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Shaving and Foot Care

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new member
Apr 12, 2008
United States
Hi, I just discovered this forum today and it is great to find others experiencing similar things. I had a right THR 7 and 1/2 weeks ago. I have been doing well. No pain at all but really have to think through movements so I do them correctly because of all the pain prior to surgery but making strides daily. Currently I am wondering how others shave their legs and do foot care. I am still under the precautions but would like to work towards this goal.
Well, hello - welcome to BoneSmart. Do I take it from your name that you like doing tapestry work? It's always fascinated me. I love the Graham Sutherland tapistry behind the alter in Coventry Cathedral - the story behind that is awesome!

As for your question, I would stick with the restrictions for at least 3 months or until your OS gives you leave to start bending and lifting your leg. You need to give the hip, particularly the muscles holding it in place, time to regain their tone and thereby prevent the hip dislocating. So 'fraid your legs will just have to stay hairy for the time being. Regarding the foot care, I would get a chiropodist to do that for you..
Hi, Very good question. I had my friend shave my legs for me, and when I was allowed to drive (after 6 weeks) I went and had a pedicure. Be patient with yourself.
Thank you Ginny and Josephine. reallly good suggestions and also someone posted about NAIR. I will try them all. Josephine you asked about my user name. I chose tapestry because life to me are threads that are constantly being woven into a tapestry and because there is already a Connie that posts.
I have to say that is what has bothered me the most post op. I can shave most of my leg(6weeks out) but my ankle remais hairy. I finally broke down and asked my hubby to cut my toe nails but it is just not the same. I long for the day I can reach my toes. But being patient is much more important that risking a dislocation.
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