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Sharp, catching kind of pain @ 4 mos. (sigh)

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junior member
Sep 14, 2008
United States
Hi everyone,
I'm 17 1/2 weeks post BTKR. In the past couple weeks I've started having an intermittent very sharp, very intense pain in one knee that feels like something gets caught or pulled. Sometimes it goes away immediately and sometimes it stays "caught" for awhile. It seems to happen especially after I've been walking for awhile or maybe when I start riding the bike too fast. I've also been more swollen lately, due to increased activity. The PT suspects its some scar tissue that gets caught or pressed as my knee swells. Has anyone experienced something similar? Any thoughts about what causes it?

More generally, I'm so frustrated! At 4+ months, I'm nowhere near back to my normal activity level, which was pretty high, but isn't that why I did this, so I could live my life w/out pain? So far, one side is much better than it was pre-op but the other side is still much, much worse than it was before.

Sorry for the venting. Any answers/encouragement greatly appreciated!!
I can't speak to your own individual problem--- but I know there isn't much room for swelling in your knee without impacting your pain level. When my new knee (1 year PKR) swells it feels like something is getting pinched inside. After icing, elevating, and resting--- it subsides. I am not sure what the long range answer is for either of us. I saw my OS on Monday and he would not even look at my knee until after I see my rheumatologist. I wish *someone* would tell me what is going on.
Missy, I didn't have a catching feeling, but I did have swelling in my knee even after 6 months. I finally went to the doctor about it and was told what Beach said. Not much room in there and it can occur even after the 1-year mark. He said as long as the pain isn't constant, it is probably related to soft tissue swelling....or in your case the scar tissue explanation seems logical for that catching feeling. My doc said to use Advil or one of my pain pills if it was really bad. I have kind of watched my activity since seeing him. I seem to hurt when I push too hard, so that has toned me down a little. I'm at 9 months now and doing almost everything I want. I just have to watch how hard I go at it. And especially I watch any activity that involves a lot of twisting movement with that leg. In my case, that seems to make things hurt again. Hang in there!!! I do believe that it gets better with time. And I think none of us really realized how MUCH time is involved here. Remember that you didn't get to the point of surgery overnight and recovery should also be granted the right to occur over a period of time. Take care of yourself!!!
Hi everyone,
It seems to happen especially after I've been walking for awhile or maybe when I start riding the bike too fast. I've also been more swollen lately, due to increased activity.

I very much doubt it's 'scar tissue' more likely an inflammation from the excessive exercise. Take it easy for a while and ice, elevate and take your pain meds more regularly.

More generally, I'm so frustrated! At 4+ months, I'm nowhere near back to my normal activity level, which was pretty high

4 months is STILL early days! You could be up to a year getting back to 'normal' on this. Be a patient patient yet awhile.
See....that's why we are so lucky to have Josephine!!! She knows STUFF!!! For real...not just guessing!!!
Thanks everyone. Resting has really helped the pain occur less frequently. I'm taking the patience advice to heart, difficult as it is. Happy Holidays!!
Good to hear that you're doing better, Missy! Hang in there!!! All of us have had times when we took a few steps backward on the road to recovery.
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