, and where I work. You think someone would be less inclined to steal it if I put "Desoto Co. Sheriff's Dept" on it? LOL
Looking forward to the outing... Not really PT for me yet, but the walk from the parking spot to the store itself and back would be MUCH more of a walk than I've done to date...


Once again....How soon you forget about your adventure to KFC...Must be the drugs kickin in right think I would take it easy tomorrow...just sayin.......

Yeah, you're right. Maybe it is the meds talking, although, the trip to KFC was not too bad. It was TODAY that was the zinger. Maybe I'll wait until Sunday, but I will definitely have 5mg of Hydrocodone PRIOR to the attempt, and another 5mg in my pocket, just in case. Oh, and don't worry about my driving, Wally World is only about 2 miles from the house, and if I felt that I 'shouldn't' be driving, or was impaired, I wouldn't dare go. I'm law enforcement, and very careful in that aspect, but I think my tolerance is up to a point that it wouldn't effect my skills in the least bit. I just need to stay on at least a small dose of the meds, and I think the trip wouldn't tax me too much. I need to push myself a tad... I'm not going to get better otherwise. I may wait a day though... Thanks for the check : )

Hey Patty,
Oh I can shop, just not the grocery store!!!!

About the motorized cart. A few years ago I had a fracture in my heel. My older son wanted desperately for me to drive one of those. I thought I would just crutch through the store with him. I realized that was way too difficult. I thought they were for old people too.
He worked at a grocery store at the time and told me people on crutches use them all the time.
So I got on. It was really fun for me. Not so for him as I did not crash into or knock anything over. So, he started knocking over displays as I went by pay attention, you're such a bad get the picture.

That's funny Judy,

I think I'll do the same when I go... (Wal-Mart in the cart, bumping into stuff). Just kidding, but I am looking forward to the outing. AND, I will take Patty's advise, and probably wait until Sunday...

That's why I never took mine to the store. When they were little as in 8, 6, 4 and 3, I had to go to the grocery store and kept looking up at those domes to be sure they did not see me pinch em when I had to. And why they have to put those darn displays at the checkout I'll never know....Pure torture on the parent.....
Hey Dalton,

I would agree with Patty and go on Sunday. After my walk around the neighborhood did me in the other day, I took yesterday off. Seems crazy to go so slowly and only add one house per day, but....the major surgery thing again!!!

This was always my problem with running. You are only supposed to add 10% per week when recovering and getting back into it. Not sure I ever obeyed that one .

In a previous thread I had talked about passing on the mischievious gene. My 2 boys definately got it from me!!!
I think shopping is awesome PT! I'm not quite at 2 weeks, so it may be another week or so for me. Pre op, however, I always used a cart to hang onto just because of the pain. Between my knees and my hubby's back, we frequently went through the store with 2 carts! Only problem is, his cart seemed to get filled with all the junk food! I think I'll try the motorized cart for the first time. They always look fun, and I don't give a rat's patooti what anyone thinks. I just want some fresh air!!!!!
Sharon, Have you made it off the second floor since getting home? I know that claustaphobic feeling..... Luckily I haven't had to experience it this time.

Doing okay?
Well Patty,

I didn't take your advice, the "Wife" won out. She said, "I'm taking my laptop to work tonight, and YOU need to get up and out, get some time on that leg, and go buy your OWN laptop!" ("Grumble grumble" was my reply). I thought, "what the hey, I might as well, I'm growing roots in this darn recliner!" Don't 'brow beat' me too bad Patty, I did ok, and have been home for an hour and feel fine. My pain is up just a point, but that's to be expected, and I did take 5mg of hydrocodone before I left, and another 5 when I got home. I found a parking spot right in front by the door, and there was a fully charged scooter just waiting for me, so all worked out well. My neighbor even came out when I got home and carried the laptop inside for me, so I didn't overexert. I'm glad I went, but when I got home, I noticed Jessica DIDN'T even take her laptop! So, my new one is sitting in the box next to me. Hmm... I actually feel a little guilty for buying it. I've got a nice desk model already, and it was kind of an impulse buy. I'm debating on not even opening it, and taking it back. Especially since I haven't worked since 8 weeks BEFORE my surgery. Thank God I paid that extra $35 a paycheck for the AFLAC short term disability! We'll see... Sorry I disobeyed Patty! LOL
1. Open the box.
2. Plug and Play.
3. Remember to kiss and hug wife for terrific advice.
4. Check with Jo to see if you can send bill for new medical device to the insurance company.
Check with JO? Hey, I might be good but I'm not THAT good! I can barely understand UK finances much less the US ones!
[] Shopping as PT???

Sharon, Have you made it off the second floor since getting home? I know that claustaphobic feeling..... Luckily I haven't had to experience it this time.

Doing okay?

Yes! I've been going downstairs each day. It's not bad on the upper level, because I have 3 rooms (my bedroom, a spare bedroom, and a den/computer room). However, I was feeling closed in, so have been wandering downstairs each day. It's quite a chore, however, because then all the meds, toilet seat, ice machine, and everything else has to follow. I've also been walking around with just a cane. I only go up and down once a day, and it sure does take some time, but going down backwards isn't too hard. Also sat on the front porch for a while, but it's just too blazing hot with these gosh darned TED stocking on my legs!
Well Patty,

I didn't take your advice, the "Wife" won out. She said, "I'm taking my laptop to work tonight, and YOU need to get up and out, get some time on that leg, and go buy your OWN laptop!" ("Grumble grumble" was my reply). I thought, "what the hey, I might as well, I'm growing roots in this darn recliner!" Sorry I disobeyed Patty! LOL

That's O.K. Dalton...I just want to know when my new LapTop is coming West ??????
Sharon, I got to nix the TED socks when I had the staples removed. Yea! That was the most exciting part of the recovery! Summer and TED socks DO NOT get along!

Happy to hear about the cane too! Karen
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